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Thread: Sust. vs. Test

  1. #1
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    Sust. vs. Test

    Hey guys..I have a question..I have done lots of research on sustanon and test enanthate . But my question is, why does everyone always say run a cycle of test instead of running a sust.?? I know they have different compounds in them, but they should give you pretty much the same results. But from what i've read and all the effectiveness charts and profiles i've read, sust. gives you a lil bit of better gains because you keep more of it than w/ test?? so what do u guys think?? would running 500mg of sust or test by itself be better??..thanx a lot for you guys' time!!

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibetucanget4
    Hey guys..I have a question..I have done lots of research on sustanon and test enanthate . But my question is, why does everyone always say run a cycle of test instead of running a sust.?? I know they have different compounds in them, but they should give you pretty much the same results. But from what i've read and all the effectiveness charts and profiles i've read, sust. gives you a lil bit of better gains because you keep more of it than w/ test?? so what do u guys think?? would running 500mg of sust or test by itself be better??..thanx a lot for you guys' time!!
    Dude that is crap. Keeping your gains has nothing to do with the Test you use. Its all about good PCT and Diet.

    As for Sust being better than Test. Sust is just four different esters of Test which means the release at different rates. To get the most out of Sust it should be shot ED o at least EOD whereas Test E of Test C only needs to be shot once or twice a week so its easier.

  3. #3
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    yea, i totallly understand what your talkin abt man.. I totally agree w/ you...Not to try and sound like a smartie or anythign like that, why would effectiveness charts and so forth rate which ones have better keeps..I mean, if you would run the SAME pct for a test and a sust. cycle, each at 500mg, would u keep more from one or the other?? i really don't know.....anyone who does i would really appreciate it!

  4. #4
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibetucanget4
    yea, i totallly understand what your talkin abt man.. I totally agree w/ you...Not to try and sound like a smartie or anythign like that, why would effectiveness charts and so forth rate which ones have better keeps..I mean, if you would run the SAME pct for a test and a sust. cycle, each at 500mg, would u keep more from one or the other?? i really don't know.....anyone who does i would really appreciate it!
    effectivness charts dont mean a thing bro, aas provide different kind of results from person to person, one person may say test e gave him more than sust, to another person it could be the total opposite

    like said proper pct and diet will determine how much gains you keep from your cycle, not charts

  5. #5
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibetucanget4
    yea, i totallly understand what your talkin abt man.. I totally agree w/ you...Not to try and sound like a smartie or anythign like that, why would effectiveness charts and so forth rate which ones have better keeps..I mean, if you would run the SAME pct for a test and a sust. cycle, each at 500mg, would u keep more from one or the other?? i really don't know.....anyone who does i would really appreciate it!

    Charts are old.. like from 1999... or something..

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    effectivness charts dont mean a thing bro, aas provide different kind of results from person to person, one person may say test e gave him more than sust, to another person it could be the total opposite

    like said proper pct and diet will determine how much gains you keep from your cycle, not charts
    Thats exactly right. Everyone is different so those charts dont mean a thing as far as I am concerned. Just look at many posts here about different steroids . Some guys grow like weeds of certain kinds of gear, others dont.

    I have a close friend who ways 260 and is around 10% bf, the guy is a tank. He grows like fvck om 200mg of Sust a week. I dont get anything out of 200mg a week and I weigh 185. What I am saying is whats looks good on a chart may not be whats good for you. The only way to know for sure is to experiment.

  7. #7
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    i think if ur using sust at 500mg/wk ur just wasting money. first of all, sust usually cost more then test e or c. If u only shot 500mg a week, youre only getting 60mg of prop which is gonna do nothing. unless ur taking around 1000mg a week of sust and doing ed or eod shots then i wouldnt recommend it. and if ur using it for your first cycle then u shouldnt be using 1000mg anyway.

  8. #8
    hoopcat528 is offline Associate Member
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    sust versus test e

    Looks like you are getting a few different opinions and I think the results you get does depend on each person.

    When I use Test E I get a lot of bloat regardless of what Anti-E's I run. This is too bad since Test E is cheaper than Sust. When I use Sust I get much less bloat but a decent increase in muscularity, size, etc. I only run 250 mg to 500 mg per week.

    As far as keeping gains with good PCT, they both are about the same for me.

    Maybe you should try a cycle of both (at different times) and see what works best for you.

    ps to Kale - If your girlfriend is the picture in your avatar, your a lucky man !
    Last edited by hoopcat528; 12-04-2006 at 01:33 PM. Reason: added words

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    omg seriously if u dont know then STFU from here on out ok?
    sust is test its just a blend of esters creating a more chaotic yet rhythmatic dropping of hormones lol i made that up!

    test is test THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE sust has short esters but its such a small amount its practically negligible unless u count 12.5mg of prop ED as a deceant amount

    long estered wise sust is closer to 3 weeks and testE is 2 so there u have it the decanoate ester in sust makes it a 3wk active life.. anyone who says it gave better gains is an R-Tard lol.. im so sick of parrots *gets shotgun*

  10. #10
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
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    Ok..i understand everything all you guys are saying...and actually i agree..i know everything acts differently from person to person...i know there are guys out there that know A LOT more than me abt anabolics, so i figured i'd just ask!! lol....anyways, thanx alot for all u guys input and opinions!!

  11. #11
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    test is test THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE *
    That sums it up

  12. #12
    beachbum28's Avatar
    beachbum28 is offline Associate Member
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    AGREED!!! I always do sust at around 400 1 x per week and I grow like a mofo on it, mixed with eq, which we know isn't the one making me grow like that. For me, if I shoot sust eod i get the flu in 2-3 weeks, i don't know who came up with this ed/eod shit on sust, but they need to go read a bit and check BL's while on it. There isn't enough of the short esters in it to mess up blood levels, so 1 x a week is all that's needed..any more is abuse IMO!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Thats exactly right. Everyone is different so those charts dont mean a thing as far as I am concerned. Just look at many posts here about different steroids . Some guys grow like weeds of certain kinds of gear, others dont.

    I have a close friend who ways 260 and is around 10% bf, the guy is a tank. He grows like fvck om 200mg of Sust a week. I dont get anything out of 200mg a week and I weigh 185. What I am saying is whats looks good on a chart may not be whats good for you. The only way to know for sure is to experiment.

  13. #13
    beachbum28's Avatar
    beachbum28 is offline Associate Member
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    Spoken like a king... just read this post after posting mine... I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    omg seriously if u dont know then STFU from here on out ok?
    sust is test its just a blend of esters creating a more chaotic yet rhythmatic dropping of hormones lol i made that up!

    test is test THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE sust has short esters but its such a small amount its practically negligible unless u count 12.5mg of prop ED as a deceant amount

    long estered wise sust is closer to 3 weeks and testE is 2 so there u have it the decanoate ester in sust makes it a 3wk active life.. anyone who says it gave better gains is an R-Tard lol.. im so sick of parrots *gets shotgun*

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Hey, does anyone know if you can drink Winny???

    seriously, why deal with 4 different esters running through your body possibly giving your more sides, when you can get the SAME results under the same conditions with a single ester test??

  15. #15
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    test = test

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