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Thread: Important question on "MyoGenX"?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Important question on "MyoGenX"?

    Were told "MyoGenX" acts by primarily increasing LH, thus increasing testosterone. So does that mean Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone is suppressed by the hypothalamus, as it is no longer needed to stimulate the Pituitary to secrete LH to baseline or previous levels?

    So could "MyoGenX", infact be increasing LH/T, but suppressing/shutting down GnRH?

    If this is the case? There would be a negative effect after the cessation of "MyoGenX"...And, baseline or previous levels of LH/T would be decreased...

    Anyone know about it?

  2. #2
    Dunno, I'm sure anthony will respond.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Dunno, I'm sure anthony will respond.
    Lets hope so. As I've got my thinking cap on.

    Anyone else..?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I think you know the answer but you wanted to use all those big words

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I think you know the answer but you wanted to use all those big words

    I think I'm right. But I need somone to confirm it. Or disagree with an explanation.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i would like to here anthony's view on this also

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto

    I think I'm right. But I need somone to confirm it. Or disagree with an explanation.

    Please give me your answer?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Please give me your answer?
    I think GnRH will be suppressed to a degree by the Hypothalamus, as its isnt needed to produce the previous level(s) of LH that it was prodcuing prior to "MyoGenX" administration. If this is the case, will this mean lower levels of GnRH after the cessation of "MyoGenX"? Thus, lower levels of LH and Testostrone after its use?

    Whether GnRH is effected by the compound, I dont know?

    Or whether GnRH bouces back fast enough to combat any decrease in LH/T, I dont know?

    What I'm getting at, is there a decrease in GnRH/LH or T after "MyoGenX" administration?

    An increase in something, usually means a decrease IMHO.

  9. #9
    Interesting questions.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    I know Mr. Roberts is online!

  11. #11
    Because the study did not examine GnRH, there is no reason to assume that it is lowered by use of MyoGenX. I believe, after talking to the scientist who did the study, that increased conversion of Cholesterol into testosterone is responsible the increase in LH, and thereby doesn't have any effect on lowering GnRH. It's more likely that, it anything, it increases it.

    Since it causes a natural increase, through stimulation of what is already there, it's unlikely that there is any lowering of testosterone levels after cessation of the product.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Because the study did not examine GnRH, there is no reason to assume that it is lowered by use of MyoGenX. I believe, after talking to the scientist who did the study, that increased conversion of Cholesterol into testosterone is responsible the increase in LH, and thereby doesn't have any effect on lowering GnRH. It's more likely that, it anything, it increases it.

    Since it causes a natural increase, through stimulation of what is already there, it's unlikely that there is any lowering of testosterone levels after cessation of the product.
    Or increased then.

    Would it be possible to test levels of GnRH through BW and get this question answered 100% then?

    With any increase in LH I think its very important to know what happens to GnRH, I'm sure you'll agree.

    So you dont believe there is any decrease in GnRH/LH/T after the cessation of MyoGenX at all?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Or increased then.

    Would it be possible to test levels of GnRH through BW and get this question answered 100% then?

    With any increase in LH I think its very important to know what happens to GnRH, I'm sure you'll agree.
    I believe you are working off several false assumptions. One of which (it would appear) is that LH is somehow directly involved in the negative feedback loop. Another unwarranted assumption is that raised LH will cause a defacto decrease in GnRH. Elevated LH levels do not cause a decrease in GnRH, per se. An increase in testosterone (and it's presence alone) will cause a hormonal cascade which can decrease the pulsatile frequency of GnRH and consequently LH and ultimately testosterone. But in this case, as we're elevating LH levels, and they remain elevated for as long as you're taking MyoGenX, there's no worry with triggering the negative feedback loop or inhibiting normal hormonal function upon cessation in the way you're talking about.
    Last edited by Property of; 11-20-2006 at 05:07 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    To Anthony roberts-

    I`m very excited about your new fat-burner product.Do you have any details on it?

    I was very optimistic you will produce a Quality product.You have been known to produce your own homebrew Topical Fat Burner with nicotine with effective results on athletes.I hope it`s more hardcore than `Hot-rox` type of thing.
    Last edited by goose; 11-20-2006 at 05:18 PM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    To Anthony roberts-

    I`m very excited about your new fat-burner product.Do you have any details on it?

