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  1. #1
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    How Much Is Gyno Surgery In Ohio???

    Anybody know how much gynecomastia surgery ususally is? If you have had gyno surgery somewhere in Ohio, feel free to let me know how much and where you got it done at. I talked to some place in cincinnati and they said it would be like $3500-$5000...I was like holy sh*t. I want to have my glands removed.

    I think i read somwhere on here where somebody got gyno surgery for like a G ($1000). That would b more like it. FYI, I am in between Columbus and Cincinnati (about 1 hour away from each).

    So, yea just feel free to let me know on some prices and locations or if you are not allowed to give me locations then give me a hint or something b/c Im not trying to get ripped off. Hopefully it is ok to ask about this stuff though. Thanks everybody.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    Anybody know how much gynecomastia surgery ususally is? If you have had gyno surgery somewhere in Ohio, feel free to let me know how much and where you got it done at. I talked to some place in cincinnati and they said it would be like $3500-$5000...I was like holy sh*t. I want to have my glands removed.

    I think i read somwhere on here where somebody got gyno surgery for like a G ($1000). That would b more like it. FYI, I am in between Columbus and Cincinnati (about 1 hour away from each).

    So, yea just feel free to let me know on some prices and locations or if you are not allowed to give me locations then give me a hint or something b/c Im not trying to get ripped off. Hopefully it is ok to ask about this stuff though. Thanks everybody.


  3. #3
    Snrf's Avatar
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    do you have it naturally?

    cuz you haven't cycled yet am i right? or am i confusing you with someone else?

    if you're just planning it so you don't have to use an AI thats retarded, if you've got it naturally i'm sorry....

  4. #4
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Letrozole !!!!!! ARR!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic

  6. #6
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic

  7. #7
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    Anybody know how much gynecomastia surgery ususally is? If you have had gyno surgery somewhere in Ohio, feel free to let me know how much and where you got it done at. I talked to some place in cincinnati and they said it would be like $3500-$5000...I was like holy sh*t. I want to have my glands removed.

    I think i read somwhere on here where somebody got gyno surgery for like a G ($1000). That would b more like it. FYI, I am in between Columbus and Cincinnati (about 1 hour away from each).

    So, yea just feel free to let me know on some prices and locations or if you are not allowed to give me locations then give me a hint or something b/c Im not trying to get ripped off. Hopefully it is ok to ask about this stuff though. Thanks everybody.
    I have gyno naturally... I've had it for 13 years by my calculations.

    So i was looking into it as well.

    I'll let you know when i know.

    Or you could hit up the Vet here DevlDog (sp)

    He's had it done.

  8. #8
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    If you have a good insurance, go to a doctor and tell him your nips hurt. He'll prob put you on anti biotics, then give you an ultra sound, tell you to take evening primose oil... And when you still tell him it hurts, you'll get that sh*t covered by insurance

  9. #9
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    do you have it naturally?

    cuz you haven't cycled yet am i right? or am i confusing you with someone else?

    if you're just planning it so you don't have to use an AI thats retarded, if you've got it naturally i'm sorry....
    yes, I do have it naturally, but I think that it worsened after a did my first cycle(cycle was horrible - shut me down - but the gear was way underdosed - it was 150-200mg/wk of tren and winny - since I didnt get results, I didnt run PCT {I know very stupid})

    So, you are partially right, I havent cycled yet (havent done a real cycle), but like I said, its natural but has been worsened by the sh*tty gear that i took. I didnt even notice it until recently... I stopped that crappy half ass cycle about 3 months ago...But i know that LETRO wont completely take care of it because I am pretty positive that it puffy nips b/c of the gland being enlarged... so I need to get that removed.

    So getting this surgery isn't so I dont need to take an AI..... that would be retarded as f*ck. I want to get it b/c it is embarrasing. Thanks for help

  10. #10
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    If you have a good insurance, go to a doctor and tell him your nips hurt. He'll prob put you on anti biotics, then give you an ultra sound, tell you to take evening primose oil... And when you still tell him it hurts, you'll get that sh*t covered by insurance
    for real? Alright, I will try it then, but i wont take the antibiotics b/c it hinders any gains that I am making now (as do NSAID's). what is the evening primose oil?????? Thanks for the tip though, I appreciate it.

