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Thread: Feedback on cycle please?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Smile Feedback on cycle please?!

    Hi guys!

    Would like some feedback about my planned cycle.

    I've done one sustanon cycle before, a couple of months ago...which actually ended 4 weeks ago. (10 week cycle). I wasn't really happy about the result....gained a bit muscle and strength....but I lost all after cycle ended...

    Now I have ordered a new cycle....containing the following:

    20ml SUSTANON250
    20 ml DECA200
    30 NOLVA 20MG

    I trust my supplier who has told me to take 1ml sus+ 1ml deca mixed in a inject 2 times per week and continue this for 10 weeks.
    After that start with the Nolva 1 each day....along with 1 winstrol per day.

    Is this a good cycle and would this actually keep my gains better?!

    Is there any risks of risking the ability to "knock off" my wife?!...with this cycle?!
    Planning children in the near future....

    Can I start this cycle right away or should I wait a while since my last cycle ended only 4-5 weeks ago?!

    And last.....I haven't injected other places than the thigh which I find easy and I don't have problem with it.........even though should I inject on other areas?!

    Thanks for any feedback and advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    you need to read dont even know the basics...

    time on = time off << the 1st suggestion

    are you suggesting Winny for PCT ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    First thing, WELCOME TO AR, you came to the right place.

    second, what are your complete stats so we can help you?? Answer ALL the green questions below and we can help better.

    Third, your supplier wants your money....he hasn't given you the best cycle information at all!! So after we get your stats we will clear it up for you if you are willing to take the constructive critisizm.

    Fourth. If you didn't get good results off the Sust in the first cycle, WHY would you want to use it again?

    Fifth, Time on PLUS PCT time= time off. you need to give your body a chance to recover after using AAS

    sixth, did this supplier that you trust so much tell you about PCT and how to recover from a cycle so you start producing your own Test again ????

    This is just a start, answer the questons and we will continue the lesson!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    ¨not Winny as Post-cycle......Nolva.....

    ...feel free to enlighten me If I'm misstaken......

    And to your first mean I should wait atleast 10 weeks before I start again then....?!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BuckN
    ...feel free to enlighten me If I'm misstaken......

    And to your first mean I should wait atleast 10 weeks before I start again then....?!

    Yes or get blood work done

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by BuckN
    ...feel free to enlighten me If I'm misstaken......

    And to your first mean I should wait atleast 10 weeks before I start again then....?!

    Just start with my first post and we will go from there. you shoudl be waiting longer than 10 weeks and Winny is NOT a PCT sompound

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    13 are the answers to the green answers....:)

    HEIGHT-1,83m (about 6 foot 1)
    WEIGHT 90kg,
    BF% 19%,
    DIET-not sure what you mean but....I have an protein intake of about 2-3grams per bodykilo weight
    TRAINING- 4-5 days a week....2 musclegroups per day maximum 60 mins,
    PREVIOUS CYCLES- 10 weeks sustanon which ended 4-5 weeks ago,
    GOALS- gain a net muscle weight of 5-6 lbs......
    PCT KNOWLEDGE- not to much...more than that I'm aware in order to get my natural test-levels up and kicking again I need Post cycle Clomid or Nolva......

    Reason for not taking it last time is that It got stuck in customs......(my supplier is abroad).

    thanks guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    dont take anything until you have or can QUICKLY get things like Clomid & Nolva..and when he says diet....put down what you eat each day and when....need to know how many calories..protien, fat etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by theboss
    dont take anything until you have or can QUICKLY get things like Clomid & Nolva..and when he says diet....put down what you eat each day and when....need to know how many calories..protien, fat etc.

    until your lower bf, fix your diet approach and research plenty bro
    Post your current diet i.e what u ate today or yesterday


    meal 2

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    No AAs will give you the results you are looking for IF your food intake is NOT correct for the type of cycle you are doing ( cutting/bulking)

    If you are not eating 6-8 complete meals a day, one every 2.5-3 hours, than you have NO diet!!

    19% BF is a bit high to be starting an AAS cycle, it will cause you to have more sides and possible Estrogen related problems like GYNO.

    PCT is the MOST important part of any AAS cycle so I suggest that you get to the PCT forum and study, study, study!!

    You want to have EVERYTHING for your cycle ESPECIALLY your PCT before you ever start. Poor planning leads to poor results and health issues.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    hmm....well I'll give it a go on the diet then....

    a typical daily intake is- 1st meal 1/2 liter yoghurt ow fat 20g of prot 400 cal, 2nd meal (4 hours later) chicken salad 35 gram prot 450 cal, 3rd meal-3 slices of dark bread with low fat cheese and glass of milk 60 min before training-20 gram prot 450 cal, 4th meal protein shake after workout 40gram protein 400 cal, 5th meal 2 hours after workout-chicken and pasta 35 gram prot 550 cal, 6th meal and last 2 eggs and glass of milk 30 grams of prot 350 cal.

