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Thread: Post Cycle Question

  1. #1

    Smile Post Cycle Question

    How long after a cycle does it take before your test drops to its lowest point before your natural production kicks in? im on test and decca and have a post cycle but want to get a hormone blood test done by my doc at end of cycle so I can go on my next cycles using my main doc under insurance.

    Is there a certain time frame were i will be the lowest on test in the my system so the blood work comes back low?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    which test are you using

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    it depends on ur dose of test & the ester ur using

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    depends on the esters used and the dosages like others said.. I pretty much feel when Im sure my test is low.. the point u are supposed to start pct, then wait like 2-3 weeks and my guess is that ur test is low.. that is when u are using no PCT.. thats my guess, others?

  5. #5
    Was wanting to retain my gains when i go off and newbie so its currently (200mg of test cyp) and (300mg nand deca) and also (anastrozole .5mg 3 times a week) and then post with (chorionic gonad 10,000unit) which I dont have all the details on this part yet but im remembering something like every two days one insulin needle full....

    also does this sounds like a pretty good starter cycle?

    Have seen good results so far but think i will go a little more intense for the next round. I dont want to grow to fast and get stretch marks or go on something that i lose a majority of it on the break.. any wisdom you all have is always apreciated?

    Thanks everyone
    Last edited by athlet4muscl; 11-25-2006 at 03:05 PM.

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