I am planning on starting this cycle soon. Before I get ripped, just let me say that I have used test in college before. I am now married and my wife would kill me if she found needles. Incidentally, I am a third year law student, and more importantly, she is a cop. Needles are not an option right now. So I am going to do this cycle. If I get garbage I'll figure a way to run test again. But for now this is what I've got. I have a friend who has used it with good results. The only question I have is regarding the PCT. With Dbol the shutdown is rather pronounced; not so much with Var. How would I make the Dbol-Var transition at week 5. Should I incorporate some clomid in there?
Week 1 Dbol 25
Week 2 Dbol 25, Var 30
Week 3 Dbol 25, Var 30
Week 4 Dbol 25, Var 30
Week 5 Var 60, Creatine 10g
Week 6 Var 60, Creatine 10g
Week 7 Var 60, Creatine 10g
Week 8 PCT (1), Creatine 10g
Week 9 PCT (2), Creatine 10g
Week 10 PCT (3), Creatine 10g
Week 11 PCT (4)
Week 12 Kidney Cleanse
1 Nolva 40, Clomid 150
2 Nolva 30, Clomid 100
3 Nolva 20
4 Nolva 20