    Total of about 170 grams of prot and approx 2700 cals.......

    This is an be completely honest I do not keep exact track of my diet......maybe I should but......


  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    - 1st meal 1/2 liter yoghurt ow fat

    20g of prot 400 cal,

    2nd meal chicken salad

    35 gram prot 450 cal,

    3rd meal-3 slices of dark bread with low fat cheese and glass of milk

    -20 gram prot 450 cal,

    4th meal protein shake after workout 40gram protein 400 cal,

    5th chicken and pasta

    35 gram prot 550 cal,
    6th meal and last

    2 eggs and glass of milk 30 grams of prot 350 cal.

    Total of about 170 grams of prot and approx 2700 cals.......
    I think u forgot to counts carbs

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by BuckN
    a typical daily intake is- 1st meal 1/2 liter yoghurt ow fat 20g of prot 400 cal, 2nd meal (4 hours later) chicken salad 35 gram prot 450 cal, 3rd meal-3 slices of dark bread with low fat cheese and glass of milk 60 min before training-20 gram prot 450 cal, 4th meal protein shake after workout 40gram protein 400 cal, 5th meal 2 hours after workout-chicken and pasta 35 gram prot 550 cal, 6th meal and last 2 eggs and glass of milk 30 grams of prot 350 cal.

    Total of about 170 grams of prot and approx 2700 cals.......

    This is an be completely honest I do not keep exact track of my diet......maybe I should but......

    OK, well here is the problem. it is your diet. you have a good start, but it really isn't the best diet to grow off of. Go to the diet forum as well and learn how to do a proper bulk or cut diet. you need to eat more consistantly. every 2.5 hours, NOT 4 hours or 2 hours after workout. Post workout nutrition is one of the most important meals for growth. you never want to wait more than 10-15 minutes after to supply your body with its much needed protein and carbs !

    I could go on for hours, but as you can see there is too much for me to type here.
    If you want to do AAS right, then there is only ONE way to do it!!
    We are here to help you do it correctly, so do some research BEFORE you consider another cycle.
    I would use a single ester Test also instead of Sust!! JMHO

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ouch..that sucks

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    well I don't wait 2 hours with protein after workout.....only 10 min...

    ...then next meal 2 hours.........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by BuckN
    ...then next meal 2 hours.........

    Still incorrect though....... You need post workout CARBS, PROTEIN, and a little FAT !!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    To specify....after workout I eat protein shake and banana......

    what else should I eat?!

    It's equivalent to 40-45 grams of protein and 60 grams of carbs.......isn't that good enough for post workout?!

    After another 2 hours I eat 35 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs......always low fat.....

    I might have gave you guys the wrong impression here......and the fatprocent is probably more around 15-16%.....
    I have actually talked to a dietist and according to him I don't eat to much cal........and that I actually could eat a bit more considering my frequency of workout and my low fat diet.......

    He calculated my daily "use" of calories to 3500 cal......during workout days.....and my intake was in avarage 3000....

    I probably don't know half or even a fraction of what you guys know......but are you telling me that if I don't eat every 2 hours, 45 grams of protein, 45 grams of carbs, no fat......I won't gain a gram of muscle even on cycle??!

    Offcourse, I'm aware of the fact that if I eat 4 grams of protein per kilo...Iæm very likely to gain more muscle.....but my career, which often involves traveling a lot....interfers with constant eating.........

    Don't get me wrong here guys....I'm truly grateful for advise........
    Are you telling me if I don't get 2 hours diet......cycle will not help me?!?

    I have no problem eating every 3 hours.....but every 2 hours can't be done........then I guess I have to reconsider....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    every 3 hours is fine, just be consistant. The amount of total nutrient breakdown per day will depend on too many factors for us to give you exact numbers.
    NO every meal should not be identical, not 45P, 45C, no fat. You need GOOD fat in your diet too!1 you need to plan your meals acording to the activity level you will be at after each meal for that 3 hour time period.

    IE: less carbs at night when activity level is low, more before and after workout.

    That is why it is suggested you get over to our diet forum where a lot of your questions are already answered. There is TOO much to cover when it comes to diet and eating right to gain, but it has all been asked and answered so just take some time and you will see.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    ok...thanks for your patience mate!;)

    no topic

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Grab a book by Chris Aceto "everything you want to know about fat loss"

    It will help you

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