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  1. #1
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Unhappy Is This A Good Cycle??? Yay or Nay???

    Whats up everybody, I am trying to gain Lean Mass after my Clenbuterol cycle......... This is going to be my 1st "Real" cycle (2nd overall - 1st cycle was tren + winny @150-200mg/wk -- It was a joke)

    Anyways, I need some ideas for what substances to use, @ what dosages, and @ what time to throw them into my cycle!!! I know that sounds like a lot to ask for but I am not really sure what the best combinations of substances to use are or @ what times during a cycle , so if someone could help me I would definately appreciate it.

    How do you guys think this cycle looks??

    TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE - 400 or 500 mg/wk - 10 or 12 weeks
    WINSTROL ORALS - 25-50mg/ed - wks 1-4
    PROVIRON ORALS - 25mg/ed - wk 1 throughout cycle & PCT
    ANAVAR ORALS - 40-80mg/ed - wks 7-10 or 9-12
    (ANAVAR & WINNY can be thrown in @ opposite times maybe?)
    FINASTERIDE - ?? mg/ed or eod throughout

    Also ----- Nolva @ 10mg/ed throughout cycle (+ PCT)

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT - Do you think I would need HCG throughout this kind of a cycle??? Any kind of feedback on how this cycle looks or what I should change in it or If I should change it all together would be great. Remember, I AM LOOKING FOR LEAN MASSThanks for your comments/suggestions/and advice.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i dont really like it

  3. #3
    lanky's Avatar
    lanky is offline Associate Member
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    bgizzle i think ur gonna get a slew of questions comming your way first would be what are your stats?

    second, if u did one cycle and it was trash y not test out a single steroid like test to see how you react to it?

    third, y so many orals?

    in my opinion i go with a definate nay on this cycle, but good luck hope ur training and diet is in order

  4. #4
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Whats the point of using finasteride to block DHT when youre adding winstrol in there anyway???????

  5. #5
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    Whats up everybody, I am trying to gain Lean Mass after my Clenbuterol cycle......... This is going to be my 1st "Real" cycle (2nd overall - 1st cycle was tren + winny @150-200mg/wk -- It was a joke)

    Anyways, I need some ideas for what substances to use, @ what dosages, and @ what time to throw them into my cycle!!! I know that sounds like a lot to ask for but I am not really sure what the best combinations of substances to use are or @ what times during a cycle , so if someone could help me I would definately appreciate it.

    How do you guys think this cycle looks??

    TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE - 400 or 500 mg/wk - 10 or 12 weeks
    WINSTROL ORALS - 25-50mg/ed - wks 1-4
    PROVIRON ORALS - 25mg/ed - wk 1 throughout cycle & PCT
    ANAVAR ORALS - 40-80mg/ed - wks 7-10 or 9-12
    (ANAVAR & WINNY can be thrown in @ opposite times maybe?)
    FINASTERIDE - ?? mg/ed or eod throughout

    Also ----- Nolva @ 10mg/ed throughout cycle (+ PCT)

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT - Do you think I would need HCG throughout this kind of a cycle??? Any kind of feedback on how this cycle looks or what I should change in it or If I should change it all together would be great. Remember, I AM LOOKING FOR LEAN MASSThanks for your comments/suggestions/and advice.
    i think your cycle is a little too much for a 1st, keep your first cycle simple i suggest

    1-4 dbol 40mg/ed
    1-12 test e 500mg/wk

    that should be a great 1st timer cycle, get your diet, training and do proper pct and you will have great gains

  6. #6
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dude thats way to many compounds for your first cycle. Keep it simple the first shot.

    Test Cyp 500mg Weeks 1-12
    Then decide on 1 oral for a kickstart at best.

  7. #7
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

  8. #8
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Damn..... My stats are: 6' 212 b/f around 18% (thats why I am using CLEN )
    I dont know. My first cycle was only trash b/c the sh*t was UG and way underdosed. Got no results....... I already have the proviron on hand as well and it can act as some what of an AI so why not?? The winny and anavar are in there because I cant think of what would be the best thing to incorporate for lean mass (EQ, Primo, ect....)

    I already have the finasteride on hand and I figure That I might as well try to block some of the DHT right? Why not?

    If I use D-Bol, then should I add letro or arimidex or something like that to my cycle to stop or reduce bloat/fat/water retention.....I dont want to gain much weight I just want some LEAN MASS. Should I use d-bol for lean mass?

    Thanks Max.

    Can you guys give me some suggestions on what to incorporate into my TEST + PROV. cycle since this one is so sh*tty??? Thanks for the feedback.

  9. #9
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    lean mass eh???
    what is it called when the bloat goes away form the dbol ??????? flabby mass???? man at 18% you are already fat why do you care if you carry water for a few weeks?