  11. #11
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I have gyno naturally... I've had it for 13 years by my calculations.

    So i was looking into it as well.

    I'll let you know when i know.

    Or you could hit up the Vet here DevlDog (sp)

    He's had it done.
    Thanks Narkissos. I cant really notice your gyno in you picture. Mine is pretty bad though. It really gets on my nerves..... what does the "(sp)" stand for after DevlDog??? I will hit him up though. Thanks again.

  12. #12
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    It all depends on the doc bro...Ive had a few friends have it done and it ranged from 3,000 to 5,000 and this was a year or 2 ago I would strongly suggest that you research the doc and ask to see his work bro...I have seen very nice work and and horrble work in which my friend endure 2 xtra surgeries from another doc to rectify what the first doc did....quite honestly I'd be leary of 1,000 thats pretty cheap...after all you can get a root canal and crown for that price.

  13. #13
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629
    for real? Alright, I will try it then, but i wont take the antibiotics b/c it hinders any gains that I am making now (as do NSAID's). what is the evening primose oil?????? Thanks for the tip though, I appreciate it.
    I'm pretty sure it's a natrual serm/ai, but very mild, similar to vit E. But the doc will probably walk you around the block, and then come to the conclusion you've gotta cut 'em out. This worked for 2 of my friends with 2 different docs.

    When you tell him about it, don't say anything about how you find it unattractive or you're doing it because they don't look good. make it all about pain.

  14. #14
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    It all depends on the doc bro...Ive had a few friends have it done and it ranged from 3,000 to 5,000 and this was a year or 2 ago I would strongly suggest that you research the doc and ask to see his work bro...I have seen very nice work and and horrble work in which my friend endure 2 xtra surgeries from another doc to rectify what the first doc did....quite honestly I'd be leary of 1,000 thats pretty cheap...after all you can get a root canal and crown for that price.
    Yea, your right. $1000 does sound pretty cheap. Im not really for sure about this doc. I got the number out of the yellow pages and i think he is supposedly like the biggest or best doc in Cincinnati for these kind of surgeries so........

    That sucks that your friend had to have 2 other surgeries b/c of a sh*tty job. though. Do you know if you are able to do like payment plans or something like that if your insurance cant cover it??? Thanks for the advice max.

  15. #15
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    I'm pretty sure it's a natrual serm/ai, but very mild, similar to vit E. But the doc will probably walk you around the block, and then come to the conclusion you've gotta cut 'em out. This worked for 2 of my friends with 2 different docs.

    When you tell him about it, don't say anything about how you find it unattractive or you're doing it because they don't look good. make it all about pain.
    alright, cool man. Do i need to go straight to like a plastic surgeon or see like a regular doc (for the first time that i go - to get the anti-b's and such) thanks again

  16. #16
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Plastic surgeon would be your best bet...after all they do precision all depends on the doc if he will do a payment plan bro...but if the surgery is for example 5,000 and you put down at least have i dont see a reason for them not to work with you...again bro research extensively...

  17. #17
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    My friends went to breast surgeons who specialize in breast cancer.. That way you know they've cut people open before, and they can go through insurance. If you go to a plastic surgeon you'll have next to 0 chance of getting any sort of financial help.

  18. #18
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
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    alright, thanks guys. I appreciate it.

  19. #19
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
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    Just thought I would chip in, in case there are any Canadians reading this.
    In Canada, Ontario in my case, OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) will partially cover the gyno removal, resulting in a cost of approximately $1,000. THis is for a totally legit operation, (edit: performed) in a hospital, by professionals, etc.
    Last edited by pimpdawgin; 12-19-2006 at 07:32 PM.

  20. #20
    BGIZZLE8629's Avatar
    BGIZZLE8629 is offline Member
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    damn, thats crazy as f*ck, maybe i will take a lil trip... nevermind

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