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Thread: keeping gains update..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    keeping gains update..

    Its now been like 4 weeks from my last shot of test C & Deca, so far things going good... I stepped down on cardio, increased reps (like some advised) but still kept the intensity high... So far so good.. But here comes the negative part: Ive also kept up the calories (which probably really helped me to keep gains) BUT I have started to put on weight markedly in the stomach area. Kinda sux, dont wanna stop eating this much cause then gonna start losing gains most likely BUT dont like gaining more BF.. My weight has actually gone up in PCT (and its definelty not muscle) weight now: 270 lbs...

    so bros this was basically an update on how things are going but more tups are welcome.. cause this time I really would like to have some of the gains left after like half a year... in the past have always slowly but surely dropped to where I was when I was natty..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I guess thats good and bad news in one eh! Well if you say your gaining weight in the belly area, try to change the diet a little and maybe reducing the cals just a little. And you said you stepped down on cardio, how much are you doing and when are you doing it?

  3. #3
    why don't you try some clen...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    you stopped the Cyp and the Deca at the same time??

    Deca stays in your system longer and it has been suggested to run Test two weeks longer than the deca.
    What is your PCT????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i stopped deca like almost a week earlier... PCT = HCG until all androgens out of system and then nolva for 4 weeks... + vitamin E + maybe tribulus and tongkat..

    i know its suggested like that but IMO it dont really matter that much.. the important thing is that when u start PCT all androgens out of system.. same as some do prop to the end.. the theory works but didnt notice a difference in practice..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    clen would be great here... love clen in PCT.. just a lil sceptical towards it cause of some recent questions risen towards it... the diet thing is just it.. im afraid to drop down on cals cause previously it has always costed me.. but im already fat enough... gonna drop fat months after PCT

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