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Thread: short easter to long easter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia

    prop to sust

    hey guys this might sound bit stuiped. but can you run a short easter for say 5 weeks then stop that and then run a longer easter??

    e.g. 1-5 prop 700mg/w 100mg ED
    5-13 sust 250 750mg/w

    I'm just curious cause prop kicks in alot quicker than sust. i used sust before but it did take a while to kick in...

    This isn't my cycle by the way i just need to find out this then i will post my stats!!! and every that is needed to know.
    Last edited by t-gunz; 11-25-2006 at 06:41 PM. Reason: made a mistake on the title!! a stuiped mistake. sorry

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    sorry lol i what i ment is it ok to run prop then go to sust or is it not recommended this is a second cycle for me i will post the stat later just was curious if ou could fo it that way
    e.g. 1-5 prop 700mg/w 100mg ED
    5-13 sust 250 750mg/w


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    hey guys this might sound bit stuiped. but can you run a short easter for say 5 weeks then stop that and then run a longer easter??

    e.g. 1-5 prop 700mg/w 100mg ED
    5-13 sust 250 750mg/w

    I'm just curious cause prop kicks in alot quicker than sust. i used sust before but it did take a while to kick in...

    This isn't my cycle by the way i just need to find out this then i will post my stats!!! and every that is needed to know.
    It would not be a good idea because you will stop geting the effects from the prop after about a week of stoping it then you you would have to start all over agian with the test e witch takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in....In other words your blood plasma levals would be in for a roller coaster ride....

    The proper way to run it would be to start the test e and the prop on day one run the prop till week 5 for a kick start and finsh out with the test e....

    So if you are gona run a 13 week cycle you would run it like this

    Weeks 1-5 prop @ 100mg ed
    Weeks 1-13 test e @ 750mg a week (split into two shots 3.5 days apart of coarse)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    I don't like it...

    If I was to run what you have there, I'd start the sust the 1st week as well...the longer you wait to start something with long-acting esters, the longer you'll wait for it to start working...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    It would not be a good idea because you will stop geting the effects from the prop after about a week of stoping it then you you would have to start all over agian with the test e witch takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in....In other words your blood plasma levals would be in for a roller coaster ride....

    The proper way to run it would be to start the test e and the prop on day one run the prop till week 5 for a kick start and finsh out with the test e....

    So if you are gona run a 13 week cycle you would run it like this

    Weeks 1-5 prop @ 100mg ed
    Weeks 1-13 test e @ 750mg a week (split into two shots 3.5 days apart of coarse)
    I dont know why I thought you said test e....

    Anyway the only diffrence for the sust is that it would be better shot eod instead of every 3.5 days...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    ok i understand thanks alot for your help... it just i was getting the prop today and then the sust should be here in 3 weeks but i was saying 5 just in case.. thats why i was curious about if i could start sust250 at week 5 or when i get it. if you know what i mean
    thanks again guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    i might be better just to use the prop for
    1-12 weeks at 700mg
    6-12 winny @50mg per day (injectable)

    and then leave the sust for another cycle. cause i'm getting 20ml of that. 250mg/ml

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    i might be better just to use the prop for
    1-12 weeks at 700mg
    6-12 winny @50mg per day (injectable)

    and then leave the sust for another cycle. cause i'm getting 20ml of that. 250mg/ml
    That would be fine.......

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    horse do you mean the prop and winny cycle only would be fine????

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    horse do you mean the prop and winny cycle only would be fine????
    LOL Yea the prop winny cycle will be a good cycle.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    lol thanks i got bit consfused for a bit. we'll see how i go.... i got before pics already then i'll see how i got at the end of the cycle and show you the results.. thanks again!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    No problem will look forward to seeing the pic's....

    Good luck....

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    i might be better just to use the prop for
    1-12 weeks at 700mg
    6-12 winny @50mg per day (injectable)

    and then leave the sust for another cycle. cause i'm getting 20ml of that. 250mg/ml
    I like this...

    If this is what you're going to run and only being your second cycle, be prepared for all them injections.
    What locations did you shoot last cycle?
    IMO, you're going to want at least 6 different injection sites for this cycle so you're not jabbing the same location any sooner than once every 5 days, I.E. right glute, left glute, right delt, left delt, right quad, left quad.

    A 12 week cycle of ED injections can get old rather quick, especially with test prop and winny in the mix.

    If all the pokes are not an issue for you go for will make a nice cycle. If you're going to second guess all them pokes, you may want to reconsider your cycle.

    Good luck,


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    i might be better just to use the prop for
    1-12 weeks at 700mg
    6-12 winny @50mg per day (injectable)

    and then leave the sust for another cycle. cause i'm getting 20ml of that. 250mg/ml
    It's a nice looking cycle.

    I'd just drink the winstrol though. No point of injecting it, if you are not using any other orals through out your cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    No i don't do orals. i was planning to shoot left quad, right quad, left rear delt, right rear delt and left and right glute. as what you said shrpskn. when it comes to the winny can't i mix it with the prop??? and will drinking it still be affective as injecting??? yeah it is alot of injections lol. but hopefully the returns will be great from it.. i'm not sure what i'm aiming to gain as i haven't done prop and winny before. but we'll find out soon enough

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    i might be better just to use the prop for
    1-12 weeks at 700mg
    6-12 winny @50mg per day (injectable)

    and then leave the sust for another cycle. cause i'm getting 20ml of that. 250mg/ml

    Whats your stats and cycle experience?

    ED injections for 12 weeks sounds delightful.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    wow you are going to be sore!

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