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Thread: Can I add Avavar to my current cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Can I add Avavar to my current cycle?

    Im currently in the second week of my cycle. Im doing 500/mg Sust per week and 400/mg EQ. I was planning to use Winny from weeks 8 -14 at 50/mg ed. I have 300 tabs Ttokyo Anavar, Would there be any benefit to maybe taking the var for the first 4 weeks of the cycle. Wont that help my strength gains.......Im starting Winny in week 8 so would that be to harsh on my liver. I haye waiting for the Sus and Eq to kick in so I figured maybe the Anavar wil give me a boost in the first couple of weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You can throw it in at 50 mg a day for 30 days. It should help with some strength gains. I have had good experiences with TT gear but I know the var has gotten some bad press and I have never tried it personally. You are going to want to throw some Tyler liver detox in for safety.

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