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Thread: Superdrol before test/eq cycle, pct necessary?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Superdrol before test/eq cycle, pct necessary?

    I am starting a Test E(500)+EQ(400) cycle (10 weeks) after 4 weeks but before that I want to do a superdrol cycle (basic one of 10,20,20 for 3 weeks).

    Now the thing is can I directly start the test/eq cycle as soon as the superdrol cycle is over (which means skipping the superdrol PCT) or should i do the pct then start the juice cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    long island, new york
    you should kickstart your cycle with the superdrol run it weeks 1-4 because the test is going to take atleast that long to kick in so in the mean time you can make some gains in strength and weight, and this way you can go into the pct right after the cycle is done and everything should be lined up nicely.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yea that's an option too but if I load up first with superdrol then cycle the test/eq I guess that will work too. I won't get the test/eq for another 4 weeks so can't start it now.

    The only issue is the 10-14 days it takes for the test to kick in, so during that period I will be shutdown from the superdrol so is that alright or can it mess up my recovery later or something? The plan is to start injecting from the beginning of week 4 onwards; superdrol will be over by end of week 3.

    So the inject cycle will last weeks 4 to 14. I also plan to run dbol (25 or 30mg) from weeks 12 till 16 before the PCT starts on week 16, want to see how effective dbol will be at the end just before I start the pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    long island, new york
    well if you are gonna run dbol thats a different story i would drop the superdrol all together than i wouldn't run them back to back or together. i f was doing this cycle i would do it like this

    Test E- 500 mg/week shot 2x a week - weeks 1-10
    EQ- 400 mg/week shot 2x a week-weeks 1-9 ( i would front load the shit outta this cause this is a low dose and duration for this if not get more eq or leave it out.
    dbol- 30 mg a day split up- weeks 1-4
    PCT should start during week 12.
    If u want between weeks 10-12 run the superdrol right up into pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    eq ran less than 12 wks is pointless and eq ran under 600mg pointless..
    adude ur not ready for aas thats all i can say from wat i have seen.. please HOLD OFF k thnx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Umm? 600mg is better yes but 400 yields decent results too. I have few live examples here... I'll agree though 12 weeks is better for eq but that means buying an extra bottle just for that 2 weeks..oh well.

    I want to run dbol at the end 4 weeks just before the pct rather than kick start using it, if i decide to later. I prefer superdrol to dbol for the kick start, it is much leaner/harder/cleaner. Want to experiment and see how well this type of cycle design works.

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