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  1. #1
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Could this be an infection ?

    My quad is sore as hell but not where I injected, about 3 inches below the site. It seems to have gotten a little worse within the last 3 days since I injected 100mg boldenone propionate (Yea I know, that shit sucks). I have already went through sickness for one night after the shot but I am starting to worry this might be an infection. Of course I should go to a doctor but I want to avoid it if possible, just lookin for opinions. It is slightly swollen, just barely and kinda tight where the pain is. I took 3 aspirin and feel fine right now though but I cant walk on it really.

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    I commonly get sore with test prop...the soreness is usually off location from the injection site, a little swollen or tight, and sometimes a little warm to the touch...sounds just like your case.

    I think you'll be ok long as it doesn't start getting all red and feverish you should be ok...just keep an eye out for this.
    If the pain starts to get worse and the area shows signs of redness and fever, then you probably should check in at the clinic.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I commonly get sore with test prop...the soreness is usually off location from the injection site, a little swollen or tight, and sometimes a little warm to the touch...sounds just like your case.

    I think you'll be ok long as it doesn't start getting all red and feverish you should be ok...just keep an eye out for this.
    If the pain starts to get worse and the area shows signs of redness and fever, then you probably should check in at the clinic.

    Good luck,


    thanks man, I think I might have a little fever but the injection site isn't red at all.

  4. #4
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I commonly get sore with test prop...the soreness is usually off location from the injection site, a little swollen or tight, and sometimes a little warm to the touch...sounds just like your case.

    I think you'll be ok long as it doesn't start getting all red and feverish you should be ok...just keep an eye out for this.
    If the pain starts to get worse and the area shows signs of redness and fever, then you probably should check in at the clinic.

    Good luck,

    just bumping shrpskn good info

  5. #5
    aleister666 is offline New Member
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    Great info above!!...Watch your temperature Bro..If it's on the rise,and you are feeling ill, get to the Doctor asap!!...

  6. #6
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    you can try taking benidryl. i cant remember when you said you injected but usually infections take a few days. my guess would be its just the bold prop oil since its under the site. I get it here and there when usuing high ba in smaller muscles.

  7. #7
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    you can try taking benidryl. i cant remember when you said you injected but usually infections take a few days. my guess would be its just the bold prop oil since its under the site. I get it here and there when usuing high ba in smaller muscles.

    Its been like this for almsost 4 days approx. Yea I think it just might be the oil but man, it is hella painful. Benedryl helps how ?

  8. #8
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    Dont worry as of yet bro.. Some time ago i brewed Primo AcE injectable.
    I injected on friday. On saturday i became almost unbearable headaches and fever which lasted till monday.
    I also took 3-5 Ibuprofen / Day but it didn't help much. Until wendsday i wasn't able to walk as i used to. Climbing Stairs was real PIA, trust me.
    On thursday everything improved and Friday all sympthoms were gone.
    So basically it took one whole week till i was fine again.

    I think Bode Prop is in the same category as Primo Ace. Some thinks simply aren't meant to be injected it seems :-)

    Well, in conclusion wait some more days. If it dosent get better within say 3 more days go see a doc.

  9. #9
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    Dont worry as of yet bro.. Some time ago i brewed Primo AcE injectable.
    I injected on friday. On saturday i became almost unbearable headaches and fever which lasted till monday.
    I also took 3-5 Ibuprofen / Day but it didn't help much. Until wendsday i wasn't able to walk as i used to. Climbing Stairs was real PIA, trust me.
    On thursday everything improved and Friday all sympthoms were gone.
    So basically it took one whole week till i was fine again.

    I think Bode Prop is in the same category as Primo Ace. Some thinks simply aren't meant to be injected it seems :-)

    Well, in conclusion wait some more days. If it dosent get better within say 3 more days go see a doc.

    Thanks for the feedback man.

    I was thinking maybe I should re filter my gear or add some BA but we'll see. Nothing else has done this to me so yea, might just be the bold.

  10. #10
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Thanks for the feedback man.

    I was thinking maybe I should re filter my gear or add some BA but we'll see. Nothing else has done this to me so yea, might just be the bold.
    Just watch it close for infection symptoms increasing ... you've been around awhile, you know what to do. If you think it's your gear refilter and add alcohol if it would make you feel better about it. When it comes to infections there is no such thing as being overly cautious.

  11. #11
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Yea Im just keepin an eye on it.

