Hey guys, I'm about to hop on my new year's cycle, I'v got all my gear and am ready to through down! But I've got a question regarding the length of my cycle. Im planning to take:
*Equipose 200mg/ml
*Super Test 450/ml (test blend):
-32 mg per ml of testosterone acetate
-147 mg per ml of testosterone decanoate
-73 mg per ml of testosterone propionate
-73 mg per ml of testosterone phenylpropionate
-125 mg per ml of testosterone cypionate
Thing is, this will be my first time taking just equipose and test. But Im not sure if Im better dosing at lets say:
-400mg of Eq
-450 of Test... over a 20 wk period
-600mg of Eq
-700mg of Test over a 14 wk period
I know that equipose has a long ester so its better to take it over a longer period. But Im not really sure if 20 wks is over-kill and in addition to that whether cutting the cycle to 400mg a week to stretch the cycle would be meaningless/inefficient.
Any advice or dosing suggestions would be greatly appriciated! Thanks guys!!!
Happy Holidays!!!