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Thread: test e cycle 10wks, only 10lbs???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Phx, Arizona

    test e cycle 10wks, only 10lbs???

    i gained only 10 lbs of weight that is PERMANANT, it goes above, but never below, and only 10lbs more of strength of any exercise (refferring more to bench..which sux) on a 10wk cycle of test e 200mg

    at 200 mg 2x a week

    strong diet...lots carbs n protein

    5x a week training, good sleep, and no drinking.

    what the feezguts?

    got another week till my pct, will i see more gains???

    also, ran arimidex .5mg ED during cycle... ????? s need answering
    Last edited by boxingbean; 11-15-2006 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    400mg of Test E a week is pretty light, especially since you are not stacking it with anything else. If I were to do a test only cycle, I would use at least 750mg/week of Test E for at least 12 weeks. With Test E, you wont see any gains until 3 weeks into the cycle so doing it for 10 weeks is not very long.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Whats your stats?

    If thats you in your avy pic I would have thought you'd gain more because you look light. I bet you weren't eating for size as much as YOU THOUGHT.

    Or maybe you have bad genetics?

    I'm guessing you really don't know what your doing to be honest, when it comes to growing on your own. IMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    probly werent eating enuf bro... how many cals on average were u taking in?

  5. #5
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    Phx, Arizona
    took about 2500 to 3000 cals a day, not counting liquids...just food

    i weighed 150
    pretty light, was lookin to bulk

    figured i was dosing pretty low, but i had about just enuff for 10 wks at 200mg 2x a wk...

    saw gains around 4th week, i mean, really noticed but then plateaud (probly cuz of the weak dosing)

    but come pct time, gains reoccur right?

    i know how to grow on my own, used to be damn skinny but i was boxing so i stayed pretty light, i personal train n go to school for all that, maybe genetics, being small ....wack

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    saw gains around 4th week, i mean, really noticed but then plateaud (probly cuz of the weak dosing)

    You know that the bigger you get the more food you need to grow right?
    Did you increase food intake as the cycle progressed?
    And 400mgs Of test for someone your size is plenty to grow on.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2006
    but come pct time, gains reoccur right?
    No you will not start making gains again during pct....That is your most vulnerable time in a cycle if not done properly you will likely lose alot if not all of your gains.......

  8. #8
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    Phx, Arizona
    yup, went from 2500 to 3000 after about 5th week, ate a grip

    maybe shulda ate more, but at my size, n the way i eat when im trainin for matches, i hit 2000 rarely

  9. #9
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    Phx, Arizona
    well, im happy with the gains, 10lbs solidness, pretty ripped but was hoping on more, maybe cuz i lost sum weight from trainin? slimmed up and worked on the torso fat areas....if any...dropped sum bf%, so i gess i coulda been about 170 or near...

    hopefully pct goes correctly and gains keep,

    should i continue arimidex in pct?

  10. #10
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    i gained only 10 lbs of weight, and strength on a 10wk cycle of test e 200mg

    at 200 mg 2x a week

    strong diet...lots carbs n protein doubt it bro, not to disrespect you, but I would seriously write down everything you eat, what time you eat it and you will be surprised just in fact how much you are not eating

    5x a week training, good sleep, and no drinking.I would also suggest having your routine examined/changed
    what the feezguts?

    got another week till my pct, will i see more gains???

    also, ran arimidex .5mg ED during cycle... ????? s need answering
    start with these suggestions

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    yup, went from 2500 to 3000 after about 5th week, ate a grip

    maybe shulda ate more, but at my size, n the way i eat when im trainin for matches, i hit 2000 rarely
    honestly bro those are maintenance calorie amounts. If you say you rarely hit 2000 I don't understand how you can expect to put on any size at all. gotta eat to grow bro.

  12. #12
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    Sep 2003
    next time write dwn everything u eat and figure out ur actual daily cal intake...
    b4 i started writing it down i thought i was taking in a lot more than i actually was. try getting cytogainer for ur next cycle and take in one or 2 of those a day on top of ur normal diet.
    Last edited by tycin; 11-15-2006 at 05:54 PM.

  13. #13
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    Try using Fitday or similar website next time to track all of your calories, and use it religiously! My first cycle ended about 3 months ago, 400mg Test E/week, I started at 185lbs. and ended the cycle at 9 weeks at a weight of 212lbs.! 27lbs. and I kept all of it, I was eating 5000 calories a day force feeding myself to the point of almost puking lol, but it paid off!

  14. #14
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    i do keep track, i go to

    outlines all ur calorie intake, pros, fats, so on so forth, have my diet planned, but i box i need to keep a considerable weight BUT....i took a few months off for size,

    my workouts are great, sum would say i overdue it, but im guessin it is calories, but i cant afford to gain excess fat from what i do eat.

  15. #15
    10lbs in 10wks is nothing to be upset about if it was actual LBM that you put on.. many people barely get that in a year and you achieved it in 10wks.

