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  1. #1
    Hiphopharry is offline Associate Member
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    HELP!! Advice needed NOW!

    Here it is:
    wks 1-4 weeks Test Enanthate 200 mg
    wks 3-5 37 mg anavar ed
    I am on week 5 right now

    so far weight gain of 11 lbs solid, strength increase not very dramatic, but it is there, no sides at all.

    Question: should I run more Test (I love test- just not sides or 3 month clear time) or stick with the Anavar to "solidify" gains??
    Is 4 weeks enough to shut down natural test, ie., would I be well served taking clomid (and if I would, can I use it concurrently while still running the anavar, since it supposedly does not interfere with or cause test supression?)

    I was just trying to gain some muscle quickly, which would stay after PCT. My goal was a small to moderate strength and bodyweight increase that I would not piss out post cycle. I am happy with the 11 lb gain, but should I run more test to put more on, thus ensure I keep more at the end, or will running the anavar be a better bet for keeping gains?
    Is there a such thing as running anavar at the end of a cycle to keep test gains? Does it work?
    I know it's a short cycle, but I have had success with those in the past...
    I love test, but the 3 month detection time is not a good thing for me... I would mess with prop, but ed sticks suck too. More test for weeks 5-9 or leave test alone, continue with anavar?

    What do you all think?

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Help now.

    Shit bro your lost any way. This is not a cycle I dont even know what the hell it is. Go help your self and do some research.

  3. #3
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    I need help trying to figure out where to start with that post.. without completely reading all of it i would just end it where you are and do some searches like gsxxr said..

  4. #4
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    did you shoot Test E 200mg ed or e/week?.. just curious.

  5. #5
    Hiphopharry is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry for the confusion, here it is:
    1 200 mg test enan wkly 50 mg test prop eod
    2 200 mg test enan wkly
    3 200 mg test enan wkly 40 mg anavar ed
    4 200 mg test enan wkly 40 mg anavar ed
    5 40 mg anavar ed
    6 ?
    7 ?
    8 ?

    gained 11 lbs so far (I am in week 5 now)

    How would you complete this cycle, staying away from long esters ( enan/ cyp, etc) not to metion deca and Eq?


  6. #6
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I would stop now start pct and plan out a proper cycle for your next run.....

  7. #7
    TheIronBull's Avatar
    TheIronBull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiphopharry
    Sorry for the confusion, here it is:
    1 200 mg test enan wkly 50 mg test prop eod
    2 200 mg test enan wkly
    3 200 mg test enan wkly 40 mg anavar ed
    4 200 mg test enan wkly 40 mg anavar ed
    5 40 mg anavar ed
    6 ?
    7 ?
    8 ?

    gained 11 lbs so far (I am in week 5 now)

    How would you complete this cycle, staying away from long esters ( enan/ cyp, etc) not to metion deca and Eq?


    Dude, the first thing you should of done was TRAIN THE BRAIN!

    I don't even know where to start.....
    1st - you say there is "no sides" - I hope you dont honestly believe this? There might not be any noticable(not yet anyways) sides, but inside - YOU HAVE SIDE EFFECTS.

    I hope you have a PTC ready?

    Dude, as far as rest of this cycle is concerned - WTF? You didn't plan it out?

    You know, its people like you who get bitch tits and give steroids a bad name.

    How old are you?

    My advice....end this it with some PCT and start over. BUT this time, TRAIN THE BRAIN! first!!!

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