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Thread: Anavar and hairloss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Anavar and hairloss

    I quit Anavar after 7 weeks because I thought I was losing hair REAL fast. I take propecia and minoxidil. Anybody else have this side?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well it certainly is possible since its DHT based however anavar is fairly mild on the hair for most users....i would try tbol next run....
    Last edited by Random; 11-17-2006 at 09:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    How is Tbol on water retention?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You shouldnt get water retention, actually most people lean out using Tbol...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Thats what I have read....the reason I ask is I lift with a guy that done a couple of cycles featuring it, he blew up pretty good in the face...but I dont know his diet although.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hmm...maybe it wasnt tbol?? then again like you said his diet coulda been off...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Bump....anyone else?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    back to the first q. will taking finasteride help with anavar? or is it not dht related???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    oops - duplicate post
    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 11-18-2006 at 08:10 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    finasteride or dutasteride wont help Var hairloss - I've had mild shedding on Var. As for Tbol - i've run it a few times & havent had any noticeable hair issues, but interestingly it did make me hold a little water ( weird cos in theory it shouldn't aromatise at all )

  11. #11
    If you take hi-doses of varover 60mg/day, you will get sides, including hair loss and gyno but at low doses it should be no problem, i one time had some hair shedding like 2nd or 3rd day while on 30mg/day but it stopped by day 4-I assumed that was just a toxity reaction to the chemical and it stopped once my body got used to it, but have never had hair loss issues while using var

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by eliteforce
    If you take hi-doses of varover 60mg/day, you will get sides, including hair loss and gyno but at low doses it should be no problem
    Wow, I just recently ran Var for 7 days at 100mg ed and I did infact have a swollen/puffy left pec/nipple... I think it was the start of mild gyno...... I also developed some acne on my forehead/hairline and a few on my chest and I have no history of acne or any prior outbreaks.... I also noticed that my hair/scalp seemed oilier....... I have since dropped var and began using tbol at 70mg ed...... acne has gone away, hair/scalp is not as oily and I have bumped up my arimidex use to 1/2mg ed... left pec is still a little swollen/puffy.. I will prolly give letro a run for awhile to ensure the gyno goes away completely as it is not bad right now.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z
    Wow, I just recently ran Var for 7 days at 100mg ed and I did infact have a swollen/puffy left pec/nipple... I think it was the start of mild gyno...... I also developed some acne on my forehead/hairline and a few on my chest and I have no history of acne or any prior outbreaks.... I also noticed that my hair/scalp seemed oilier....... I have since dropped var and began using tbol at 70mg ed...... acne has gone away, hair/scalp is not as oily and I have bumped up my arimidex use to 1/2mg ed... left pec is still a little swollen/puffy.. I will prolly give letro a run for awhile to ensure the gyno goes away completely as it is not bad right now.....
    Precisely why, when Test is absent, many run the two together. It's called a Ross Cocktail. Keep the Tbol higher than the Var (60/40; 70/30). This minimizes risks for those susceptible to Var sides, while still providing its benefits.


  14. #14
    the hardness and vascularity that developed from 7 days on var was sick...... Var is no doubt, kick ass..... just the acne and oily scalp freaked me out.... I hope Tbol is just as good....

  15. #15
    never lost hair from var...

    you sure it was var?....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I thought anavar didnt have anything to do with hormones. I thought the stuff increase nitric oxide in the blood. How do you get gyno and stuff from it, is it because, it puts your hormones inbalance or this stuff actualy raises your test levels?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    I ran Var at 100mg/ed for 6 weeks. got vascular as hell...didnt get any hairloss though.. Masteron made me get real thin up top... almost immediately....

  18. #18
    let me clarify.... I didnt get any hairloss from Var, I just stated that within 7 days I started getting acne and oily scalp which freaked me out... thats why I stopped using... I may go back to Var if the Tbol doesnt produce similiar/ better results....

    Var is DHT derived, I think people forget that fact....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I'm about to start Var as a first cycle but if hair loss and gyno are a risk I might reconsider...i thought it was lowest sides. Also big question...when you all talk "hair loss" is it permenant or temporary? Generally speaking and specific to Var would help me.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river

    Horse shit on Hair loss

    There are no gyno risks with Anavar. It does not aromatise. It is a VERY SAFE AAS.

    The biggest potential offender for hairloss is TEST, The very base of all our cycles.
    Get real, and let's get off this Var hair loss shit.

    MPB is a genetic process that CAN be accelerated by AAS. Not caused by AAS. As MANY members have stated. They use Var all the time with NO HAIR LOSS at all.

    It's a GREAT steroid. Fukcing awesome. Use it without fear, bro.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Halfcenturian
    There are no gyno risks with Anavar. It does not aromatise. It is a VERY SAFE AAS.

    The biggest potential offender for hairloss is TEST, The very base of all our cycles.
    Get real, and let's get off this Var hair loss shit.