    Great job, I'd call it a success, now keep putting on lbs slowly going into 2007.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by samcam
    Try using Fitday or similar website next time to track all of your calories, and use it religiously! My first cycle ended about 3 months ago, 400mg Test E/week, I started at 185lbs. and ended the cycle at 9 weeks at a weight of 212lbs.! 27lbs. and I kept all of it, I was eating 5000 calories a day force feeding myself to the point of almost puking lol, but it paid off!

    no i get to that point too, puked too eat more once haha

    but damn, that is HIGH..i could never imagine eatin that much...but if i counted liquids im sure its higher, but how much did ur bf% raise??

    i dont have a too fast of a metabolism, and i GET bitched at if my BF goes above 9, and i live mostly with my shirt off so i am not tryin to wiggle when i jog, walk, or hit the bag...if you get me...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    10lbs in 10wks is nothing to be upset about if it was actual LBM that you put on.. many people barely get that in a year and you achieved it in 10wks.

    Great job, I'd call it a success, now keep putting on lbs slowly going into 2007.

    well i gained 15, but it changed daily, but was always above the 10lbs that will not lower if you get what im saying

    im used to seeing 150 to 153, after cycle, 160-165 depending on fluids n food, but NEVER dropped below 160, not even after a cardio night workout, no food, and waking up in mornin, always at, and above 160

    my trainer said its acceptable also, and kinda glad i didnt bulk too much in fear of speed delayment...

    BUt thanx, made me feel alot more better comin from a VET.

  18. #18
    Keep the intensity high, make sure to get adequate rest between workouts, and keep the diet on point and you'll continue to grow.

    180 is just around the corner, keep pluggin away.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    no i get to that point too, puked too eat more once haha

    but damn, that is HIGH..i could never imagine eatin that much...but if i counted liquids im sure its higher, but how much did ur bf% raise??

    i dont have a too fast of a metabolism, and i GET bitched at if my BF goes above 9, and i live mostly with my shirt off so i am not tryin to wiggle when i jog, walk, or hit the bag...if you get me...
    My bf raised way more than I would have liked but I guess we pay the price. My next cycle starts in 3 weeks and I think I'm going to keep the kcal around 4000-4500 and see what happens.

  20. #20
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    From one guy to another, not that i have any experience at all with roids.....

    but jesus man, at 150, you should be sprouting muscle NATURALLY......the FACT that you cant do it naturally tells me diet and training are not in check.....i would drop the idea of steroids being the problem

    you seem very concerned with staying ripped. My bet is you dont know what your doing when in comes to eating to grow, because again, if you knew what you were doing, you would be up to 200 naturally without ever touching a hormone

  21. #21
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    Like IB D said... 10lbs overall is good.especially if you dropped fat in the process...fat drop/muscle gain at 2500-3000cals is a good gain.

  22. #22
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    Thats a better net gain then most people get. I usually put on 15+ and keep about 5 of it as true lean muscle (after I get back down to single digit bf) Your strength should be up more than that though...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    From one guy to another, not that i have any experience at all with roids.....

    but jesus man, at 150, you should be sprouting muscle NATURALLY......the FACT that you cant do it naturally tells me diet and training are not in check.....i would drop the idea of steroids being the problem

    you seem very concerned with staying ripped. My bet is you dont know what your doing when in comes to eating to grow, because again, if you knew what you were doing, you would be up to 200 naturally without ever touching a hormone

    im 5'7....pretty short with small at 160...and a lightweigh boxer....being ripped or cut is basically all i can do with all the cardio...

  24. #24
    I'd take 10 lbs of Lean Mass anyday. Defiently would be a success in my book. But if you were looking to put on more, then the amount of calories like most have already pointed out wasn't enough. But then again, you said you were a lightweight boxer, so putting on a good chunk of weight must've not been a goal in the first place unless you wanted to move up.

  25. #25
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    im 5'7....pretty short with small at 160...and a lightweigh boxer....being ripped or cut is basically all i can do with all the cardio...
    Then why are you unhappy with only 10 pounds gained? You knew the outcome of steroid administration? if i am interpreting you correctly, you made this thread wondering why you only gained 10 pounds?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingbean
    im 5'7....pretty short with small at 160...and a lightweigh boxer....being ripped or cut is basically all i can do with all the cardio...

    adding ten pounds with all the cardio is a nice job well done. You added LBM hopefully. Also 3000 cals at 150 are bulking numbers. Your maintence at 150 is probally around 1600-1800.

    any ideas on bf?

  27. #27
    Those are great gains, took me 15 weeks to gain that much naturally and I was hitting about 6k cals a day

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    Then why are you unhappy with only 10 pounds gained? You knew the outcome of steroid administration? if i am interpreting you correctly, you made this thread wondering why you only gained 10 pounds?

    exactly, figured id gain a nice 15-20 KEEP....since the training i do, figured not a normal AAS user works out as much and hard as i do, besided a Bbuilder...

    bf 9ish%

    dropped to 8ish%

    well, after this thread i dont feel unhappy no more, seems for my size 10lbs pretty good, nice to know

    THanx Bros

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    back again:

    pct.....runnin 100mg clomid
    20mg nolv
    .5 L-dex

    how long????? when to taper?

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