12-06-2006, 03:39 PM #1
Vision problems after injection...
Hey guys,
I'm on week 8 of my cycle consisting of
1-4 dbol 40mgs/ed
1-10 deca 400mg/wk
1-12 sus 500/wk
Just shot 2cc's (1cc deca, 1cc sust) and my left eye has gone kinda wonky. Seeing weird lights and its pretty constant. I can still see out of it, but I wouldn't feel too confident driving or working or studying right now, which are all things that i'll be needing to do throughout the rest of the day. I'm not stressing huge right now, but it is concerning. Has this ever happened to anyone? FYI the injection site was my delt.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
12-06-2006, 04:02 PM #2
Bro,I cant think of what it might,,,never heard of that unless you were squinting when injecting...many people dont realize how nervous they get when doing this...Let us know what happens.
12-06-2006, 04:05 PM #3
are you taking clomid?
12-06-2006, 04:17 PM #4
Thanks for the replies guys. BigMax - definately not nervous for injections, I actually look forward to 'em.
Nope no clomid right now either.
My eye still has these weird lights in it. I feel like Jimi Hendrix on acid or something. The lights have slightly subsided in the last 30 mins, but I still do not feel confident leaving the house right now.
12-06-2006, 05:02 PM #5
Yay....an hour and a half later and all is good. Vision is back to normal and I can carry on with my day. Man was that ever weird though. I wonder if it was the AAS or if it was just some other factor. Odd that it happened about 2 mins after injection, but who knows. I'm safe...for now. Any other recurrences and I'll be going to take it up with Doogie Howser.
Thanks for the input boys.
12-06-2006, 06:14 PM #6
Did you aspirate ?? (Assumin you are injecting IM)
My thought track is looking toward either abnormally rapid absorption into the bloodstream causing an issue, or maybe you injected into a vein or capilliary and had some related problem ?!?!?!
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