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Thread: Tren, good choice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Tren, good choice?

    I was a newb never mind.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 08-17-2007 at 03:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well, if youre going to use tren by itself you will need to establish a good PCT for afterwards, its supposed to shut you down hard. Ive run tren for many years now, just about every cycle I do has it, but ive only run it by itself once or twice. Yes, everyone says you need to run test with it, but the sides I got from using just tren werent unbearable and I cant really even recall feeling much different on it than when I was using it with other AAS. I got great strength gains from it, and a little bit of mass. If youre looking to put on mass, a straight tren cycle wont make you happy. I would still advise you to use it alongside other aas in a stack, more effective that way.

  3. #3
    Sounds like you're looking for a source to me.

    Get your diet in check first before doing another cycle. How much did you gain off your last cycle? At 6'1 185lbs i'd wait and get your diet in check and wait till you get a good source.

    Also, If you run that you still need to watch for progesterone side effects (look it up) and I wouldn't run it alone. And you shouldn't just slowly come off of something since whether you inject 50mg or 1000mg (of sus in your case), your natural test is shut down and won't start producing when you taper down unless it was below your natural levels so it's best to just run it straight to the end and have a good PCT in place.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    So what is a good bulking steroid? I have read that tren is a good bulking steroid. My main concern is mass, I have always been stronger than average its just putting on size is my problem.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by albino-rhino
    Sounds like you're looking for a source to me.

    Get your diet in check first before doing another cycle. How much did you gain off your last cycle? At 6'1 185lbs i'd wait and get your diet in check and wait till you get a good source.

    Also, If you run that you still need to watch for progesterone side effects (look it up) and I wouldn't run it alone. And you shouldn't just slowly come off of something since whether you inject 50mg or 1000mg (of sus in your case), your natural test is shut down and won't start producing when you taper down unless it was below your natural levels so it's best to just run it straight to the end and have a good PCT in place.

    Good luck
    No im not looking for a source or anything like that from here of course. I just put that in there so everyone would understand why I do the things I have done. My diet is clean thats never been the problem. I gained quit a bit of muscle I cant say for sure because I put on alot of water weight and i had been down with a staph infection from surgery for almost 8 months prior to that. But I put on about 25 ibs of weight in ten weeks all of which I have since lost but my body fat dropped about 10% from were I was at, and my strength has stayed about the same

  6. #6
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    So what is a good bulking steroid? I have read that tren is a good bulking steroid. My main concern is mass, I have always been stronger than average its just putting on size is my problem.
    With your limited experience, I would say just run 500 mg/wk test enanthate. Most everyone has good luck with this if done for at least 8 weeks or so. My first run on this I put on quite a bit mass and strength. In my mind you cant beat test for bulking up. I wouldnt stack anything with it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    With your limited experience, I would say just run 500 mg/wk test enanthate. Most everyone has good luck with this if done for at least 8 weeks or so. My first run on this I put on quite a bit mass and strength. In my mind you cant beat test for bulking up. I wouldnt stack anything with it.

    Agreed somewhat but I would run 10 weeks minimum and jump start it with dbol for 4-5 weeks at 40mg / day

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Tren is too harsh for you right now

  9. #9
    I think Tren is a good choice if you run with Dbol or Test Prop on Short Cycles. Plus, if you run a cycle for 4 weeks on/4 weeks off, you wouldn't really have to worry about sides. But I would have some Nolva or Clomid on hand. If you did 4x4 for a year, that means a half year on.

    I would probaly add a little HCG after the second cycle....just incase.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    I think Tren is a good choice if you run with Dbol or Test Prop on Short Cycles. Plus, if you run a cycle for 4 weeks on/4 weeks off, you wouldn't really have to worry about sides. But I would have some Nolva or Clomid on hand. If you did 4x4 for a year, that means a half year on.

    I would probaly add a little HCG after the second cycle....just incase.
    Tren is about the only thing I can get right now. So dbol and test and other things are out of the picture for right now. Is Nolva and Clomid considered a prescription drug only or is a Schedule III like gear?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Tren is about the only thing I can get right now. So dbol and test and other things are out of the picture for right now. Is Nolva and Clomid considered a prescription drug only or is a Schedule III like gear?

    LOL... you are kidding me?? Are you just trying to test my knowledge?? You know the answer to that question! Don't you have a Masters? LOL

  12. #12
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    LOL... you are kidding me?? Are you just trying to test my knowledge?? You know the answer to that question! Don't you have a Masters? LOL

    Theres alot you need to learn about tren, and even steroids in general bro. Click on the blue words, and it will take you to a site where you can purchase those things legally for research purposes.

