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Thread: Fina/Winny/Clen/T3/ECA cycle, It kicks a$$

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Fina/Winny/Clen/T3/ECA cycle, It kicks a$$

    I started out using Fin for 4 weeks, I put on 10lbs with it alone pretty fast.

    I just added the Winny, CLen, T3 and ECA in last week and I am simply amazed at how good its working.

    The fina has gotten me strong enough, that I'm worried about my joints, I really put myself though some shoulder pain doing delts a few weeks ago.

    My bench is going up 3 reps about every work out, and ever 2 work outs I'll have to go up 20 lbs. Dumbell curls are going up steady 5lbs a week, its crazy.

    Then adding in the rest, Its really hardend me up nice. Fat is simply disapearing and I am not even putting the effort I should be into my diet.

    If your looking to get stong, gain some solid size and get nice and lean (and I don't know who does not) I'd highly suggest this cycle.

  2. #2
    good to hear bro, what are ur exact dosages?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    All used daily.

    Clen-200mgs (250mgs soon)
    T3- 75 mgs, going up 25mgs ever 3 days untill 125mgs
    ECA-3 times a day, 25mgs ephedrin, 200mgs caffine, 325mgs asprin

    Everything going really good, only problem is the occasional fina cough that annoys me to hell :/

  4. #4
    that looks good bro good luck on cycle

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