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  1. #1
    dagreek2323 is offline New Member
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    severe acne from prop/eq cycle

    Hey all i just finished up a prop/eq cycle im 6'0 195 pounds i noticed minior acne looking like lil heat pimples no big deal about 6 weeks into the cycle i was taking liquidex every day also to try and prevent. Anyways it wasn't a big deal to me but now after my cycle pct i used nolvadex and liquidex and proviron for 30 days. I will be honest and say i didnt use liquidex every day during my pct. About 15 days in my pct i noticed my shoulders back chest all broke up severely in deep acne. Im now done with my pct i did 30 days of nolva and now its about 40 days so 10 days with out taking anything. The acne is still really bad I never had acne as a teenager on my back and chest just minor pimples on my face from time to time. I'm 20 years old now this is my first cycle. I saw the doc and he prescribed keflax and benzol peroixide 10% for the acne. Im still extremely depressed about this acne and can anyone shed light on why it became so severe and anyone who has experienced this before when did it all go away and how bad was the scarring do you think it will last for the rest of my life?

    All in all the steroids worked and i became "jacked" but now i wont even dare take my shirt off cause of my acne its really embarrsing.

    cycle looked like this

    500mg/wk test prop 18 weeks
    400mg/wk eq 15 weeks
    proviron weeks 16-pct

    nolvadex 20mg ed
    Last edited by dagreek2323; 11-28-2006 at 10:52 PM.

  2. #2
    orton4 is offline Member
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    i just finished up a 10 week prop cycle it was my third cycle.... theres a couple things im gonna comment on... first your first cycle should only be one compound for the exact reason your saying right now you have severe acne but what did it come from? people react to compounds differently. so was it really the EQ or the test prop giving you that severe acne? or the combo of both? from researching a lotta ppl told me for first cycles to run only a single compound usually test E or cyp at 500mgs a week for 12 weeks. from there you can see what sides you get and see how it reacts with your body.. so in your case you didnt do that but live and learn... it would be easier to gauge what your reacting from if you took one compoud... next i also react bad to test and like i said i just finished up a 10 weeker of prop and im breaking out bad too.. .during the cycle about 7 weeks in i started to see those little pimples and then aroudn 10 weeks to now the end and starting pct it gets worse... it gets worse because your body is adjusting back to natural test levels so thats where the sides come from... some ppl only break out in pct some ppl dont everyone reacts different... yea it sucks my back is bad and i get it on my chest shoulders and arms a bit... see how thhe meds i am on some as well... they usually take a few weeks to kick in and start clearing things up... next cycle shower more, use anti bacterial soap, tan, see how that works for ya... good luck clearin up

  3. #3
    orton4 is offline Member
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    also how were you shootin your test Prop it should be shot ED for stable blood levels? that helps sides as well

  4. #4
    dagreek2323 is offline New Member
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    i shot prop EOD and the acne didnt get really bad till pct does anyone have any comment on scarring it would suck so bad if i had to be scarred from the acne for years from using aas haha i just want it to go away ill go natty from now on!

  5. #5
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    if you don't pick at it you should not have scarring. Wash body with anti bacterial soap and loofah sponge and do not put any creams or anything on body. if you sweat, wipe sweat with towel

    If you can go to tanning place or lay out in sun

  6. #6
    reddragon4954 is offline Member
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    PCT is when that acne crops up. You could try some BenzaClin, must be perscribed by a doctor but I have heard from many that it works well, there is always accutane too if things are real bad.

  7. #7
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Hmmm,...i think that you need something like an oral antibiotic,topical oinment,topical anibiotic.If that does not work,maybe you can consider Acutane,but acutane is not your first option......and be ready cuz even after pct,acne may come back.


  8. #8
    RAM2500's Avatar
    RAM2500 is offline Member
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    I disagree.

    The acne is caused from the hormonal change in the body from the testosterone , like when a teenager gets it during puberty. Things like anti bacteral soap and loofa sponge do not help. It comes from within the body. You need to try an Antibiotic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selene
    if you don't pick at it you should not have scarring. Wash body with anti bacterial soap and loofah sponge and do not put any creams or anything on body. if you sweat, wipe sweat with towel

    If you can go to tanning place or lay out in sun

  9. #9
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    For me its hard to believe its all horomonal with the acne... im 22 and i have the worse acne there is, the cist kind... sucks but something is ****ed up with my skin.... ive been on accutane 2 years ago, and im gonna have to o again becuase the shits back...

    PS bro dont worry about the acne and scars after a year if you dont get too much UV contact your scars will disappear unless they were the cist kind then you may need derma work to clear it up (microabbrasion)

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