    The most conservative answer would be that you should really hold off on the cycle until you get everything you need (including those compounds that are appropriate for you). Just becuase you can get tren, doesn't make it the right choice.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr

    Theres alot you need to learn about tren, and even steroids in general bro. Click on the blue words, and it will take you to a site where you can purchase those things legally for research purposes.

    The most conservative answer would be that you should really hold off on the cycle until you get everything you need (including those compounds that are appropriate for you). Just becuase you can get tren, doesn't make it the right choice.

    I totally agree with fLgAtOr. NEVER start a cycle unless you have everything you may need!
    The first thing you need to train is your BRAIN!

  14. #14
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Yes, run it with test.. trust me....

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    LOL... you are kidding me?? Are you just trying to test my knowledge?? You know the answer to that question! Don't you have a Masters? LOL
    It was just a question dont have to make me feel like and idiot. I dont know about the legal issues as it pertains to some of that stuff. I can tell you all the biochem and physiology about how all these things work but Im ignorant of practical application and technics. The educational post dont say much about that sort of thing for the PCT and AI stuff. Plus with meth they have been banning all kinds of things. I cant keep up thats why i ask others who have experience and may know. Dont think Im opposed to reading, theres lots to learn from going from the legal realm to the blackmarket stuff like this. Any and all help is appreciated

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    It was just a question dont have to make me feel like and idiot. I dont know about the legal issues as it pertains to some of that stuff. I can tell you all the biochem and physiology about how all these things work but Im ignorant of practical application and technics. The educational post dont say much about that sort of thing for the PCT and AI stuff. Plus with meth they have been banning all kinds of things. I cant keep up thats why i ask others who have experience and may know. Dont think Im opposed to reading, theres lots to learn from going from the legal realm to the blackmarket stuff like this. Any and all help is appreciated
    Dude....chill. I was just messing with you. No need to get all defensive. I honestly thought you already knew. Peace Bro.

    The Iron Bull

    BTW - I can't make you feel anything.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    Dude....chill. I was just messing with you. No need to get all defensive. I honestly thought you already knew. Peace Bro.

    The Iron Bull

    BTW - I can't make you feel anything.
    No problem, wasnt pissed just trying to explain my ignorance.

  18. #18
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    LOL... you are kidding me?? Are you just trying to test my knowledge?? You know the answer to that question! Don't you have a Masters? LOL
    Stop being an asshole, go somewhere else.

  19. #19
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    IMO I dont think its a good choice, especially since you've only ran sust at 250 mgs.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    IMO I dont think its a good choice, especially since you've only ran sust at 250 mgs.
    Yeah I think your right, im just impatient when it comes to getting things done. I am going use my brain and slow down a bit. It just really gets to you when your laying in bed after 2 surgeries and you look like an aids patient after looking like a greek statue only a year before.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Stop being an asshole, go somewhere else.
    Who's being the asshole???

    Didn't your Momma ever teach you to mind you own buiness, it was a simple misunderstanding between MuscleScience and I. :aaok****t

    Jessh, some people.

    MuscleScience, I apologize. I thought you were just messing with me. So I messed with you back. Sorry

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    dont run Tren if its only your second cycle... run a few other lighter compounds first and see how your body reacts to them.. Trust me....
    I ran test for my first 3, then once I saw how I reacted, I slowly started to add other stronger compounds.. Tren is the strongest one out there, and it is way stronger than you think.. there is a fine line with it. Not to be screwed with.. Dont go jabbin such a powerful compound into your body when it is just starting to experience foreign compounds such as aas..I ran it at a fairly high dose, for my 7th cycle, and had ran it twice before this. And now Im wishing I hadnt bumped it up so high and am suffering the consequences.... be smart.. start things slowly and gradually work up to the others....

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheIronBull
    Who's being the asshole???

    Didn't your Momma ever teach you to mind you own buiness, it was a simple misunderstanding between MuscleScience and I. :aaok****t

    Jessh, some people.

    MuscleScience, I apologize. I thought you were just messing with me. So I messed with you back. Sorry
    No problem brother, we tight

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    dont run Tren if its only your second cycle... run a few other lighter compounds first and see how your body reacts to them.. Trust me....
    I ran test for my first 3, then once I saw how I reacted, I slowly started to add other stronger compounds.. Tren is the strongest one out there, and it is way stronger than you think.. there is a fine line with it. Not to be screwed with.. Dont go jabbin such a powerful compound into your body when it is just starting to experience foreign compounds such as aas..I ran it at a fairly high dose, for my 7th cycle, and had ran it twice before this. And now Im wishing I hadnt bumped it up so high and am suffering the consequences.... be smart.. start things slowly and gradually work up to the others....
    Yeah Im going to stay away from it. I hate waiting on things to happen so I get impatient and try to speed things along. I appriaciate your help on the matter thanks man.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    no probs...its amazing stuff, but only use it once your body is ready for it...
    good luck bro!

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