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Thread: Clenbuterol during cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Clenbuterol during cycle

    I read somewhere that clen besides downregulating b2 receptors, downregulates AR as well. This being true, besides pct, when would you run clen? Before or after cycling?
    One other thing. If you can only run t3 for 6 weeks, when to use it? In the beginning or later in the cycle?
    I run my cutting diet for 12-14 weeks. How can i keep my metabolism high on low cal diet, if you can only run clen off cycle and t3 for 6 weeks?

    That's a lot of questions i hope you guys can help me with.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I would run clen after cycle as it is great in PCT for helping to maintain gains. As for T3 there is no set time limit you can run it for as long as you want as long as you are careful to taper dosage slowly. I would run t3 during a cutting cycle but not into PCT as it is not selective and will waste muscle as well as fat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I would run clen after cycle as it is great in PCT for helping to maintain gains. As for T3 there is no set time limit you can run it for as long as you want as long as you are careful to taper dosage slowly. I would run t3 during a cutting cycle but not into PCT as it is not selective and will waste muscle as well as fat.
    I've read contradictive statements on how t3 should be used. Some say it can only be used for 6 weeks max, others (including the profile in this site) say it can be used for long periods of time.
    I see you have experience in running t3 so I thank you for your reply. Do you agree that clen downrwgulates AR?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    I've read contradictive statements on how t3 should be used. Some say it can only be used for 6 weeks max, others (including the profile in this site) say it can be used for long periods of time.
    I see you have experience in running t3 so I thank you for your reply. Do you agree that clen downrwgulates AR?
    Well i have used clen with and without AS and not really noticed it having any negative affect on the AS working. But I do now try to avoid clen while on AS as it is a possibilty. Maybe use ECA instead.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    Well i have used clen with and without AS and not really noticed it having any negative affect on the AS working. But I do now try to avoid clen while on AS as it is a possibilty. Maybe use ECA instead.
    Agreed, except ECA's properties and mechanism for absorption are so similar to Clen (it's like Clen Jr.) that it would, theoretically have the same negative effects on aas, but to a lesser or Jr. degree so to speak.

    As stated by Beast I'm not sure how much stock to put into Clen's negative impact on aas. I'd like to see the data that supports this stance, or at least the foundational hypothesis behind it, because I've also run it both ways with no noticeable differences.

    Regarding your T3 question. I've seen Cytomel medically prescribed for several months at 100mcgs. Hooker also speculates this in the profile, which should be read.
    I think we can safely spend an athletic career using Cytomel 9-10 months out of the year, and just taking those few months off to normalize ourselves. Is this aggressive? Yes. Unsafe? NO.

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