    MPB is a genetic process that CAN be accelerated by AAS. Not caused by AAS. As MANY members have stated. They use Var all the time with NO HAIR LOSS at all.

    It's a GREAT steroid. Fukcing awesome. Use it without fear, bro.
    Any DHT derivative is potential offender for hairloss

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    hairloss or muscles...
    aww yea..muscles..

    remember... nothings for free...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hey Centurian..thanks... I selected Var becasue its supposed to have the lowest sides...I know anything can happen but I think I made a good first run choice. Deca seems to be a close second for risk/reward but people rag on Deca only cycle a lot on these boards. Also posted a pct question on pct thread. Wonder if taking low dose nolva for two weeks will be good enough after a six week 50mg ed var cycle? Some say pct on var is almost not necessary. Thanks again!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river
    IMHO, your first cycle should be test only. 400mg/wk. Just to see how you react to the Mother of all steroids. If you don't want to poke. Go with var, but include flax oil, fish oil, 1 tsp xtra virgin olive oil. ALL for lipid protection. Var Will fukc up your cholesterol. Run 8 weeks tops. 40-60 mgs/ ED. revisit gains do blood work.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Heard bad things about test and hair loss otherwise im in. I know its the best from the reputation. Any opinion about var pct?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    If your prone to hairloss, your gonna loose your hair, theres no escaping it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    not prone..i think. I have a bit of a receding hairline like a lot of guys in early 30s. I have MOST of my hair like 99%I just dont want to do something thats going to make my hair fall out...Im being overly cautious but its my first run at this. I think a lot of guys are past the point of no return with hair loss so they dont care anymore and act like we are all pussys for wanting our hair. I know Var is going to be the most mild. Test is great for bulking and going bald from my research....Next cycle I'm thinking Equipoise 300-400mg a week. Been reading its a great injectable with lower sides. First thought Deca but EQ is probably better risk/reward, dont really want to pig out on it though...
    BTW I read Captain's great Anavar log....helped me a lot!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    A Van down by the river
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    If your prone to hairloss, your gonna loose your hair, theres no escaping it.
    However gear can exacerbate the situation.
    It's all about yo momma...X chromosomes.
    REALLY. !!!
    If you mom has brothers... you will have their hair genetics.

    You may as well freak about how tall you are, or if you have big ears,
    a little dick. big nose, or high cholesterol.It's genetic. Deal with it. Be a MAN!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    Thats what I have read....the reason I ask is I lift with a guy that done a couple of cycles featuring it, he blew up pretty good in the face...but I dont know his diet although.
    Certain diet variables influence bloating, but moonface which is what you're describing is neither a product of diet nor Tbol. He was taking something else and simply didn't disclose it.


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    I quit Anavar after 7 weeks because I thought I was losing hair REAL fast. I take propecia and minoxidil. Anybody else have this side?
    var is a DHT based AAS and it does, contrary to popular belief, cause hair loss. I have no issues with test, but var was actually scary in this regard. I too cut my cycle short. I went to tbol, but I gort tired of shitting 6 times/day. Mast and prov have been my go-to since.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    var is a DHT based AAS and it does, contrary to popular belief, cause hair loss. I have no issues with test, but var was actually scary in this regard. I too cut my cycle short. I went to tbol, but I gort tired of shitting 6 times/day. Mast and prov have been my go-to since.
    I thought Masteron was wicked on hair.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    var is a DHT based AAS and it does, contrary to popular belief, cause hair loss. I have no issues with test, but var was actually scary in this regard. I too cut my cycle short. I went to tbol, but I gort tired of shitting 6 times/day. Mast and prov have been my go-to since.
    Agreed, thought I would say 7-8/10 people have no hairloss with var, and a few have very bad hairloss - worse than test.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    I thought Masteron was wicked on hair.
    I gave it a whirl, and 3 cycles later, no issues. Var was really rough on me, it is the only one that has been.

  35. #35
    This is an old thread but thought I'd bump it up with some of my experiences.

    I recently went on a 7 week Var cycle and experienced alopecia areata about three weeks after the end of my cycle. It started out as tiny patches in my beard that grew and eventually I developed three patches in my head hair as well. I've read on some other boards that people have seen beard/head hair alopecia areata as a sideffect of VAR use, so I am assuming this may be the cause of my hair loss as well - even though it started after my cycle was finished.

    I am now trying betamethasone (steroid cream) for my beard patches, and received cortisone shots from my dermatologist for my head hair alopecia. The head hair is starting to grow back but the facial hair is taking quite a long time, with no improvement from the betamethasone.

    I am wondering if anyone else has seen similar alopecia areata (not alopecia androgenica - male pattern baldness) from anavar use. I thought my cycle was awesome, but won't be trying it again since the hair loss isn't worth it.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Every male on both sides of my family is bald and all the men on my mothers side of the family were bald by 22 or 23. I am now 26 and my hairline is the same as it was when I was 16. I have done 2 Anavar only cycles and have not experienced this so called side that var can create and I am suppose to have lost my hair naturally by now, according to genetics.

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