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Thread: Still lookin for advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Still lookin for advice.

    I've posted my proposed cycle in the past here, and here is how its shapeing up.

    Weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    Weeks 1-14 test cyp 600mg ew
    Weeks 1-13 eq 500mg ew
    Weeks 1-20 aromasin at 25mg ed
    Weeks 1-20 hcg at 250 iu's every 4th day

    My first question has to do with length of cycle. Is this too long to run the test and eq, should it only be a 12 weeker, stopping the eq after the 11th week, or is it said to work better in the 14 week range like I have above.

    Second as far as pct, lets say in weeks 16-20 should I up the hcg? Also would adex be good to add to pct? I've been told that the adex and the hcg work well togather.

    And thirdly, I was planning on easing into the dbol starting at 30mg ed for 2 weeks and then trying 40mg ed. I know this isn't optimal but will I be screwing myself here or will their still be decent gains with the dbol.

    BTW I also have letro on hand incase major estro issues arise, ie gyno and excessive water....but choose to use the aromasin because it dosn't kill the sex drive and my overall mood. And that being said I'll also be supplimenting with some hawthorne berry extract, milk thistle, and B-6, fish oils....etc just to be on the safe side.

    Lastly stats: 6' , 29, 210, second cycle, not including 2 runs at SD....if ya wanna count that?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bump, por favor

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