Okay bros,
Stats: 28, 5' 11'', 187lbs 15%BF (will diet naturally down to 9-10% before i start my cycle - "priming")
I'm preparing for my next cycle (my 7th) right after new-years (my last cycle ended August 31st '06) ..I've gotten all my supplies...but it is my first time on tren acetate and would appreciate your advice. I'm doing a long 20 wk back-to-back cycle (I've done em twice before), 10 wks clean bulking and 10 weeks cutting - my PCT has always been flawless (bloodwork confirms).
Weeks 1-10 Test E. (600mg/wk)
Weeks 11-20 Test prop (600mg/wk)
Weeks 1-5 Anavar 40mg ED
Weeks 1-18 EQ (400mg/wk)
Weeks 11-12 , 15-16, 19-20 T3 100mcg ED
Weeks 13-14, 17-18, 21-25(benadryl after wk 3) clen 100mcg ED
Weeks 11-15 Anavar 40mg ED
Weeks 9-11 hcg 500iu ED (mid cycle therapy)
Weeks 19-21 hcg 500iu ED
Weeks 22-26+ PCT (clomid, nolva, proviron)
Weeks 1-26+ hGH 4iu ED (with 100mcg t4 ED)
Weeks 22-26 Igf-LR3 60mcg ED (alongside PCT)
Taking proviron 50mg ED, nolva 20mg ED throughout
What I need to know is ...I have 8 wk supply of tren a (50mg ED)..where should I put it the first 8wks of bulking OR the first 8wks of cutting OR divided into 2 x 4wk cycles?
Also, shoud I drop the nolva and add aromasin instead..considering tren is progesteronic?