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Thread: Amp help please

  1. #1
    slooby's Avatar
    slooby is offline Associate Member
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    Amp help please

    Alright guys my amps dont have a lil ring around them to help break them and im having trouble popping the top. Any advice that would make the job a lil easier?? This is the first time ive tried amps

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    You can buy an amp opner.....

    I just put a bic pen cap over the neck of the amp and snap it off some people score the neck first...I dont

  3. #3
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You got it. Use a sharpie permanent marker cap - put it over the top of the amp, and slowly apply pressure at a 90 degree angle. works like a charm.

  4. #4
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    bic pen cap. i score the amp first with a sharp knife. i usually take a paper towel and wrap it around the bottom of the amp in case it does break it my hand. it always pops off no problem

  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    this method always worked for me everytime, and it's a hell of a lot faster than having to score the amp and all that...

    get a pair of pliers and some paper towels. put the paper towels around the top of the amp and simply crimp the very top portion of the amp with the pliers. remember, just the top part and i mean the very top unless you want to shatter the amp. the paper towels grap most if not all the glass and this method takes no more than 10 seconds.

    as far as glass getting into the amp, it's innevitable that it will happen from time to time. however, i wouldn't worry about sucking any into the syringe as even if you did, the shard would be so small i couldn't imagine your body having any issues breaking it down. i used sus amps many a time back in the day and never once had a problem using this method.

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