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Thread: Steroids NOT promoting hair growth?

  1. #1

    Steroids NOT promoting hair growth?

    I'm currently on 200 mcg test every 2 weeks (sometimes shooting once a week),but even from this low dose I got some hair growth on my back & shoulders.
    The problem is that I'm considering Laser Hair Removal are there any roids or supplements out there that do not promote hair growth?Tongkat Ali maybe?
    what about clen?I know I'll lose some weight but will i build any muscle?cause I know it has slight anabolic effect?
    I'm looking for some hard gear though..Any input will be greatlly appreciated!Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    man o man o man,,,I'll let the vets deal with you

  3. #3
    well I know my question may sound stupid but maybe there is smth out there I don't know about...but you are not helping me with your answer ,that's for sure!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    just go get waxed and get on some real gear.

  5. #5
    Is the 200mg every 2 weeks for HRT? I presume so, if this is the case then did you not try tongkat etc before begining HRT?

    jing jai

  6. #6
    Yes this is correct.It is for HRT.And yes I did not try Tongkat before that.Did'nt even know about it & doc never suggested anything else than test,so...

  7. #7
    How old are you?

    Do you have low natural test due to supression from AAS or natural decline?

    jing jai

  8. #8
    Natural low test.Never used AAS before.I'm 26 YO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    You can try tongkat ...but doing the hrt will have where you want to be already..The clen will have minimal anabolic effect if any bro...what exactly are you looking to do???

  10. #10
    Looks like you will just have to put up with the hair, 200mg every 2 weeks is low-normal HRT dose, try tongkat etc by all means but dont get your hopes up too high.

    How long have you been on HRT?

    jing jai

  11. #11
    I'm looking to gain some quality lean mass and get ripped at the same time & I fugured test levels are already f*cked up so why not using some gear to get where I wanna be?Right? concern was the hair growth but at this point it looks to me that the LHR will have to wait..can't carry two watermelons under the same arm.
    My other concern is hair loss too!What can I take to prevent it?
    Thanks a lot guys for your help!
    I've been on HRT for over an year now..

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