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  1. #1
    m3Zee is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Sub Deca for EQ?

    I've run in to a bit of a problem. I am in week 9 of a Cypionate (500mg/wk) and Equipoise (400mg(/wk) cycle and just broke my remaining bottle of EQ. The only thing close to EQ I can come up with on such short notice is Deca Durabolin and I was just wondering if that would work at all as a substitute for the EQ, or if I should just drop it all together. From what I have read, the two are chemically similar (though have different effects) so I am not sure what to do here. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    m3Zee is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Oh, by the way, this is a planned 12 week cycle with Winstrol about to kick in...

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