Hi guys!
Would like some feedback about my planned cycle.
I've done one sustanon cycle before, a couple of months ago...which actually ended 4 weeks ago. (10 week cycle). I wasn't really happy about the result....gained a bit muscle and strength....but I lost all after cycle ended...
Now I have ordered a new cycle....containing the following:
20ml SUSTANON250
20 ml DECA200
I trust my supplier who has told me to take 1ml sus+ 1ml deca mixed in a inject 2 times per week and continue this for 10 weeks.
After that start with the Nolva 1 each day....along with 1 winstrol per day.
Is this a good cycle and would this actually keep my gains better?!
Is there any risks of risking the ability to "knock off" my wife?!...with this cycle?!
Planning children in the near future....
Can I start this cycle right away or should I wait a while since my last cycle ended only 4-5 weeks ago?!
And last.....I haven't injected other places than the thigh which I find easy and I don't have problem with it.........even though should I inject on other areas?!
Thanks for any feedback and advice.