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  1. #1
    Competitive07's Avatar
    Competitive07 is offline New Member
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    Infection in my quad-Newbies and Members should read!

    Ok, I just got done reading about executioners ordeal, best of luck to ya bro.

    I took my shot Sunday around 6pm 2cc(test-cyp/nan-mix) in my left quad. I have lots of needles and am very cautious, never cut corners. Right after injecting things just did not feel right, I massaged it all night. Monday am going to the gym my leg was sore, had a red spot and it felt warm, finished my workout and got my ass to the doc right away(not even 24hours later). My doc gave me a shot and put me on 2000mg Aumentin(told me if pain got unbearable to get to the ER), and wanted to see me back Tuesday am. Just got back from the doctor and it seems like it was caught in time, redness has receded a little and my leg does not hurt as bad as last night( I could hardly sit or go upstairs), have another check up with him on Monday unless things get worse, still on Augmentin until then.

    I asked my doc what happened? why I got this infection, he told me shit happens, he said it could have happened even in a hospital, you can never be too clean or to precautious.

    Anyway my advice to people and my wife made me tell my doc before I started. Have a doctor you trust, they will not think less of you or rat you out, they are there to help, dont be scared to get medical attention right away if something is not right, if you know you can not afford to get medical attention or do not have insurance, you should think twice before using any gear, including orals. Lastly get you blood checked that is how you keep things in check.

  2. #2
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    phew! glad your ok.

  3. #3
    BigNate is offline Junior Member
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    It sounds like you handled the situation perfectly. Your health is not something to play with, always better to err on the side of safety. Great post.

  4. #4
    Competitive07's Avatar
    Competitive07 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, not wanting to scare anyone, just dont take chances with your health

  5. #5
    YupYup is offline Junior Member
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    As as newb it's really helpful/insightful seeing these frightful incidents. I'm glad that everyone makes it through okay.

  6. #6
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    well the good thing is that you got away quite easy..

  7. #7
    neardark's Avatar
    neardark is offline Junior Member
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    I followed the thread you mentionned about...

    You dealled with it the smart way... no need to wait till the infection gets worst... were not talking about aspirin here.

    Thanks for sharing

  8. #8
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    i hate reading this stuff....i have a sore quad right now.....shot last friday went smooth...sat. some pain...sunday more and a bit of swelling and red....i started with a heating pad sun night....this morning it felt & looks way better.... no fever or anything like that.....i cleaned the vial..and the inj. muscle or bad shot? i dont think (hope) its not an abcess....that other thread is freaking me out....i feel for that guy.
    Last edited by theboss; 11-28-2006 at 11:15 AM.

  9. #9
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    Good advice - and he's right, this sort of thing happens in hospitals and Dr.'s offices all the time.

  10. #10
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    Great post I hope everyone gets a chance to read this!

  11. #11
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Competitive07
    Thanks, not wanting to scare anyone, just dont take chances with your health
    This is a ironic quote coming from a board dedicated to the use of anabolic steroids . I agree of couse and I think it is best to be as cautious as possible witih anabolics, but I still found it a bit ironic as there is always some heath risks to the use of anabolics.

  12. #12
    texasmk4's Avatar
    texasmk4 is offline Associate Member
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    THanks for posting budd, and thank god you caught it and got it treated. thanks for the knowledge

  13. #13
    Competitive07's Avatar
    Competitive07 is offline New Member
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    Dangerdan you are right anabolics can be a health risk, especially if you dont get bloodwork done, lots of things are risks, I just wanted to let the newbies know and even some vets, if you are scared to see a doctor or think you are a tough guy and can get through the pain, it might not be worth it, If I did not get too my doc when I did I could have ended up like Executioner.

    Update, my abcess is going away, my doc did give me a second shot and I am still on 2000mg of Augmentin(it is no fun it gives you the shits).

    Thanks for the replies and good luck theboss

  14. #14
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Competitive07
    Ok, I just got done reading about executioners ordeal, best of luck to ya bro.

    I took my shot Sunday around 6pm 2cc(test-cyp/nan-mix) in my left quad. I have lots of needles and am very cautious, never cut corners. Right after injecting things just did not feel right, I massaged it all night. Monday am going to the gym my leg was sore, had a red spot and it felt warm, finished my workout and got my ass to the doc right away(not even 24hours later). My doc gave me a shot and put me on 2000mg Aumentin(told me if pain got unbearable to get to the ER), and wanted to see me back Tuesday am. Just got back from the doctor and it seems like it was caught in time, redness has receded a little and my leg does not hurt as bad as last night( I could hardly sit or go upstairs), have another check up with him on Monday unless things get worse, still on Augmentin until then.

    I asked my doc what happened? why I got this infection, he told me shit happens, he said it could have happened even in a hospital, you can never be too clean or to precautious.

    Anyway my advice to people and my wife made me tell my doc before I started. Have a doctor you trust, they will not think less of you or rat you out, they are there to help, dont be scared to get medical attention right away if something is not right, if you know you can not afford to get medical attention or do not have insurance, you should think twice before using any gear, including orals. Lastly get you blood checked that is how you keep things in check.

    Hmmm,happy that everything is fine,but...did you wash your hands first before star handling vials,syringes,needles not to mention before injection ect...????..


  15. #15
    Competitive07's Avatar
    Competitive07 is offline New Member
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    Bro, I did everything text book style, always do, as I said earlier, my doc said shit happens(he taught me how and my wife also to inject), my doc said these things happen even in hospitals.

  16. #16
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    great white north
    Glad your o.k. Competitive. You recognized the signs of trouble and went to the doc right away, thats the smart thing to do.

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