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Thread: Best 'secondary' injectable anabolic..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Best 'secondary' injectable anabolic..

    What I would like to discuss here what is in your option is the best ‘secondary’ injectable steroid. Although most of us don’t intentionally do it we do tend to put the most commonly used AAS into these categories;

    Jump starters: D-bol, Anadrol etc.
    Base injectable: Usually test.
    Secondary base injectable: EQ, Deca, tren.
    Enders: Winny, T-bol, MDHT etc.

    So I wanna talk about option number three which has the most options/variety.

    So, my cycle theory consists of using tren as a base alongside a secondary high anabolic and a DHT base drug…………..or three with a TRT dose of test.

    Anyway here are some of the options I’m looking at but having issues choosing.

    EQ - boldenone undecylenate: Was once my 1st option but many are saying it’s a weak drug and not really worth it. However I homebrew so cost is not an issue for me but I don’t want to be using a drug that will be useless alongside tren.

    NPP- Nandrolone phenylpropionate: First issue is using it with another 19-nor with tren. Besides that, would this be a good combo?

    Oxabolone (4OH-Nandrolone) cypionate: It’s rare but I can get it, highly anabolic with low side effects. But I’m not 100% sure about this one.

    1-testosterone (dihydroboldenone) cypionate: Pain in the ass or delt, or quad, wherever you inject it but is the second most powerful anabolic besides tren, my number one choice.

    Primobolan (methenolone) enanthate: Well, I’m just putting like here but I most likely will not buy this, 1000mg weekly seems to be the starting dose for good gains. That wouldn’t be a problem if primo was not so damn expensive!

    Clostabol (4CL-Testosterone) acetate: Kinda weak, still cheaper than primo. Only thing I heard it’s a bitch to homebrew.

    Yeah so that’s basically it, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Middle East 4 Now
    my best for a secondary base would be the Deca

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    NPP has been on my list for a while going with that or EQ am using Primobolan...and i hate to say it but its not what i expected, while ive put on some mass its still on the weaker side, i think even Equipoise will be stronger than Primo for mass gains.......primo is good for long cycles i think, and with stronger androgens as well....CD

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I say 1test, just so you can tell me how it is... I take it you found someone who had it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I Love this thread

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    I Love this thread
    Me as well. I have been doing research for almost 6 months before I start my first cycle (hopefully next month) and this is the type of thing I have not even thought of. I love reading what the experienced users have to say and the kind of questions they ask.

    Definately keeping this on file for future reference...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Deca made me big and bloated and flared my gyno, strength went through the roof

    EQ made me solid and vascular, but with little size gains, strength went through the roof

    Primo is the shit but it's too expensive

    I dunno, Im anxious to see more replies.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Deca made me big and bloated and flared my gyno, strength went through the roof

    EQ made me solid and vascular, but with little size gains, strength went through the roof

    Primo is the shit but it's too expensive

    I dunno, Im anxious to see more replies.
    how did you feel primo???

    if say you take 500-750mgs test e and put in primo in. what dose do i need to see gains with it?

  9. #9
    After trying deca and eq before I think the best secondary would be Masteron!
    If not masteron I'd go with tren for short cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Tren gets my vote. EQ is weak IMO and deca has not worked that well for me. Would like to give NPP a try.

  11. #11
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    EQ made me solid and vascular, but with little size gains, strength went through the roof
    Wow strength went up big, thats good to know, what else did you run with it?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    As of right now I would say tren a > nandro dec. I used tren at a low dose with minimal sides in a previous cyc. So Im interested to see it at a higher dose as well as try out npp/mast

  13. #13
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    how did you feel primo???
    My source sells it. If you meant how did I feel DURING Primo, very solid, not real noticeable gains but the gains stuck real well, better than anything else Ive used, and my strength was on par with the Deca.

    Very good stuff

  14. #14
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Wow strength went up big, thats good to know, what else did you run with it?
    My very first cycle was test-e 500mgs, EQ 400mgs, and Winny 50mgs ED. i did the first 2 for 12 weeks and the winny for 4.

    My bench went from 235 to 385, my squats went from 315 to 500, many other exercises skyrocketed too, I can't say enough good things about it. I was a friggin horse and the gains stuck well, very vascular too. I ate everything in site which helped but, regardless, EQ was good. Very good.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Tren, and Eq... Can't wait to add in some Tren in a few weeks.