  12. #12
    Selene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    My quad is sore as hell but not where I injected, about 3 inches below the site. It seems to have gotten a little worse within the last 3 days since I injected 100mg boldenone propionate (Yea I know, that shit sucks). I have already went through sickness for one night after the shot but I am starting to worry this might be an infection. Of course I should go to a doctor but I want to avoid it if possible, just lookin for opinions. It is slightly swollen, just barely and kinda tight where the pain is. I took 3 aspirin and feel fine right now though but I cant walk on it really.

    if it red, and the injection site is warm/hot to the touch then yes, very possible you have infection If not apply warm compress or heating pad to injection area several time day to help ease the discomfort

  13. #13
    G-1000's Avatar
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    It's not an infection. You just need to give it a few more days to clear up. I have had an injection that hurt for over a week.

  14. #14
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    It's not an infection. You just need to give it a few more days to clear up. I have had an injection that hurt for over a week.

    yea the first injection i did hurt for over a week. I think this is happening for basically the same reasons. Been almsot 3 months.

  15. #15
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
    WelshWarrior is offline Senior Member
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    I've recently switched my deca mid-course from yellow top Org to Norma and I am getting the exact same thing. The muscle goes red and gets swollen toward the bottom, esp quads - I've had to stop hitting those as they get really swollen.

    Sounds just like what you are experiencing, if it's any consolation I've found it's okay in smaller sites. It still hurts, but means you're not crippled.

  16. #16
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I haev hit em before with no problem even twice in one quad but yea, maybe another site will do better possibly.

  17. #17
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Still really painful, all loaded up on percocets.

    Not red really or feverish, just slighly swolen, tight and painful.

    Not lookin too good though, takin this long.

  18. #18
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Still really painful, all loaded up on percocets.

    Not red really or feverish, just slighly swolen, tight and painful.

    Not lookin too good though, takin this long.

    Watch closely for other infection symptoms, infections will not always manifest at the site of entry in the body (injection site) and can develop anywhere in the body, internally usually. Watch for fever, including fluctuating fever, night soaks (sweating while asleep), indigestion, morass, etc. If you are in doubt go to the emergency room.

    Read This:

    about the part where the infection flared so fast.

  19. #19
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    what is morass?

  20. #20
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    what is morass?
    Feeling rundown, overwhelmed, listless, no motivation.

  21. #21
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I feel fien besides what I listed, just FYI

  22. #22
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I feel fien besides what I listed, just FYI
    Just watch yourself close Bro ... infections can be really insidious muthaf**kers, don't wait too long to go get antibiotics, especially if you have a good doc. Good luck Bro, sure you'll be okay, just don't take chances.

  23. #23
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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  24. #24
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    How are you feeling today?

  25. #25
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Still really painful, all loaded up on percocets.

    Not red really or feverish, just slighly swolen, tight and painful.

    Not lookin too good though, takin this long.
    All loaded up on percocets??

    Are you kidding?

    I feel sorry for you, if or when you succumb to a "real" injury, and none of the pain medication they are giving you is helping because the opiate receptors in your brain have already been pre-saturated.

    I think you're really over-reacting here to be honest with you.
    Yeah, EQ prop injections are pretty much a bitch, this is a known fact.
    But if it's as bad as you're making it sound, you should have gone to the doctor by now.
    Suck it up bro. Take it like a man...or a bitch.


  26. #26
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    All loaded up on percocets??

    Are you kidding?

    I feel sorry for you, if or when you succumb to a "real" injury, and none of the pain medication they are giving you is helping because the opiate receptors in your brain have already been pre-saturated.

    I think you're really over-reacting here to be honest with you.
    Yeah, EQ prop injections are pretty much a bitch, this is a known fact.
    But if it's as bad as you're making it sound, you should have gone to the doctor by now.
    Suck it up bro. Take it like a man...or a bitch.


    Well I don't mean I am abusing them but I took 4 today. I don't like taking them but I am not going to play it off like I could handle the pain easily. I did it to help alleviate the pain so I can work. I wish I didn't feel like I had to but I did.

  27. #27
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Best of luck to you and good luck with the recovery then...

    I bet you won't be trying EQ prop again, eh?

  28. #28
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well I don't mean I am abusing them but I took 4 today. I don't like taking them but I am not going to play it off like I could handle the pain easily. I did it to help alleviate the pain so I can work. I wish I didn't feel like I had to but I did.
    The ****in bitch is that it's the weekend. If you're not better by Monday get your butt to your doctor. If you get concerned during the weekend go to the emergency room. Better safe than sorry. I've been there Bro, I got a badass infection in 1999 that I've never recovered from and still fighting today.

  29. #29
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    Best of luck to you and good luck with the recovery then...

    I bet you won't be trying EQ prop again, eh?

    Probly not, but never say never I guess. I hope it wasnt just my gear being dirty or something. I think Im gonna add more BA to it.

