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Thread: Libido concerns

  1. #1

    Libido concerns

    Hi all

    Just wanted to ask a question concerning my libido on cycle.. anyway a bit about me first..
    6'0", currently weighing at 213lbs (~12% bf maybe lesser?), age 24.

    I'm on my first cycle of Test-E 450mg EW for a duration of 12 weeks. I'm currently in my 5th week and making really good strength and weight gains, gained about ~19lbs about nearly 5 weeks in. BF% is still looking good. Minimal sides (oily skin, minimal acne)

    Anyway.. apparently from what I understand, 5th week in a Test-E cycle, your libido should be skyrocketing.. but it is quite the contrary for me. For the first 2 weeks, my sex drive shot through the roof literally, and about 4th week in or so.. the my libido dropped and it now feels somewhat slightly below my 'normal' levels before I was on Test-E. I don't feel like having sex as much as before.
    Is this because my natty has halted production? Is this normal? Will it go up again during my cycle?

    Any comments/answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Peace out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    164 could run the test up to 600mg/week for your first cycle. As for me, i'm a raging bull the entire time the test is in my system. By five weeks in, your natural test should be shutting down anyways so this is probably not the problem. If ED is a problem, I suggest cialis or viagra (cialis being the better choice IMO). Perhaps someone slightly more educated could shed some light on this though, doesn't make sense that your sex drive has gone kaplunk on a test only cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    many people experience very high sex drive at lower doses of test but sex drive can drop as dose increases. It is possible that you found you had a good sex drive and as blood levels have increased (week 5 onwards should see peak levels) then libido has dropped off. If your making good gains then just carry on and put up with it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Are U taking an AI or SERM with that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    cialis works better than viagra.

  6. #6
    AI or SERM?

    I'm 24.. I really don't think I need cialis or viagra just yet. >.> but thanks for the comments thus far!

  7. #7
    AI - Aromatase inhibitor
    SERM - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator

    Bascially you need to take something to control e as you take more t. If your e is too high, many of the positives of t (such as libido) will be inhibited. Pretty much you should take a-dex or nolva or something with your t.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    AI - Aromatase inhibitor
    SERM - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator

    Bascially you need to take something to control e as you take more t. If your e is too high, many of the positives of t (such as libido) will be inhibited. Pretty much you should take a-dex or nolva or something with your t.
    Ah ok.. I do have nolva and HCG at hand.. I was only considering to take nolva if I saw signs of gyno. So are you suggesting I take 20mg/nova ED or something like that?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nightgyr
    AI or SERM?

    I'm 24.. I really don't think I need cialis or viagra just yet. >.> but thanks for the comments thus far!
    Those help with ED,this is different.

    Personally...I think you should read
    up alot more,the knowledge will only
    help you with your cycle...IMO.

    As for nolva,it wouldnt hurt to add
    this now,as your issue could more
    than likely be from high estrogen.

    No need for HCG IMO,with 12wks that is..
    unless your nuts have shrunk,of course.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by SS1476
    Those help with ED,this is different.

    Personally...I think you should read
    up alot more,the knowledge will only
    help you with your cycle...IMO.

    As for nolva,it wouldnt hurt to add
    this now,as your issue could more
    than likely be from high estrogen.

    No need for HCG IMO,with 12wks that is..
    unless your nuts have shrunk,of course.
    I will read up more definitely. I'm familiar with those terms just not the abbreviated terms. I always figured HCG is an integral part of PCT for a course this long (12weeks) even if its only 1 compound. Besides I bought the stock already.

    I'm not suffering from any form of erectile dysfunction (I can still get hard), just lowered levels of libido. I will consider taking some nolva but I hear this will hamper gains. I will read further first before any consumption.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nightgyr
    I will read up more definitely. I'm familiar with those terms just not the abbreviated terms. I always figured HCG is an integral part of PCT for a course this long (12weeks) even if its only 1 compound. Besides I bought the stock already.

    I'm not suffering from any form of erectile dysfunction (I can still get hard), just lowered levels of libido. I will consider taking some nolva but I hear this will hamper gains. I will read further first before any consumption.

    Judge for yourself on the HCG,if your
    nuts have shrunk,then it could be used. i said,12wks is not long..IMO.

    No one said that your suffering from ED
    if you keep saying so,they might j/k

    Read this post...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    Quote Originally Posted by SS1476

    As for nolva,it wouldnt hurt to add
    this now,as your issue could more
    than likely be from high estrogen.
    Nolva is a SERM and will not do anything to reduce estrogen level in the blood, it only binds to the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. It is not an AI, therefore will not lower circulating E levels. Can lower IGF levels.

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