  16. #16
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    My bench went from 235 to 385, my squats went from 315 to 500, many other exercises skyrocketed too, I can't say enough good things about it. I was a friggin horse and the gains stuck well, very vascular too. I ate everything in site which helped but, regardless, EQ was good. Very good.
    Wow freakn great results, nice job!

  17. #17
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    My very first cycle was test-e 500mgs, EQ 400mgs, and Winny 50mgs ED. i did the first 2 for 12 weeks and the winny for 4.

    My bench went from 235 to 385, my squats went from 315 to 500, many other exercises skyrocketed too, I can't say enough good things about it. I was a friggin horse and the gains stuck well, very vascular too. I ate everything in site which helped but, regardless, EQ was good. Very good.
    Ive heard contridicting things about eq. I guess the only way to find out is to try it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Golds Gym
    id have to say tren e becuause ive tried both e and ace and e seems to give me more gains!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Not juice but certainly GH is an extremely valuable and usefull tool. I'd pass on anything but test if I had to so I could afford the GH.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    For everyone saying tren, he's already stated that tren is included. He's looking to supplement that..

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Is there ANY way you can get 1-test into a pain-free brew?

  22. #22
    BG's Avatar
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    1-testosterone (dihydroboldenone) cypionate, go for it. You've spoken about it many times......lets see some results, I need a new compound bad!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Is there ANY way you can get 1-test into a pain-free brew?
    Yeah brew it w/lidocain lol

    1test! 1test! 1test!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks for all the replies guys! Always great to get some good feedback.

    Unoid: Actually masteron will be in the cycle, i have about 80-90mls, 200mg of drostanolone acetate per ml and it's just sitting there.

    So the cycle will contain tren, masteron, winny and the drug i'm trying to find in this thread.

    1-test at 100mg/ml seems to the the less painful concentration.

    Anyway, the cycle may look something like this

    tren A 200mg ED
    masteron 100mg ED
    1-test 75-100mg ED
    winny 50mg ED
    test E 250mg week.

    CaptainDominate: You're using 2g primo week right? Man even at 2g week that shit is still weak? Damn

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Thanks for all the replies guys! Always great to get some good feedback.

    Unoid: Actually masteron will be in the cycle, i have about 80-90mls, 200mg of drostanolone acetate per ml and it's just sitting there.

    So the cycle will contain tren, masteron, winny and the drug i'm trying to find in this thread.

    1-test at 100mg/ml seems to the the less painful concentration.

    Anyway, the cycle may look something like this

    tren A 200mg ED
    masteron 100mg ED
    1-test 75-100mg ED
    winny 50mg ED
    test E 250mg week.

    CaptainDominate: You're using 2g primo week right? Man even at 2g week that shit is still weak? Damn
    200 mg tren ED? That is just...insane.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    200 mg tren ED? That is just...insane.
    Not at all 200mg tren ed is sweet. 800mg ED (Tai used that dose) now that's insane.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I am actually using EQ and NPP together in my cycle right now. Its a good combo for sure and I feel amazing. The problem is I am actually finding it hard to put on weight. I am leaning out no matter how much I eat. I eat clean pretty much year round as most people know here. The EQ hunger isnt a lie, I eat and right after feel like I never touched anything and have to eat again. I still eat every 2-2.5 hours and wake up in the middle of the night for a shake...or last night for a shake and then later an actualy full meal with beef and potatoes. Still not much of a weight gain and my workout partner who I pose with PWO each day is noticing that I am getting still leaner.

    So whether you guys take that as pro or con is up to you. I dont mind it at all since I can see I am putting on muscle and look awesome BUT the strength just isnt the same as when my weight jumps.

    I guess when you start running compounds over a gram a week your system goes into overdrive and you need 5000+ kcals per day to gain. I usually sit my cals around 4200-4600. I have been consistently upping it as the weeks pass.

    Anyways, in the end EQ and NPP get a thumbs up from me. Tren has never been as good as I thought it would be from all the hype but I will run it again next cycle for 6 weeks and then probably switch to NPP for another 6 weeks while running prop and probably drol.

  28. #28
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    CaptainDominate: You're using 2g primo week right? Man even at 2g week that shit is still weak? Damn
    Yes sir, yea its not what i thought it would be...i dont regret using it, i mean, i had to try it at some point...better sooner than later i making good progress, its just slow and losing bodyfat at 5,000 plus calories a day and still gaining muscle so i guess i cant really complain...!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Im soon starting deca and eq based with test e. I hope that it will be a good cycle but after what you just said im really excited.
    What did you base that cycle with prop?

