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  1. #1
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    building my 2nd cycle, need some advice plz.

    What up ya'll, it's been a while since i visited. Ok, so here it goes, i wanna start my 2nd cycle this January, new year, new body! wo0t, anyways, i just wanna know what every1 thinks about running this cycle:

    1-14wks test "something"
    1-12wks deca
    1-? something to kick start my cycle.

    Here's my previous cycle info:

    1-16wks Test cyp 700mgs/wk
    1-14wks Deca 500mgs/wk

    My first cycle was not that well prepared, i definately needed more research my dosages were way too high and my pct was poorly made, i still got some good gains though and that's why i'm asking for the bros help.

    What would you guys recommend dosage wise, what kind of test would you say is the best to combine with deca and one last thing, what would be a good kickstart for the cycle? I really appreciate the help, oh and stats are:

    21 yrs old
    5 yrs training
    1 cycle done
    Height 187cm
    Weight 210lbs

    thnx again!!!

  2. #2
    getbig32's Avatar
    getbig32 is offline Associate Member
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    mh........ to be honest im not a huge fan of d-bol. my personal favorite....anadrol . but i would say test is test really...unless you consider the weight of the ester and blah blah blah ...but test c would be fine but i would jump start cycle with prop or suspension or anadrol...

  3. #3
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could easily stick with the same dosage, but throw in some oral at the start.

    1-12 Test e or c @ 700mgs weekly
    1-10 deca @ 500mgs weekly
    1-4 dbol 30mgs daily

    That should be more than enough for a second cycle. You could probably even drop the dosage of the injectables down. Your first cycle seemed unusually heavy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    You could easily stick with the same dosage, but throw in some oral at the start.

    1-12 Test e or c @ 700mgs weekly
    1-10 deca @ 500mgs weekly
    1-4 dbol 30mgs daily

    That should be more than enough for a second cycle. You could probably even drop the dosage of the injectables down. Your first cycle seemed unusually heavy.
    thats a good second cycle, except i would do the d-bol for 6 weeks and lower the test to 500mg/week and the deca to 400mg/week

  5. #5
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    You could easily stick with the same dosage, but throw in some oral at the start.

    1-12 Test e or c @ 700mgs weekly
    1-10 deca @ 500mgs weekly
    1-4 dbol 30mgs daily

    That should be more than enough for a second cycle. You could probably even drop the dosage of the injectables down. Your first cycle seemed unusually heavy.

    i like this one, but maybe drop the deca to like 300 or 400mg per week.

  6. #6
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    thnx a lot guys, one question...why should i lower the deca ? Is it because 600/wk may cause health problems???

  7. #7
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    one more thing guys, i tend to get really bad acne, and i've had some problems with orals(not steroids ) in the past, i took prohormones and my face, back and chest filled up with acne, could an oral steroid like d-bol for example have the same effect? I got some acne with my first cycle but nothing unbearable. thnx!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by eL FriJolerO
    one more thing guys, i tend to get really bad acne, and i've had some problems with orals(not steroids) in the past, i took prohormones and my face, back and chest filled up with acne, could an oral steroid like d-bol for example have the same effect? I got some acne with my first cycle but nothing unbearable. thnx!
    yea d-bol gave me alot of acne but i started cleaning my face with the right products like a cleanser, exfoiliator, and some benzoyl peroxide cream and it started to clear up

  9. #9
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    wk1-5 75mg prop ED/150mg EOD
    wk1-13 750mg test e/c EW
    wk1-12 600mg deca EW
    wk9-15(pct) 50-100mg winny ED

  10. #10
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eL FriJolerO
    What up ya'll, it's been a while since i visited. Ok, so here it goes, i wanna start my 2nd cycle this January, new year, new body! wo0t, anyways, i just wanna know what every1 thinks about running this cycle:

    1-14wks test "something"
    1-12wks deca
    1-? something to kick start my cycle.

    Here's my previous cycle info:

    1-16wks Test cyp 700mgs/wk
    1-14wks Deca 500mgs/wk

    My first cycle was not that well prepared, i definately needed more research my dosages were way too high and my pct was poorly made, i still got some good gains though and that's why i'm asking for the bros help.

    What would you guys recommend dosage wise, what kind of test would you say is the best to combine with deca and one last thing, what would be a good kickstart for the cycle? I really appreciate the help, oh and stats are:

    21 yrs old
    5 yrs training
    1 cycle done
    Height 187cm
    Weight 210lbs

    thnx again!!!
    heres how i would run it

    1-4 anadrol 50mg/ed
    1-14 test e 500mg/wk
    1-12 deca 400mg/wk

    have your training/diet in check you should see great results, with that being said good luck bro

  11. #11
    eL FriJolerO's Avatar
    eL FriJolerO is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2006
    thnx for all the replies guys, i'm gonna give it a shot with dbol , see how it goes with the acne, i already have my acne free kit bossman, so let's hope that works!

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