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  1. #1
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Fellow Aussies,

    OK, so far I have ordered L/dex, Letro, Clomid, Clen from ar-r , all successfull orders. When I ordered the Clomid and Clen the pack was opened for inspection by Customs but they still let it through.

    AR-R orders to Australia are good to go, although I am afraid to order anything in a vial like Melanotan II. Has anyone ordered that kind of stuff?

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I wouldnt worry, they are all for research anyway

  3. #3
    frank12391's Avatar
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    He have diff laws here in oz. Why do you yanks assume that the laws in your country are the same everywhere else? Not to mention health system, welfare system and every other system! Your not the only country. Your population is a minority even if you are the the most powerfull Nation. The USA is not the centre of the universe!! ANYWAY, now I got that off my chest, All the chems I brought in are illegal here, research or not. They were shipped as vitamins and customs here cant verify that they are not unless they seize it and send it for testing and I suppose they only do that if they were suspicious that they were drugs, eg, if I ordered bulk and often then I would be indeed f@#$%d

  4. #4
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank12391
    He have diff laws here in oz. Why do you yanks assume that the laws in your country are the same everywhere else? Not to mention health system, welfare system and every other system! Your not the only country. Your population is a minority even if you are the the most powerfull Nation. The USA is not the centre of the universe!! ANYWAY, now I got that off my chest, All the chems I brought in are illegal here, research or not. They were shipped as vitamins and customs here cant verify that they are not unless they seize it and send it for testing and I suppose they only do that if they were suspicious that they were drugs, eg, if I ordered bulk and often then I would be indeed f@#$%d

    well said.

    we get royally f*ked in this country. you yanks get everything on tap. you don't know how licky you are

  5. #5
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Oh, I forgot to mention Vials. If you try to bring in vials, they will seize it unless the contents are clearly labelled with a list of ingredients as it has to pass quaranteen as well. ( Being an Island nation, we are lucky here that we don't share borders but unlucky when it comes to gear. it's hard to penetrate our airports and seaports. They are serious about food, plant and animal matter and the diseases they carry.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    thats awesome i haven't yet ordered but i will be.... well after christmas... cause i'm poor from buying presents haha

  8. #8
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    thats awesome i haven't yet ordered but i will be.... well after christmas... cause i'm poor from buying presents haha

    same here.

  9. #9
    yautja's Avatar
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    tommyzx6r how are you mate ?

    yea australian laws suck bigtime !
    our customs agents are too good at their jobs, just about everything gets seized, they have those 3d xray machines and ion scanners (checks for biological matter).
    good luck getting your arr goods, at least something is getting through
    i know that chinese parcels are hot now, guy on bolex just got raided the other day for powders.

  10. #10
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    we need to get a job to be custom agents... pay pretty good too. lol.. i'm keen to order just still bit dodgy about it... i got mates that are on test prop.. and he never use a PCT.. they don't know much about about PCT and when to inject... they don't seem to care though. haha... one of them he takes 3ml very 3rd to 4th day.. of prop and it should be ED or at least EOD... but for some reason they are fine.. maybe it'll hit them in the long run

  11. #11
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommyZX6R
    we need to get a job to be custom agents... pay pretty good too. lol.. i'm keen to order just still bit dodgy about it... i got mates that are on test prop.. and he never use a PCT.. they don't know much about about PCT and when to inject... they don't seem to care though. haha... one of them he takes 3ml very 3rd to 4th day.. of prop and it should be ED or at least EOD... but for some reason they are fine.. maybe it'll hit them in the long run

    The thing is, that happens more often than not in oz. soooooo many ppl are misinformed or don't have a clue. they are all just so dumb and are not willing to learn the science behind things.

    apparently, the more you work out, the bigger you get and who needs a good diet and to eat at the right times. just have a lot of carbs b4 bed. (White bread) and if u wanna get even bigger. here is a 10ml vial of Deca 250mg/mL (really it's 50mg/mL) jab 1ml of this in your arse once a week and wow. you'll be huge.

    this is what goes on in the gyms in australia. F*KING IDIOTS EVERYWHERE. THEY MAKE ME SO ANGRY.

  12. #12
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    you hit the nail on the head!!!! good one mista massive!!!

  13. #13
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    yea its bad here, you either risk you freedom ordering international or you get stuck with fake vet gear.

  14. #14
    frank12391's Avatar
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    You know what gets up my nose? Ignorant People that Masive is talking about here, even when you try to offer advice, they dismiss it as you being a smart arse or a know all. "I'm doing what me mate said" (dumb ****s) I say **** em and lets get big and let them be puny with titts and no nads.

  15. #15
    frank12391's Avatar
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    By the way Mr Masive. you should change your name to MR MASSIVE balls "N" all lol

  16. #16
    Mista Massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank12391
    By the way Mr Masive. you should change your name to MR MASSIVE balls "N" all lol


    why? you mast have seen them.

  17. #17
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    surprised they let clen through

    melanotan ii I get all the time. they let it through no worries

  18. #18
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacky_Zebsten
    surprised they let clen through

    melanotan ii I get all the time. they let it through no worries
    In that case, I recon their all good to go. I recon with the clen, they can't establish whats in the bottle because Lion doesn't put the full name of the substance on the bottle, just clen. They would have to seize it and get it tested. I recon as long as it passes the 3rd generation xray, spectromoter and no explosives or narcotics are detected, they are gonna let it through unless you were ordering shit loads of the stuff then they would wonder what it is especially when Lion is declaring them as gifts and not commercial items.

    I have this theory. The only time they opened my pack was when the product had a strong odour. Clomid stinks and so does some EQ (stealth sachets) I got from another source which were both opened but passed. Maybe the dogs are picking up on the whiff and they are the packs their openening? Maybe, no narcs - no worries

  19. #19
    KickBoxer's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried ordering ne test substances through? im curious to know how they'd go?

  20. #20
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Only sachets. 5ml ones. No problems.

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