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Thread: Can this add to causing Gyno ?

  1. #1

    Can this add to causing Gyno ?

    Guys, I am a newbie but I have read just about every old informational thread as well as the new ones before starting my 1st cycle in Jan. I am 39, 231, been working out for 15 yrs for the most part and very strict diet as well as workout for the last 18mos. I will be doing a stack of Deca/Winny but my issue is that I have trouble sleeping anyway. I read on an old thread that a little cheech and Chong action may increase the likeliness of Gyno. Has anyone ever heard of this ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    i hope you have some test included in that cycle, but anyway you shouldnt be doing that stuff when on or off cycle, if it doesnt help you in anyway then why do it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    have never heard that and do not belive that is true.

  4. #4
    I have a slight acne issue also so I dont want to aggravate it by using test also I have a 16yr son that I dont want him knowing I am doing this so I dont get huge and get acne. Dont want to make it too obvious. As for the other, your right, I shouldnt be doing it at all but for that matter I shouldnt be doing any of this at if you look at it that way. Thanks for the reply though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by HDdynaman
    I have a slight acne issue also so I dont want to aggravate it by using test also I have a 16yr son that I dont want him knowing I am doing this so I dont get huge and get acne. Dont want to make it too obvious. As for the other, your right, I shouldnt be doing it at all but for that matter I shouldnt be doing any of this at if you look at it that way. Thanks for the reply though.
    not necessarily bro, aas usage IMO is a chance to better yourself and your physique, whether it be for competetive reasons or just too look better, considering you research and take the appropriate measures its a chance to take your body to a new level

    what you have mentioned above (doin the cheech and chong) is in no way shape or form a chance to better yourself or to better anything, what benefits will you gain by doing this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    it raises estrogen levels, so yes can increase likelihood of gyno.

    anyway this thread is gonna get locked, read the rules you can't discuss rec drugs.


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