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  1. #1
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Athlete needs recovery!!!

    Guys my age is catching up to me and i need to compete in high intensity sports all next year, i am only 26 but every small injury takes ages to recover, i need to be able to train twice a day at least 6 days a week!! A high intensity cardio workout in the morning and then alternate weights or sport specific training on the second session. My body wont let me push that limit! I need some help!! I currently supplement with glutamine and isopure protein, flax and multivitamins.

    After christmas i will add creatine to see if that helps, i got my supply of muscletech's Creakic for three months i'm gonna give that a try.

    Is IGF-1 right for me?? Or will a specific Test do the job to help me recover faster? I dont care about gaining weight i just need power/intensity/cardio without losing any muscle!!!


  2. #2
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    i'll let one of the more experienced boys answer this, but if i was to guess, i'd say test. but don't quote me on it

  3. #3
    godric is offline New Member
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    are you under doping control? if you are, go with short esters (test prop, suspension). orals like (d bol winstrol ) are good choice for you

  4. #4
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godric
    are you under doping control? if you are, go with short esters (test prop, suspension). orals like (d bol winstrol) are good choice for you

    yeah, this way you can pass a test not long after ingesting these types of AS. do a search on half-lives and detection times. that is, if you get tested in your sport

  5. #5
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    No man i wont be tested at all, what do u think about equipoise ?? I have heard and know people with horrible winstrol stories when it comes to any sport that involves moving fast, lots of snapping and joint pain....

  6. #6
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Winny's only claim to fame in sport is that Carl Lewis got popped for it and had his medals taken away. Most people I know can't stand the stuff.

    For general recovery support, any testosterone is the best answer. You can add deca for joints and strength gain enhancement, but will gain more weight if you do. You can moderate your diet to reduce this if you want. EQ is best for long-term use in athletes, and will have much less potent effect than T. The upside is that it's very mild and can be run pretty much as long as you want. EQ will also improve aerobic stamina a little bit.

    The short answer? If it was me, I'd stack TE and deca in mid-range doses and time 2-3 cycles to the competitions, since training intensity should be vaired across your year. OR I'd use EQ for the entire year, also in a moderate dose. The way I'd make the decision would be through a lot of research and careful analysis of how much health risk I was willing to chance in exchange for athletic glory.

  7. #7
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Would i have to run some test with EQ? I read the profiles and although EQ sounds great for an athlete they say it will still shut you down bad so nto to go longer than 12 weeks without working out a serious PCT maybe HCG +CLOMID?? Just to be extra safe.

    Is EQ harsh on the hairline? i'm not quite ready to invest in a hair transplant yet.

  8. #8
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    Would i have to run some test with EQ? I read the profiles and although EQ sounds great for an athlete they say it will still shut you down bad so nto to go longer than 12 weeks without working out a serious PCT maybe HCG +CLOMID?? Just to be extra safe.

    Is EQ harsh on the hairline? i'm not quite ready to invest in a hair transplant yet.
    Unfortunately, you'll never know the answer to either until you try them on yourself - principle of individual differences and all that. I know some guys (and know of a lot more) who are on EQ most all the time. I don't know anything about their sex lives or lack thereof. Most of them are bald, but can't say whether it's from EQ or not. I've been on it maybe 10 times for longer than 12 week periods, and have a full head of hair and plenty of lead in my pencil at age 55. PCT is mandatory for most any substance and cycle length, IMO.

    But, if you 'had' to run T with EQ, why not skip the weaker EQ and just run the T?

    The decision points, if it were me, would be about risk vs. reward and how long I was going to stay on. If it really was necessary and worth the risk to stay on a full year, I'd go with the EQ. But you might be able to get more tricky than that - low dose EQ for the full year but with short cycles of T or T+Deca on superimposed on top of the EQ, for example. I'd definitely flesh out a workable on-cycle and post-cycle therapy plan before I started and have all the ancillaries in hand. It's an interesting design problem, and in engineering something like this you have to work backwards from your goals and risk tolerance, meaning plan your training year out thoroughly first, break that into smaller training cycle, and once you are done try and map a juicing plan to it. What I'm saying is that your premise that you have to train as hard as you can all the time all year might be worth looking at in more detial. That's not in line with modern sports science - periodization, please.

