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Thread: Critique this cycle

  1. #1

    Critique this cycle

    I am planning on starting this cycle soon. Before I get ripped, just let me say that I have used test in college before. I am now married and my wife would kill me if she found needles. Incidentally, I am a third year law student, and more importantly, she is a cop. Needles are not an option right now. So I am going to do this cycle. If I get garbage I'll figure a way to run test again. But for now this is what I've got. I have a friend who has used it with good results. The only question I have is regarding the PCT. With Dbol the shutdown is rather pronounced; not so much with Var. How would I make the Dbol-Var transition at week 5. Should I incorporate some clomid in there?


    Week 1 Dbol 25
    Week 2 Dbol 25, Var 30
    Week 3 Dbol 25, Var 30
    Week 4 Dbol 25, Var 30
    Week 5 Var 60, Creatine 10g
    Week 6 Var 60, Creatine 10g
    Week 7 Var 60, Creatine 10g
    Week 8 PCT (1), Creatine 10g
    Week 9 PCT (2), Creatine 10g
    Week 10 PCT (3), Creatine 10g
    Week 11 PCT (4)
    Week 12 Kidney Cleanse


    1 Nolva 40, Clomid 150
    2 Nolva 30, Clomid 100
    3 Nolva 20
    4 Nolva 20

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    WOW..not sure where to start but.... WELCOME TO AR

    you realize that most of your gains off of dbol only will be water and you will lose most of your gains when done right?? Var is mild and takes a while to see any results from it so 3 weeks of Var isn't gonna do you too much good IMHO !!

    If your wife is against you using steroids, dont' you think she will notice the moon face from the dbol and ask questions???

  3. #3
    moon face?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by dbush440
    moon face?

    Yep, moon face!! WHen your face gets all puffy like the Pillsbury dough boy because of the water retention from the dbol......

  5. #5
    What about the clomid?
    Also, I know retaining these gains is a point of concern. My buddy does it once a year. He also does test once a year, so he gets two cycles total. He claims the var+dbol is almost as good as a test + deca + dbol. He usually gets about 25 or so off the test variation and 15 or so off the oral combination. 15 kept that is.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Yep, moon face!! WHen your face gets all puffy like the Pillsbury dough boy because of the water retention from the dbol......
    She will definately notice it, it goes really fast with dbol! anyway as he says, you will not gain much on this one..

    Go for a steroid you will gain a little slower on, then she might not notice it..

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