Its now been like 4 weeks from my last shot of test C & Deca, so far things going good... I stepped down on cardio, increased reps (like some advised) but still kept the intensity high... So far so good.. But here comes the negative part: Ive also kept up the calories (which probably really helped me to keep gains) BUT I have started to put on weight markedly in the stomach area. Kinda sux, dont wanna stop eating this much cause then gonna start losing gains most likely BUT dont like gaining more BF.. My weight has actually gone up in PCT (and its definelty not muscle) weight now: 270 lbs...
so bros this was basically an update on how things are going but more tups are welcome.. cause this time I really would like to have some of the gains left after like half a year... in the past have always slowly but surely dropped to where I was when I was natty..