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  1. #1
    shujaat is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    winstrol or testoviron

    all rite friends here is the advice i need.... i was off the juice for like 3 years now training not so good i am training like those fitness guys, hope u understand what i mean . now the thing is am coming back to juicing but i dont need any hugeeeeeeee mass i need to look like a here is my plan for cycle
    total cycle 10 weeks
    week1-week10 500mg testoviron schring pakistan made
    week1-week5 300mg deca durabolin organon pakistan made
    week5-week10 500mg testoviron and 300mg winstrol
    now the question is shall i use deca with winstrol or is this cycle ok ..... again i can always increase the dose coz over here in pakistan steriods are over the counter so just be free while advicing .... thanks

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Dec 2004
    im a little confused. Are you going to stop yest then commence again with it after the deca ?? If so then that is a bad idea. Run the Testoviron throughout cycle. Deca is only being run for five weeks??? It will take that long to start working. Run it for a minimum of 10 and at at least 400mg EW. When you say 300mg of winny do you mean ED or EW? If it is EW then that is a pretty low dose. Here is cycle I would run

    1-13 testoviron 500mg EW
    1-12 Deca 400mg EW
    6-12 Winny 50mg ED

    run an AI like arimidex throughout and use for pct too along with nolva.

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