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Thread: what to take??

  1. #1

    what to take??

    hey guys

    i have come here for some help on what to take for my first cycle and prolly my only cycle of steroids... im 6ft 2 and about 170 pounds. ive been training for a bout 2 years now properly and have had a lean protein/carb diet but it seems i have a much faster metabolism than most people lol anyways what would be the best combination of steroids for my first cycle if i want to gain some lean muscle mass with still keeping my current cuts?..

    thanks guys ur imput would be much appreciated !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Welcome to ar...

    How old are you?

    are you sure your eating properly? what is your current diet like?

    At 6'2 170 you have not been eating enough in my opinion.

  3. #3
    im 18 at the moment. i know its not reccomended that i should take steroids at this age but i want to. In my diet i eat alot of pasta, chicken, fish vegetables and fruit every day. I think i need to eat more in the morning and around lunch time.. what would u suggest i should eat around that time? also leading back to the cycle what should i use in conjunction with these foods?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Well at 18 your not ready to cycle and by your diet post your not eating enough?

    are you eating 6-8 meals evenly spaced out throughout the day??

    Post your diet like this ( what u ate today)

    Meal 1

    Meal 2....


    Read this

    and this

  5. #5
    well ill say my yesterdays diet.

    1. toast with vegemite, pancakes, a sausage, and a bowl of wheatbix.
    2. apple, and 2 oranges.
    3. 2 hotdogs
    4. sandwich with chicken breast and beetroot.
    5. spagetti bolonaise

    and thats all i ate yesterday.. it was spaced about 3 hrs apart.. im gunna start trying to eat more food more often. i still have about 2 months to think about if i want 2 take a cycle so... we will see how it goes.. if i eat properly like you said do u think a cycle will benefit me?

  6. #6
    sorry another question. Is it possible to stack all these things together and is it alright for your body?

    whey protein
    a good multi-vitamin
    Methoxy, Ecdy
    amino acid supplements
    nitric oxide
    and maybe a anti-estrogen?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You are not eating nearly enough food. You should be eating 5000 callories daily. Add a PWO shake, and maybe another shake during the evening.

    At only 18, your natural test levels will be sky high. Take advantage of that. You do not need aas. It will not help at all if you are not eating enough.

  8. #8
    sweet thnx...what sort of PWO shake should i take.. a whey? weight gainer?.. and again would those supplements be alright to take together? and is it best to take them in my case?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by playahz
    well ill say my yesterdays diet.

    1. toast with vegemite, pancakes, a sausage, and a bowl of wheatbix.
    2. apple, and 2 oranges.
    3. 2 hotdogs
    4. sandwich with chicken breast and beetroot.
    5. spagetti bolonaise

    and thats all i ate yesterday.. it was spaced about 3 hrs apart.. im gunna start trying to eat more food more often. i still have about 2 months to think about if i want 2 take a cycle so... we will see how it goes.. if i eat properly like you said do u think a cycle will benefit me?
    Not a flame bro but your diet sucks massive balls. Where the hell is the protein? Hot dogs? Juice should be the last thing on your mind right now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by playahz
    sorry another question. Is it possible to stack all these things together and is it alright for your body?

    whey protein
    a good multi-vitamin
    Methoxy, Ecdy
    amino acid supplements
    nitric oxide
    and maybe a anti-estrogen?
    You don't need supplements or steroids, you need food.

  11. #11
    well i have adjusted my diet and i have eaten 7 meals today... ive added it up was around 250grams protein, 350 carbs and bout 40g fat something around there. And i feel better eating that much! i ate every 2 hours pretty much. If i keep this diet up for a while i could gain some nice weight. but i still want to take a cycle of juice. what would be the best combination to gain weight but gain cuts also...

    thnx for the imput guys i really appreciate it

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young to consider taking any kind of AAS, at 18yrs old you can gain naturally with a proper diet and training prgram, you need to build a base to work from and this takes yrs of hardwork, AAS are not the answer at your age it can damage your own system up for good,

    Food is the key to mass and growth not AAS at your age

  13. #13
    so would things like hmb, myocytin, l-glutamine and a good protein benefit me? oh and a multi vitamin which i alredy take usana ones

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Go to the diet forum and read up on mass diets for bulking, eat solid food every 2-3 hours and train hard, at your age you will grow and be in a better postion when you do decide to take something, you could try all supplements and see if they help you in your goals,

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    listen to marcus... he is the man...

    PLus your old diet as of yesterday sucked man read those links

  16. #16
    yes i have seen that my old diet sucked lol and thanks a heap guys ill start the new diet and and see how it goes. im also going to try some protein, L-glutamine and maybe some Myocytin n see how that works for me... cheeers again guys much appreciated!! ill keep this forum up to date on how it works for me

  17. #17
    whats up guys never took anything before and i want to im 5'7 i work out like crazy but i want to take something but not sure what to take i need help email is can someone help me and let me know where to get something

  18. #18
    try making ur own thread buddy u might get some more attention...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    There are some good sample diets in the diet forum take a look and stick to one like glue for a couple of months and see how u go

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by punisherzx
    whats up guys never took anything before and i want to im 5'7 i work out like crazy but i want to take something but not sure what to take i need help email is can someone help me and let me know where to get something
    man, some advice. dont buy anything from anyone who emails you, its probably gonna result in you getting ripped off.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by punisherzx
    whats up guys never took anything before and i want to im 5'7 i work out like crazy but i want to take something but not sure what to take i need help email is can someone help me and let me know where to get something
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