  10. #10
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    I dont need to look any fatter than I already am. Thanks for your comment smart *ss.

  11. #11
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    I dont need to look any fatter than I already am. Thanks for your comment smart *ss.
    Then diet and cardio harder

  12. #12
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    haha. I am doing that right now and using clen . Thanks

  13. #13
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    whatever. Thanks for NO help. I am just going to do 500mg/wk of TEST and EQ for 12 weeks. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it

  14. #14
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    seriously what are the gains called after the bloat dies down ......i think its called lean mass....and that is exactly what you are looking for "lean mass" ......or did you wanna change your question?

  15. #15
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    ok. check it out...... I did not want to do a f*cking Bulking cycle. D-Bol and TEST = BULK.... are you retarded or something. I mean seriously?? So, like I said before I am trying to be Lean and get some lean mass, NOT BULK! Make sense now buddy?? Or do you want me to spell it out for you in a different manner? How is it exactly that you think that I want to change my question anyway? Let me know

  16. #16
    KNOWNasJOE is offline Junior Member
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    Dont go calling other members around here retarded or you will get no help what so ever. Since you seem to know everything about AAS and what is/is not a lean mass cycle why do you even ask? Your cycle that you put together in your first post is strictly ass, I wouldnt even give it to someone I hate.

    You said you were going to run test and EQ for 12 weeks? That would be a great cycle bro, I definately recommend it. I think you will like it as it will bring out your vascularity, make the progress you made from the clen more noticable, and you will certainly see slow but great LEAN MASS gains.

    Don't get so grumpy buddy, just relax

    How do you like your clen so far?

    Also thats a good PCT, I dont think you would need HCG for just test and EQ.

  17. #17
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    And using clen at 18% Bodyfat LOL

  18. #18
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    Dont go calling other members around here retarded or you will get no help what so ever. Since you seem to know everything about AAS and what is/is not a lean mass cycle why do you even ask? Your cycle that you put together in your first post is strictly ass, I wouldnt even give it to someone I hate.

    You said you were going to run test and EQ for 12 weeks? That would be a great cycle bro, I definately recommend it. I think you will like it as it will bring out your vascularity, make the progress you made from the clen more noticable, and you will certainly see slow but great LEAN MASS gains.

    Don't get so grumpy buddy, just relax

    How do you like your clen so far?

    Also thats a good PCT, I dont think you would need HCG for just test and EQ.

    Well, I get rather pissed off when someone only posts negative remarks and feedback, and does not even really address the issue @ hand. I am just trying to get some ideas on stuff and Manpretty just comes in - calls me fat - and pretty much just says everything he can to try and make me look stupid - and make me feel like I dont know sh*t - so it got on my nerves.

    And I dont know everything about AAS or Lean mass or I wouldnt have started this thread or be on this forum. I know that the cycle that I originally posted is pretty dumb, but like i said I was/am just trying to get some ideas.

    And, the Clen cycle is going relatively well. The only side effects I have had so far are shaky hands. This is only my 3rd day on it, as I started my cycle on Monday. I did 20mcg/day 1.....40mcg/day 2.....80mcg/day 3(today). I will do 100mcg tomorrow. This whole week I havent been able to do as much cardio as I wanted though so that has kind put a damper on things but I will do my 30-45min. later tonight and hopefully every day from here on out.

    The only reason that I think that I will need HCG is b/c for the first cycle that I did..... you know, the underdosed half-*ss cycle of tren and winstrol, my nuts shrank kind of a lot - so i figured that i may need some of it this time around to maintain there size. Thanks for you POSITIVE feedback though JOE. I appreciate it.

  19. #19
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    yea, its called trying to drop overall weight and b/f. LOL its just halarious isnt it!! Thanks

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    yea, its called trying to drop overall weight and b/f. LOL its just halarious isnt it!! Thanks

    IT IS! ESPECIALLLY @ such high a bodyfat where even an average diet and minimum cardio can drop you to 14% in no time.

  21. #21
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    A) "I am just trying to get some ideas on stuff and Manpretty just comes in - calls me fat."
    im just stating facts dude
    &B) "D-Bol and TEST = BULK"
    so let me get you straight you dont want any muscle mass put on right.....because gains are gains dude.....i was trying to point out whether you gain 5 lbs off of winny or 15lbs from dbol cut back to 5lbs once the water is is the is all muscle...that would be 5 pounds of lean muscle not fat that you gained from both..................

    i think what you wanna do it lose bf and gain muscle? am i right?.....because if so its alot more dependant on diet then the drugs you take

  22. #22
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    How about this.

