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Thread: proviron with masteron?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    proviron with masteron?

    Never used Proviron before. I just received a free ** pouch of proviron 20mg. I will be throwing some masteron into my cycle with tst prop around Christmas time. Would there be any benefit to using 2 DHT's or should I just wait and use it for pct?

  2. #2
    It could be both a positive and negative addition to the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    It could be both a positive and negative addition to the cycle.
    Well, that's vague as hell.
    Do you mean negative because of the DHT sides? Can you elaborate bro.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Well, that's vague as hell.
    Do you mean negative because of the DHT sides? Can you elaborate bro.

    I knew I was gonna get that, sorry.

    Well it being DHT I would think that the more DHT you have, the greater the risk for related side effects liek balding and maybe even cholesterol issues seeing as how DHT can reduce estrogen but DHT is also a strong adrogen and binds SHBG so those are the positive aspects of it.

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