Hello to all atletics.
Im a male from norway. 22 years old and I have som question according to sideeffects of steroids and what to do with'em. I am on a cycle right now: 200 mg deca EW + 500 mg test E EW. I kickstarted the cycle with 50 mg D-bol ED for about two weeks. Right now I'm in my fourth week of the cycle and I'm supposed to continue for another month. During this cycle I have experienced pain in my chest region on the left side, where the heart is located. I have also been troubled with pain in my kidneys, specially on the right side. I find it quite strange that my kidneys are suffering because of just 100 tablets of Dianabol. I have cycled before and never experienced such feelings I'm doing now. I am a bit afraid of that my left ventricel is suffering from hypertrofi. Still I have not been to the Dr... I'm asking you to share your experiences with issues like this and what to do. shall i quit my cycle right now?
thx fitness and bodybuilder friends.