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Thread: letro so far

  1. #1
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    letro so far

    just a few words on my experience with letro.

    28 yrs, 205 lbs, 12 yrs liftin, 5 cycles, high teens bf

    ok I'm week six on a test only. 900 mg/wk, cyp (most ever). I got my diet in check, ramped my letro up before I started to take the edge off some existing puberty gyno, then dropped down to a mantainence dose of letro through the cycle. I also ran t3 and clen . I have plenty of nolva on hand.

    The letro is from a sponsor, spray bottle.

    I had mixed emotions on my gains. looks, as of last week, I have never looked nearly this good. vascular and hard looking. My diet has been better than ever, I gave that (diet) more credit than the test. I would have thought the test was bunk, but I can clearly tell from the pump it's in effect. By week six, test is generally very evident for me.

    But I was weaker than ever. bench press, my working weight (8 reps) is about 315. it was 8 before cycle. about week 3, it dropped to the point where I was struggeling with my third. I upped carbs a little, and saw no real effect. protien was up to 400g/day.

    I completely lost my cardio, which had gotten pretty danm good/ immediately sucking wind and couldnt run a mile. no sex drive at all, didnt punch the munchkin 2 weeks straight (personal record by 13 days). I also had nasty insomnia.

    Dropped clen, no effect. dropped t3, no effect. dropped letro last week and ran nolva. I started feeling sloppy, but full. cardio started getting better. slept. sex drive returned. picked t3 and clen back up.

    Today was bench day. I popped 12 reps easily, no spotter. 350, easy four. 405, I dunno I used a spotter and he grabbed the bar even though I was real clear about no hands. threw me off and I racked it after one. This, after the week before 3 reps had been barely doable

    So....I've really drug this out, sorry. anyway I get home and I'm feelin good about the lift but cant get over how sloppy I feel. I get in the mirror and peel my shirt I looked like I did the day before I really got my diet in check, BUT, my gyno....looked like a madonna video. Never seen puffy nipples like that before. Looks horrible, insanely bloated, moon face to boot.

    So, I cant get the letro going again soon enough. started with 2 squirts today. the letro clearly stopped the severe bloating and gyno that the high amount of test was just begging to give me. Nolva's not cuttin it, I mean I shoulda started it a little before I dropped the letro so suddenly, but with rebound and heavy cycle in effect, whew.

    I'm gonna ramp it back up for a week. I had figured my mantainence dose to be two squirts. I'll drop it two one. one thing has become clear, the stuff is extremely effective, to the point where I just wont miss if I havnt taken enough. I've gotten a chance to see where I'd be without it, the dose was just too much for me, imo. Just making my comments. I can see that in the future I will swear by letro, but I have to get it figured out a little better.

    I'm gonna get another bottle on friday since I'm having to ramp it up again mid cycle. Live and learn, just thought I'd share.

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks alot for the post bro...I've been debating on whether or not to get some of AR-R 's letro...always got my ancillaries elsewhere.
    I think your post has about swayed me into making my first purchase from them.


  3. #3
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    AR-R 's letro works great. Great for gyno.

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