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  1. #1 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2006

    blod labs back crazy colest counts on tritren

    my counts are very off, my doc sripted one per day crestor 20 mg,4 per day omacor ***** 3 acid ethyl esters. the omacor should be helpful to my workouts and strength. i have been on tri trenabol for 2 months and feel strong as i was at 19. 37 now i think all will be okay i also get to go to a dietion and a heart scan next week my question is will the crestor be able to level out my colest counts if i continue tri tren ?

  2. #2 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2006

    oh well thanks for your kind reply

    thanks for all the answers been very helpful

  3. #3
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    Feb 2005
    What were your actual levels?? Your post wasn't very well written, so that may have been why you didn't get any answers.

    IMO, I'd stay away from the prescription statin blockers. Maybe use them for a month or two, but eventually they will cause havoc with your body. Muscle and joint soreness, etc. Try Policosanol, fish and flax oil and niacin. You could also try some red yeast rice, but that is basically a natural statin blocker and could cause some of the same problems as crestor/lipitor. I've just seen too many people have problems with statin blockers to recommend use for longer than a month or two.

    Of course watching your diet is always the first line of defense.

  4. #4 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    thanks teegun

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