Hi all
Just wanted to ask a question concerning my libido on cycle.. anyway a bit about me first..
6'0", currently weighing at 213lbs (~12% bf maybe lesser?), age 24.
I'm on my first cycle of Test-E 450mg EW for a duration of 12 weeks. I'm currently in my 5th week and making really good strength and weight gains, gained about ~19lbs about nearly 5 weeks in. BF% is still looking good. Minimal sides (oily skin, minimal acne)
Anyway.. apparently from what I understand, 5th week in a Test-E cycle, your libido should be skyrocketing.. but it is quite the contrary for me. For the first 2 weeks, my sex drive shot through the roof literally, and about 4th week in or so.. the my libido dropped and it now feels somewhat slightly below my 'normal' levels before I was on Test-E. I don't feel like having sex as much as before.
Is this because my natty has halted production? Is this normal? Will it go up again during my cycle?
Any comments/answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Peace out.