  9. #9
    OldUncle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldUncle
    your premise that you have to train as hard as you can all the time all year might be worth looking at in more detial. That's not in line with modern sports science - periodization, please.
    PS, this is why your injuries take forever to heal. 26 is a young pup. Intense twice a day training 6 days a week without programmed variation in frequency, intensity, and volume is the problem, not your age or lack of chemical support.

  10. #10
    stick boy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldUncle
    PS, this is why your injuries take forever to heal. 26 is a young pup. Intense twice a day training 6 days a week without programmed variation in frequency, intensity, and volume is the problem, not your age or lack of chemical support.
    This sounds like some good advice. Maybe you are overtraining.

  11. #11
    goose is offline Banned
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    I would look into slin,EPO and HGH is a must.Please do your research.

  12. #12
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    what is ur sport?

  13. #13
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    If you say you are having small injuries catching up to you and you want big time recovery STAY AWAY from winstrol and EQ in my opinion. I have a lot of guys that say they feel horrible in their joints months after cessation of strol/EQ. If you aren't getting tested the world's your least when it comes to roids!

  14. #14
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldUncle
    PS, this is why your injuries take forever to heal. 26 is a young pup. Intense twice a day training 6 days a week without programmed variation in frequency, intensity, and volume is the problem, not your age or lack of chemical support.
    I agree with this strongly, there is a very fine line between pushing your self that extra mile and overtraining. You have to take into account that your training is supposed to help you not hinder you in anyway. You cant design a program off what Lance Armstrong would do, or any other freak of nature. Each and every training program needs to be as individual as the individual its self. The concept of periodization takes into account that the body needs to be continually stressed in different ways to adapt or your body will become adapted to you regime and no gains and possible training fatigue can occure. Any steroid will help you with your recovery times of course but training is your limiting factor right now. At 26 you should feel like a machine.

    Do you have a strength coach that has you on a program?

  15. #15
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Deca is great for joint support. Personally, I'd run a test + deca cycle.

    I'm kind of in the same boat, but my training is with the military, and I know that I will be tested after training is over. But I need to get into great shape for a contest, and make the top 15 in my group otherwise I would not qualify for the position.

  16. #16
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldUncle
    Winny's only claim to fame in sport is that Carl Lewis got popped for it and had his medals taken away. Most people I know can't stand the stuff.
    Ben Johnson also lost his gold medal due to Winstrol .

  17. #17
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    winny is short esterd, and great for explosiveness, but its rough on joints and bad for liver if used long term, so thats out.
    Eq, and deca are joint friendly and great for repair, both have detection times for several months though after usage, so their out.
    Anavar has been shown to speed collagen in skin. whethor this holds true for connective tissue is unknown. Var is pricey as hell to get a decent dose, so thats out.
    HGH is by far the best for collagen synthesis and ************. But that stuff makes var look cheap, so if it were me(cuz im poor), that'd be out. However, the guy at my gym is 35, takes 1 iu 5x a week and notices he can recover from workouts better and wrestling. 1iu!

    test with short ester would be my choice, but if your in a wrestling/type sport, rolling over your injection sites will hurt with prop. ouch
    But you may have no other choice. Test e and c are in you for like 2 weeks after a shot. Depends how/when you get tested, you may be able to work that.
    then theres the issue of constantly slamming your HPTA. you could end up lowering your testosterone for life. do you mind being on hrt after you retire?

    i would think igf-1 or hgh might be better for the long term, and a couple times a year throw in some test for several weeks.

    i used to shootfight and i saw guys do all kindsa stuff, but we were never tested.

  18. #18
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Carl Lewis never lost any gold medals. The 88 olympics is where Ben Johnson smoked Carl Lewis then Johnson tested positive for juice and was stripped of his gold and it was awarded to Carl Lewis

  19. #19
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Ok, cool. I couldn't remember excatly what happened, all I knew was the Ben lost the gold medal and tested positive for winny.

  20. #20
    cfiler's Avatar
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    He said he doesn't need to worry about detection/testing. So deca is definately a perfect addition to the cycle. Seriously, test + deca would totally rock!

    If I wasn't being tested I would run deca.

  21. #21
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    depends on the spor.. test + deca at moderate dose kills my grappling cardio... big time..

  22. #22
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    My sport is mixed martial arts, the training sessions i divided in the following way where its Training day A and training day B.

    Training day A:
    Morning - Cardio on elliptical machine steady climb in intensity to warm up first 20-25 minutes followed by interval training right now its 1 minute high intensity then one minute slow down compeletly, i do as many as i can before i throw up or collapse. With time i want to reduce the slow-time to 30 seconds.