  30. #30
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, if you decide to give it a go again, let us know...perhaps we could learn something from this...

  31. #31
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Found this

    Infection, Abcess, Antibiotics treatment info
    Dr.D's Antibiotic Brief
    As promised, here’s a basic antibiotic sticky. For specific questions not addressed here, feel free to email or PM me and I’ll help anyway I can.

    You probably need some antibiotics! Here is some basic info on how they work, which work best or are most common and what kind of doses might be employed. You wouldn’t do a test cycle without Nolva, right? Of course not. If you developed gyno, you'd be in big trouble without some Nolva on hand. Same thing with antibiotics. Don’t deposit a liquid under your skin without some antibiotics, because it’s not a question of “if” you get an infection but rather “when.” Use strict aseptic injection techniques and hopefully your need for this info will be very infrequent. Also, if you do not understand how to apply this info, and feel you may have an infection, it’s best to just go and see a doctor. I am not encouraging you to treat yourself, but it is responsible to be able to do so if needed. At some point, it is very likely statistically that you will get an infection, no matter how clean you play.

    Having a ready supply of various antibiotics(AB) can be very important to the athlete who must injection frequently for whatever reason. Antibiotics are chemical compounds either from living or synthetic sources that, in low concentrations, are capable of inhibiting the life processes of microorganisms. AB are either ‘cidal’ or ‘static’ meaning that they either directly kill or inhibit further reproductive cycles of the microbe.

    Short breakdown of the classes…

    Crystalline(powder) and salt forms(pills) are stable at room temperature for years. Although they do not require cold storage, they must be kept dry. The water-insoluble salts are stable in solution for up to 6 years in my experience, but should be kept at std refrigeration temp. 1.0mg of Pen G Procaine salt is equal to 1009units. Some are allergic to pens and should determine sensitivity before use. Eating is usually not a problem with oral pen but buffers and anti-acids are to be avoided. This class is active against gram (-) and some gram (+).

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Pen G Procaine…… 600,000u IM 1x/day for 1-10days (this is my favorite injectable pen)
    Pen G Benzathine… 1,200,000u IM 1-2x/wk for 1-2 weeks (1 shot only may fix it, long acting)
    Pen V……………... 125-250mg Oral 4x/day for about 2 weeks
    Ampicillin………… 250-500mg Oral 4x/day for NLT 10days
    Amoxicillin……….. 500mg Oral 3-4x/day for NLT 10days
    Augmentin………… 875mg Oral 2x/day for NLT 10days (this is a good form of Amox)

    These compounds are bacteriocidal in a similar way as to pens. They interfere with bacteria cell wall cross-linking. Although they are closely related to pens, people are less likely to demonstrate allergic reactions, due to certain changes in the basic structure. This class has gram (-) and (+) activity. These are generally very good for soft tissue infection like an athlete my encounter.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Cephalexin ……….. 125-250mg Oral 6x/day for NLT 10days (this works fast, my favorite ceph)
    Cefaclor…………… 250mg Oral 3xdaily for NLT 10days
    Cefoxitin………….. 2g IV daily for 1 or 2 weeks

    These compounds are very effective bacteriostatics that work by interfereing with protein synthesis at the 50S subunit of ribosomes. They are generally more effective against gram (+) organisms. They are also fairly stable in solution at or below room temp.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Erythromycin S.…... 500mg Oral 4x/day for about 2 weeks (stomach upset can be a prob)
    Clarithromycin……. 500mg Oral 2x/day for NLT 5days
    Azithromycin……… 500mg Oral 1x/day for 3-10days

    This is a good class of broad spectrum agents. Old, expired tetracycline sometimes contains a very nasty, toxic deg that is quite kidney toxic. If the pills or powder have been stored in cold, this is not usually a prob, but when in doubt, don’t use old tetracycline. Other drugs in this class are not prone to this breakdown. These compounds interfere with 30S subunit ribosomal protein synthesis. Tets work by chelating minerals, so iron, calcium and magnesium sups should be discontinued when on them. Also be aware that photosensitivity can be signifigant, so avoid long periods in direct sunlight or take measures to cover the skin if it can not be avoided. I've seen sunblock employed effectively.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Tetracycline………. 500mg Oral 4x/day for NLT 10days (stomach upset can be a prob)
    Doxycycline H……. 200mg Oral 1x/day for 5-30days (this is one of my favorite broad spec)