    I was very optimistic you will produce a Quality product.You have been known to produce your own homebrew Topical Fat Burner with nicotine with effective results on athletes.I hope it`s more harcore than `Hot-rox` type of thing.
    Well...the fat-burner I'm working on has an ingredient which has never been put in a sports supplement before, as well as a couple which have.

    I'm currently working on the fat-burner, as well as an anti-estrogen...other than saying that they will both contain totally unique inredients (not found in any other supps), just like my MyoGenX, I can't really tell you too much for now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Well...the fat-burner I'm working on has an ingredient which has never been put in a sports supplement before, as well as a couple which have.

    I'm currently working on the fat-burner, as well as an anti-estrogen...other than saying that they will both contain totally unique inredients (not found in any other supps), just like my MyoGenX, I can't really tell you too much for now.

    Thats what I wanted to hear.I like your style, Bringing fresh products to the market.

  17. #17
    Bringing what ?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Bringing what ?
    Fresh Products. I.E. Products which have never been released on the market before.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    When can we expect your fat-burner anthony?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I believe you are working off several false assumptions. One of which (it would appear) is that LH is somehow directly involved in the negative feedback loop. Another unwarranted assumption is that raised LH will cause a defacto decrease in GnRH. Elevated LH levels do not cause a decrease in GnRH, per se. An increase in testosterone (and it's presence alone) will cause a hormonal cascade which can decrease the pulsatile frequency of GnRH and consequently LH and ultimately testosterone. But in this case, as we're elevating LH levels, and they remain elevated for as long as you're taking MyoGenX, there's no worry with triggering the negative feedback loop or inhibiting normal hormonal function upon cessation in the way you're talking about.
    Ok. Thanks for your time Anthony. As always.

    I may try your new product and incorperate it into my PCT. Lots of user's already reporting positive results in labido.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I believe you are working off several false assumptions. One of which (it would appear) is that LH is somehow directly involved in the negative feedback loop. Another unwarranted assumption is that raised LH will cause a defacto decrease in GnRH. Elevated LH levels do not cause a decrease in GnRH, per se. An increase in testosterone (and it's presence alone) will cause a hormonal cascade which can decrease the pulsatile frequency of GnRH and consequently LH and ultimately testosterone. But in this case, as we're elevating LH levels, and they remain elevated for as long as you're taking MyoGenX, there's no worry with triggering the negative feedback loop or inhibiting normal hormonal function upon cessation in the way you're talking about.
    So no decrease in GnRH/LH or T after the cessation of the product, at all? GnRH/LH/T should return to baseline apon cessation?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Ok. Thanks for your time Anthony. As always.

    I may try your new product and incorperate it into my PCT. Lots of user's already reporting positive results in labido.
    One dude said it made his nuts bigger (I forget which log had that info)...that's worth the price alone....

    Here's a pretty good review that the Admin of EF posted about MyoGenX:

    I'm too busy humping to post up a review. LOL
    My sex drive has increased even more since the last time I posted about the product. I'm starting to notice SOME effect on the mechanics. It is now taking me a good bit more effort(and time) to "finish" than a week ago. It seems to have also put a little more lead in my pencil. I'll do a full report tomorrow when I get a few minutes.
    It's pretty much established that something is working with this supplement, and most evidence is pointing towards it increasing testosterone. There's not too many supps that claim to do what MyoGenX does, and gets so much positive feedback within the first week...

    Now, we just need AllSportsNutrition to start carrying it, and offering a discount to members...

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Fresh Products. I.E. Products which have never been released on the market before.

    It didnt say that yesterday, ti said ************** but I gotcha.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    One dude said it made his nuts bigger (I forget which log had that info)...that's worth the price alone....

    Here's a pretty good review that the Admin of EF posted about MyoGenX:

    It's pretty much established that something is working with this supplement, and most evidence is pointing towards it increasing testosterone. There's not too many supps that claim to do what MyoGenX does, and gets so much positive feedback within the first week...

    Now, we just need AllSportsNutrition to start carrying it, and offering a discount to members...
    Dam right!

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