    Evening-Teach grappling class for 30 minutes then free-train grappling for 30 minutes, about 5-6 rounds of 4 minutes.

    Training day B:
    Morning: Bas-Rutten circuit training, its doing several stations, push-up, sit-ups, dips, bicep curls with light weight, shadow boxing, body-weight squats and lunges, its pretty mixed up its a non-stop circuit the shadow boxing istation is the only one you can breathe a little and go lazy.

    Evening: Thai pads 6x3min rounds muay thai, followed by as many as i can just boxing rounds.

    Training day A and B have one day in between them in which i do weight training and then i do lots of stretching. And then the fifth day completly off i just watch instructional dvd's and learn new stuff without moving. So there are 4 days in between workout A and coming back to workou A again, one of these days being complelty off. But its pretty much only one day off a week pretty much.

  23. #23
    gotjuice28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    winny is short esterd, and great for explosiveness.
    winny is terrible for explosive sports

  24. #24
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    If I was u I would look into HGH/IGF and also run a pretty low dose cycle on top too.. but more specifics I cant give.. what are u r stats? DO u need to gain muscle and size or need to stay at a specific weight clasS? also plan on competing soon or u already do? 26 is pretty young for MMA still.. Im also 26...

  25. #25
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gotjuice28
    winny is terrible for explosive sports
    thats not what iv seen, but it may be personal.

  26. #26
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    If I was u I would look into HGH/IGF and also run a pretty low dose cycle on top too.. but more specifics I cant give.. what are u r stats? DO u need to gain muscle and size or need to stay at a specific weight clasS? also plan on competing soon or u already do? 26 is pretty young for MMA still.. Im also 26...

    I'm 5'10" and right now i lost weight i am lean at 158lbs about 12% bf at most, i will be fighting at 155lbs so i dont want to gain weight it will be too hard to make the weigh-in. Right now i am training through the holidays because i havent been told when exactly i am going to fight but i was just told to be ready in 2007 and it will be tournament style so more than one fight same night thats why i want to develop super-cardio+strenght.

  27. #27
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmmm ... im by far no expert here but I would go with sumin like GH + halo or sumin to taht direction.. maybe a hrt dose of prop on top.. but by all means listen to more opinions.. IMO all moderate/ high dose cycles are out of question.. .

    its good that im a HW, dont need to worry about weight ever.. but just look at waterman, he is massive now and sux more than ever..

  28. #28
    Megaherz's Avatar
    Megaherz is offline Junior Member
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    Be careful with that Creakic! It's really potent. It killed my kidneys,
    gave me night sweats, and I constantly had the runs! IMHO start
    off with a very low dose and build up from there to muscletech's

  29. #29
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megaherz
    Be careful with that Creakic! It's really potent. It killed my kidneys,
    gave me night sweats, and I constantly had the runs! IMHO start
    off with a very low dose and build up from there to muscletech's
    Wow i am a small guy so maybe i should start with half the dosage?? I am generally drinking tons of water till i piss clear all day but i will be extra careful since you mentioned that!

  30. #30
    Sust Man's Avatar
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    I'm in your same boat. I am 26. I hit the weights 3-4 times a week, train mma 3 times a week, and I do short distance running at work 4 days a week. I just started sust at 500mg/week, and I feel like I could train every single day now. I still get sore the next day, but I don't feel beat down anymore like before. Before, I would feel tired just doing 3 days of weights and 2 of mma. After I left the gym I would feel like crashing on the couch. Now, the end of my workout almost feels like the beginning. Just know that you will only have this badass recovery for a few months if you hit a cycle. Then you have to worry about recovering the hpta and doing pct. I am still trying to gain a little mass, so it is worth it to me. I will have something to show for it after the cycle is over. If you do a cycle and get in some serious training for a few months, what good is that if you can't do it afterwards and your not looking to gain muscle? You will probably just feel like getting back on again. Now, if you were doing mma competitively and needed the edge to train for a fight, then that is a different story. HGH would definitely be the way to go if you don't like the first scenario, as it has some amazing permanent benefits. The cost and finding a legit/reliable source can be a roadblock, though. Its one thing to lose a couple hundy on some fake test, but to lose a couple G's on fake HGH is just too much risk for me. Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited by Sust Man; 12-18-2006 at 06:37 PM.

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