    Work on a variety of gram (-) and (+) organisms. It is cidal in that it inhibits DNA/m-RNA synthesis in an ATP-dependant manner. These are great broad spectrums, but can be toxic with extended use. Trovan(trovafloxacin) for example, was withdrawn due to many cases of liver damage a few years ago, but was reintroduced in Canada and maybe in the US recently, I’m not sure. It’s my all time favorite bug killer. If you can find it, get some, it’s like AB gold. Photosensitivity can occur but is generally less severe than is seen in the tetracycline class.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Ciprofloxacin……... 250-750mg Oral 2-3x/day for NLT 5days
    Norfloxacin……….. 400mg Oral 2x/day for 3-30days
    Trovafloxacin……... 200mg Oral 1x/day (often 2 doses will kill anything, the best around IMO)

    These are broad spectrums that interfere with 50s subunit ribosomal protein synthesis in a static way. They have a tendency toward pseudomembranous colitis (severe diarrhea) when used at high doses or for too long, but nevertheless, are great AB that I utilize as a first line of defense in many cases. They work fast and are strong. If oral Clindamycin is combined with an equal dose of metronidazole or cholestyramine resin, these sides are often totally avoidable. If it does happen, stop use at once.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:
    Clindamycin (base).. 150mg Oral 4x/day for 3-7days.
    Clindamycin Phos… 300mg IV or IM 2x/day for 5-10days.
    Lincomycin HCl…... 300-600mg IV or IM 1-2x/day for up to 1month.

    These are lesser used, or unclassified, but can still have a valuable place here. They all have special toxicity issues that should be investigated before attempting to use one of them.

    Common products, doses and duration of therapy:

    Vancomycin HCl…. 500mg IV 4x/day for weeks if needed.
    Cycloserine……….. 250mg Oral 2-4x/day for weeks or longer.
    Chloramphenicol…. 250mg Oral 4x/day for NLT 10days.
    Streptomycin SO4… 1g IM 1x/day for weeks as needed.
    Cycloserine.......... 500-1000mg/d (often used to treat TB)
    Isoniazid............. 300-500mg/d in one dose (often used to treat TB)

    To conclude, it is not as hard as one may thing to treat an abscess. The trick is to catch it fast at the first sign of infection. A preventative dose of 400mg doxycycline at the first signs of an infection is often times enough to knock it out and avoid a full course of harsher AB therapy. Drug interactions can be of concern on AB and should be investigated by the user prior to initiation. However, it is rarely necessary to discontinue a cycle unless you are physically unable to lift due to the infection, because there are different enzymes involved in most cases. Also, with oral AB, it is usually wise to initiate therapy with a double dose just to get levels up fast. Another important consideration is to restore “friendly flora” in between doses of AB with acidophilus in the form of powder or yogurt. Never take them at the same time though.

    Try NOT to use AB's in the first place! Use proper aseptic techniques, don't get lazy, and refilter your stuff with a 0.2mic PTFE/GMF if you have any doubts!!

    It is important to remember that the more you use these compounds, the more resistant organisms may become. This reduces the effectiveness of the compound over time(months or years) and can also compromise the usefullness of related AB's or AB's in other classes that act by a similar mechanism, so be prudent not to use them anymore than is required. If acne gets bad, I do a 10day doxy cycle manybe 2 or 3 times a year. I have not yet developed tolerance, but I would not use it any more routinely than this. If you get a bad abscess, do not hesitate for a second to start using a broad spectrum AB. Even if you'll be going to the doc later, start controlling the infection as soon as it is suspected! It can make the difference in just being sore for a few months and lossing a limb. Some forms of Staf are very aggresive and can result in fast damage if not treated promptly. My point is just that AB's should not be used too frequently or without reason.

  32. #32
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice post skully...but I'd still rather leave treatment of an infection or abcess in the hands of my doctor...better safe than sorry IMO.


  33. #33
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I woke up this morning and it feels better today too, I am almost positive it is going away on it's own.

    I have to ermember this if it ever happens again in a similar way.

  34. #34
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Good news.

  35. #35
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
    Jay-Ace is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I woke up this morning and it feels better today too, I am almost positive it is going away on it's own.

    I have to ermember this if it ever happens again in a similar way.

    Gonna double up on my diagnosis of either muscle microtauma or raction to IM injection then!!

    God to hear you're feeling better dude


  36. #36
    NoFaith068 is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome post Skull. Very informative. I've been on a few of those drugs actually...

  37. #37
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    So whens your next shot of bold prop?

  38. #38
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    So whens your next shot of bold prop?

    NEVER !!!!!! Well maybe never.

    I was thinkin of gettin rid of it actually. Friggin waste of money.

  39. #39
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    NEVER !!!!!! Well maybe never.

    I was thinkin of gettin rid of it actually. Friggin waste of money.
    Oh yeah?

  40. #40
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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