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Thread: interesting newbie questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    interesting newbie questions

    i have a question regarding the dose of the cycle for the newbie. lets consider cycle of test e for 10wks. is the dose the same for 180lb person and for 250lb person. can both of them go with 400mg/week for example or the bigger guy needs more. and if the bigger guys needs more, please explain in details why.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    No you can run the same dose. For your first cycle 500mg works nice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    bump for more answers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Alberta, Canada
    I've had excellent gains on my first Test E cycle at 500mg/week. How effective your cycle would be will also greatly depend on your diet, rest, training and BF%. Being off on 1 of those components will not let you reach the maximum potential of the compound being used. I personally don't think you can go on weight alone as a guideline to dosing, you can be 5'8", 180lbs of solid muscle or 5'8", 250lbs of chins and tires.

    To get good advice, just read Gsxxr's sig where it says "* In order for us to provide you with accurate info. We must have stats and experience history. Please fill out your profile.*" and provide some stats. A lot of the bros on the forum have years of advice, experience and I've found they aren't shy to share it with anyone who just ask and provide some stats.

    Also you can read the Test E profile. Lots of answers to "interesting" questions can be found in the steroid profile section of the forum or by using the search feature. The best advice I can give you as a "newbie" myself is to read as much as you can first, ask questions later and don't take this as a flame.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy0677
    I've had excellent gains on my first Test E cycle at 500mg/week. How effective your cycle would be will also greatly depend on your diet, rest, training and BF%. Being off on 1 of those components will not let you reach the maximum potential of the compound being used. I personally don't think you can go on weight alone as a guideline to dosing, you can be 5'8", 180lbs of solid muscle or 5'8", 250lbs of chins and tires.

    To get good advice, just read Gsxxr's sig where it says "* In order for us to provide you with accurate info. We must have stats and experience history. Please fill out your profile.*" and provide some stats. A lot of the bros on the forum have years of advice, experience and I've found they aren't shy to share it with anyone who just ask and provide some stats.

    Also you can read the Test E profile. Lots of answers to "interesting" questions can be found in the steroid profile section of the forum or by using the search feature. The best advice I can give you as a "newbie" myself is to read as much as you can first, ask questions later and don't take this as a flame.

    i read everything on the topic. don't get me wrong, i am not one of this guys who say they did research and did nothing actually. i could not find answer to this question. in some of the topics there were opinions like this 'you are big you will need more gear'. but why is that so? i could not find a single thread where i could find info on this issue. if you want stats consider this
    6'2 250lb bf 15% 8years lifting

    so the question is simple:
    do i need more gear when i am bigger?
    Last edited by std4; 11-20-2006 at 03:51 AM.

  7. #7
    id take the suggestion of 500 and then see if you are making the gains you want and if not you can take another look at the dose....remember not everyone reacts the same to gear. eg one 250lbs guy could gain off of 400mg and it might take 600 for another 250lbs guy to make the same gains

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    My gains were the same whether I used 400mg or 800 mg of test....180 lbs or 240 lbs. I stay at 400-500. I think people forget about training, as you put on more muscle you need to increase intensity to break the fibers down to keep gaining...gains will flatten out if you dont mix it up and stay motivated.

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