    Cypionate - 500 mg EW 1-12
    Anavar - 70 -80 mg ED 9-15
    Arimidex .25mg EOD on cycle

    then start PCT 18 days after last cyp shot and 24 hours after last anavar dose.

    PCT = Aromasin / Nolva

    This will let you see how you respond to all test until week 9, when you can add anavar.

    I hate clomid, always aromasin for me. Arimidex is cheaper, so run that during cycle to control estrogen.

    Don't expect instant results with this cycle, because cypionate takes about 5 weeks to kick in fully, but it's a solid 1st cycle.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 12-06-2006 at 04:47 PM.

  23. #23
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    In no time huh hell mask? C'mon now.....

    because gains are gains dude.....i was trying to point out whether you gain 5 lbs off of winny or 15lbs from dbol cut back to 5lbs once the water is is the is all muscle...

    ok, MAN your right. Gains are gains. But dont you think that the TEST and WINNY would be a LEAN MASS cycle and the D-Bol and TEST would be a BULKING cycle..... If Im already fat, like you said then tell me why and the hell I would want to gain 15 more lbs - look even fatter - and then have to wait until the water retention goes away before I look even close to lean?? I really do not even want to discuss the sh*t anymore. This is rather childish. Thanks for the advice on what cycle to run man.....maybe some other time.

    And thanks for your advice MAX i appreciate your suggestions. I will keep that in mind for a future cycle. I already purchased the EQ, so I am just going to do a TEST + EQ @ 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. Any other suggestions for future cycles (maybe some Straight Cutting cycles) would be appreciated as well...

  24. #24
    boxingbean's Avatar
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    .........clen clen clen....

  25. #25
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    I do not know the implications of that.......

  26. #26
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    test and EQ would be a good 1st cycle as well.
    I suggested var because many believe it reduces midsection fat.

    Your diet will play a greater role in the success of your cycle than the coumpounds you choose.

  27. #27
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    look man, believe it or not im trying to help you.......getting the misconception out of your head the steroids cut fat is first on my agenda.....
    second post your diet and im sure some very knowlegdable dudes and dudettes can help you cut that belly...
    ps ALOT of people dont recommend "chemical help" until you are in single digits for hard dont be lazy and stop eating crap you be fine and in a year youll be ready to juice

  28. #28
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    look man, believe it or not im trying to help you.......getting the misconception out of your head the steroids cut fat is first on my agenda.....
    second post your diet and im sure some very knowlegdable dudes and dudettes can help you cut that belly...
    ps ALOT of people dont recommend "chemical help" until you are in single digits for hard dont be lazy and stop eating crap you be fine and in a year youll be ready to juice

    well, thats kind of hard to believe at this point. I did NOT ever say that steroids would cut fat. Can you show me that. I know that would be a big misconception in someones head. But I do not believe that AAS do that so I dont know what your talking about there. There are also ALOT of people who say that it doesnt matter what b/f% you are @ before you take clen. Check it out. PerfectBeast was around 300lbs with like 30% b/f or something (I think) and look where he is at now with the help of clen. So thanks for whatever help you think your giving me. Oh, and I dont eat crap. You must take me for like the stupidest m*ther f...... on the planet if you honestly think that I am eating like a pig and trying to lose lbs. and b/f. Thanks though....

  29. #29
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    if you want to quote someone, click the QUOTE button underneath their post. It will put their post in quotes and allow you to reply.

  30. #30
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    honestly man hellmask is right if you cant lose that natty there is something wrong with your diet it to see what people have to say.....i wont even say a word.....i bet you think its great just like everyone else does when they first say they "have a clean diet" youll be suprised at what youll find out.....i bet its not nearly as good as you think..

  31. #31
    Travis0810's Avatar
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    Look obviously this guy dosn't have a clue what he is talking about. The fact that he was going to take 4 orals should tell you something about his knowledge of AAS. I guess he dosn't know that orals are very toxic to your liver and running 4diffrent compounds would be extremely dangerous..(he didn't even mention taking some milk thistle for liver support) Plus when peps tried to give him advice he started acting like an ass claiming that he wanted lean gains,stating that Test and D bol= bulk. I have seen numerous people take nothing but 500mg test/week and have great gains in lean mass. Dude listen to Hellmask, your results from aas use will have more to do with your diet than the type of gear you ran. Just remember you are what you eat. Guys don't worry about him, let him run whatever ****ing cycle he wants, then when he comes on asking about gyno we can all get a good laugh.

  32. #32
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Let's not be too hard on him. We were all there at one point. He's trying to learn, he just needs to realize that you can;t get defensive on this board.