    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I am actually using EQ and NPP together in my cycle right now. Its a good combo for sure and I feel amazing. The problem is I am actually finding it hard to put on weight. I am leaning out no matter how much I eat. I eat clean pretty much year round as most people know here. The EQ hunger isnt a lie, I eat and right after feel like I never touched anything and have to eat again. I still eat every 2-2.5 hours and wake up in the middle of the night for a shake...or last night for a shake and then later an actualy full meal with beef and potatoes. Still not much of a weight gain and my workout partner who I pose with PWO each day is noticing that I am getting still leaner.

    So whether you guys take that as pro or con is up to you. I dont mind it at all since I can see I am putting on muscle and look awesome BUT the strength just isnt the same as when my weight jumps.

    I guess when you start running compounds over a gram a week your system goes into overdrive and you need 5000+ kcals per day to gain. I usually sit my cals around 4200-4600. I have been consistently upping it as the weeks pass.

    Anyways, in the end EQ and NPP get a thumbs up from me. Tren has never been as good as I thought it would be from all the hype but I will run it again next cycle for 6 weeks and then probably switch to NPP for another 6 weeks while running prop and probably drol.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    We both agree on the alternate approach.. i.e. basing a cycle on a steroid other than testosterone. I don't necessarily agree with the 'replacement dose of test' tho.

    Your TRT protocol aside...personally i think testosterone is the 'best secondary injectable'.

    That being said, i think in choosing your compounds you need to weigh in mechanism of action as an active variable in the choosing process.

    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Oxabolone (4OH-Nandrolone) cypionate: It’s rare but I can get it, highly anabolic with low side effects. But I’m not 100% sure about this one.
    I think this compound has promise.

    Why not try it?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    EQ - boldenone undecylenate: Was once my 1st option but many are saying it’s a weak drug and not really worth it. However I homebrew so cost is not an issue for me but I don’t want to be using a drug that will be useless alongside tren.
    honestly i think on my next cycle i'll try EQ

    DHT-derive as base: Winstrol 200 mg ED... Test-deriv as primary support: EQ 1 gr ewk... and maybe a 19-nor: tren-e playing a supporting role 1 gr/Ewk

    The EQ dose may be adjusted after factoring the amount of active hormone per gr (as displaced by ester weight)..

    But definately a dht-base.

    That aside.. i was also thinking along the lines of

    Winstrol + primo + a test-deriv.. maybe a 19-nor. (but not necessarily)

    The test-deriv. would be either dbol or EQ.

    Regardless of choice.. it' d be a longer than 'standard' run... since i came accross a study which denotes that dbol is more effective at building muscle over a longer period.. as opposed to the 'jumpstart' it is commonly relagated to.

    Primo: 1 gr Ewk; winstrol: 100 mg ED (conservative dosage because of the co-commital hepatoxicity); dbol: 100 mg ED; tren-E 1 gr Ewk; insulin 10 IUs pwo.. for the duration of the cycle..and pwo during pct; t4 200 mcg tru-out


  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard

    tren A 200mg ED
    masteron 100mg ED
    1-test 75-100mg ED
    winny 50mg ED
    test E 250mg week.

    tren, masteron and winny. isn't that gonna be very harsh on the hairline? tren + 2DHT derivatives?

    how long is the dbol suggested to be run in the study you have read?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    tren, masteron and winny. isn't that gonna be very harsh on the hairline? tren + 2DHT derivatives?
    Depends on the individual.

    I know for me.. tren and any dht-derivative = hair loss

    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    how long is the dbol suggested to be run in the study you have read?
    10+ weeks

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Did this idea come from Ross's thread on starters, secondry compounds, enders etc...?

    I dont feel my cycle experience is extensive enough to comment on this thread so I'll watch from the side lines.

    I have started with Tbol, used Test Enan and ended with Test Prop though.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Did this idea come from Ross's thread on starters, secondry compounds, enders etc...?

    I dont feel my cycle experience is extensive enough to comment on this thread so I'll watch from the side lines.

    I have started with Tbol, used Test Enan and ended with Test Prop though.
    Yeah i saw Ross' thread but this is not based on his 'idea' seeing we have been using steroids like this for years.

    Nark: Holla if you need EQ cuz i'll be ordering my powder soon.

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