Hey guys.
I am planning this cycle for january (wanna party for birthday, xmas and new years). I am 5 7", 160pounds (morning), 11 or 12%bf. I have been trainning for about 3 yrs. and a few months. I have done 1 cycle of superdrol and 1 of superdrol and phera-plex a while ago. Deceided to research on steroids and came up with the following decision. -->
I dont want to gain 2 much weight, will be verry happy with 170 - 175 (solid lean look) Speacially because i am not verry tall at all dont wanna look "stocky". Now here's the deal, I already have the winny(20ml) and dont know about test yet. I only have one reliable source here and i know he can get test but dunno which. I prolly wont have many choices on that.BUT would like to know a few things........
1 - What kinda test??
2 - Injection question... From what i have been reading I understand that a 1 1/2 inch needle to gluts and 1" inch for everywhre else right?? But since i dont pack a big frame would i be okay using 1 inch on gluts and 5/8 (i think 5/8's is right) everywhere else? Hopefully these questions arent dumb ones. THank u for ur time.