    I still make mistakes. Just yesterday i ordered some caber and it came in a rubber-stopper vial so I posted a thread asking if it was injectable. Then BajanBastard called me a dumbass 43 times, and now I know that the company who makes it is too cheap to bottle it properly, but it is still an oral.

    So, Gizzle, take every piece of advice you can get with a grain of salt. There's enough educated members here that your question will rarely go unanswered, and you'll be able to learn from everyone's experiences.

  33. #33
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travis0810
    Look obviously this guy dosn't have a clue what he is talking about. The fact that he was going to take 4 orals should tell you something about his knowledge of AAS. I guess he dosn't know that orals are very toxic to your liver and running 4diffrent compounds would be extremely dangerous..(he didn't even mention taking some milk thistle for liver support) Plus when peps tried to give him advice he started acting like an ass claiming that he wanted lean gains,stating that Test and D bol= bulk. I have seen numerous people take nothing but 500mg test/week and have great gains in lean mass. Dude listen to Hellmask, your results from aas use will have more to do with your diet than the type of gear you ran. Just remember you are what you eat. Guys don't worry about him, let him run whatever ****ing cycle he wants, then when he comes on asking about gyno we can all get a good laugh.

    Actually, I believe that there would have been 3 orals but, I dont know if I can count. And as a matter of fact I would have been taking some Liv-** and milk thistle. Even if I did do that cycle, I would only be taking 2 orals @ one time, which still isnt good but whatever...... It was just a thought. I didnt know if anyone had run a cycle like that before or not so you can hate on me all you want. I also will run the proper PCT. So I dont think that Gyno should be a factor. Thanks for sharing your thoughts big homie.

  34. #34
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    honestly man hellmask is right if you cant lose that natty there is something wrong with your diet it to see what people have to say.....i wont even say a word.....i bet you think its great just like everyone else does when they first say they "have a clean diet" youll be suprised at what youll find out.....i bet its not nearly as good as you think..
    Your probably right, my diet isnt as good. Isnt as good as you think. I dont have the time of day to go and by all kinds of sh*t at the grocery and cook/pack my own meals and eat 10 times/day. But, I still know that it is clean and I am making progress with it, so thanks though. Everybody's criticism is great.
    Last edited by BGIZZLE8629; 12-08-2006 at 08:37 AM.

  35. #35
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    h. Everybody's criticism is great.
    Take that as a sign your research.....dont complain to me about making meals and what are clearly not commited to losing weight and i dont care how much clen you take youll never be 8%bf with aa sh iiittyy diet....look this iis an advice forum if you dont like what people are saying why did you ask for advice???

    AND you still havent posted your diet? afraid of getting burned or something

  36. #36
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    And Yes I Am Clearly Calling You Out>>>>>> Post That Diet

  37. #37
    NoFaith068 is offline Associate Member
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    If it's an issue with wanting to use the proviron buddy, then throw it in there. Just keep things simple. If you don't grow as much as you'd like up the dosage/experiment with different compounds next time. Try to grow on as little as possible. Your body will thank you for it later down the road.

    How's this sound?:

    500 mg/ Test E./week (1-10)
    75 mg/Proviron/ED throughout

    Oh yea, don't see a need to run Nolva throughout either as Proviron prevents aromatization.

  38. #38
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoFaith068
    If it's an issue with wanting to use the proviron buddy, then throw it in there. Just keep things simple. If you don't grow as much as you'd like up the dosage/experiment with different compounds next time. Try to grow on as little as possible. Your body will thank you for it later down the road.

    How's this sound?:

    500 mg/ Test E./week (1-10)
    75 mg/Proviron/ED throughout

    Oh yea, don't see a need to run Nolva throughout either as Proviron prevents aromatization.
    So are you suggesting that I dont use EQ then?

  39. #39
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    Take that as a sign your research.....dont complain to me about making meals and what are clearly not commited to losing weight and i dont care how much clen you take youll never be 8%bf with aa sh iiittyy diet....look this iis an advice forum if you dont like what people are saying why did you ask for advice???

    AND you still havent posted your diet? afraid of getting burned or something
    I never said I would be down to 8% after my clen cycle....... Sh*t it will take hella time before I see 8%. And I am not complaining to you about anything bro I dont have time to even here your BS anymore. This definately is an advice forum and on this thread you havent given any advice. How about you just stop commenting in this thread. Sound reasonable? Oh, and hahahahahahah you are calling me out are on? on the a forum on the internet?? Haha you are hilarious dude. I wonder how many cats you have called out in public....... Silencio por favor.

  40. #40
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    calling you out on your diet fool......and yeah i did give you it is as clearly as i can say dont need drugs but obviously a tweak in assuming you havent posted you diet because you really dont know anything about diet......

    again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs.....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....again my advice is to modify your diet before taking drugs....

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