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Thread: short cycle

  1. #1
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    short cycle

    I just started (been "on" for a week) a short cycle consisting of Test Prop and NPP
    My cycle is : weeks 1-4 test prop 100mg every 3rd day
    -//- 1-4 NPP 100mg every 3rd day
    -//- 1-4 Metanabol 20mg ED
    -//- 4 HCG 300IU ED

    I just want to see the effect of a cycle like this in terms of muscle gains and ability of keeping them post cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sorry bro I dont rate it. Its a very low dose for a shot cycle, im not sure of your previous experience but even if you a newby to aas then 233mg of prop +NPP PW isnt gona do a great deal in any cycle.

    All IMHO, DYOR.

    jing jai

  3. #3
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    Yep the doses are relatively low, my bad I should up them in order to make a strong effect

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by judge_dread
    Yep the doses are relatively low, my bad I should up them in order to make a strong effect
    I would do...100mg prop ed would be better, think about pulling the NPP out before the prop as well.

    jing jai

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    You will see some good results at 100mg ED for the prop and NPP.
    What are your stats and goals??

  6. #6
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    my goal is to gain 7-8 lbs and hold half of them, I am gonna follow that protocol repeatedly after a period of 2 weeks off.I weigh 192 lbs with unknown bf

  7. #7
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think its a waste. Whats the point of jumping back on after 2 weeks? You think you're going to be recovered? All I see is a hormonal roller coaster. Your dosages are low even for a 1st cycle... You want to gain 8 and keep four? I say get your dosages worked out and stay on for 6-8 weeks.

    So what is your cycle experience?

    How tall are you?

    Unknow bf%? Hmm...Can you see abs, so you have love handles, is your stomach so big you cant see your dick? Gotta give us an estimate here.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Don't like it at all, i think your goals are easy achievable if your just did a standard 6-8 wk cycle, 4 on 2 off isn't something id recommend at those dosages, also we need alot more info on yourself to advice the best advice, stats,age,training experience and cycle history??

  9. #9
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    I def can see my dick! my abs area is bit blurry though ,anyway my previous cycle experience is 2 cycles (8 weeks both, low doses of Test and Primo + Anavar ).I am 6'1" 192lbs small frame classic hardgainer.
    Since I am at the very beggining of the protocol and I can make readjustments do u believe that for a recreational user like me with no intention to compete short cycles are less preferable in comparison to classic longer ones?
    Last edited by judge_dread; 12-05-2006 at 07:58 AM.

  10. #10
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    By doing 4/weeks) on 2 off, you will not recover your HPTA and will remain supressed. Bad idea!

    I know the 2 on/4off has been sucsesfully done by someone I know. Bill roberts also have studies with this cycling method.

    The theory behind it is that for the first 2 weeks on cycle, only the "hypotalamus" is inhibited, and it produces alot less LHRH as a results of the high levels of sex-hormone it senses,
    but the "pituitary" is not inhibited at all(its actually sensitized,and will respond to LHRH even more so than usal after only 2-weeks, which allows for a rapid recovery.)

  11. #11
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    short cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Don't like it at all, i think your goals are easy achievable if your just did a standard 6-8 wk cycle, 4 on 2 off isn't something id recommend at those dosages, also we need alot more info on yourself to advice the best advice, stats,age,training experience and cycle history??
    Agree..100%!!!!!...what up marcus bro???

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