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  1. #1
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    How long is it safe to run a Sustanon cycle??

    Assuming thats the only test available, i know many recomend EOD injections better than once a week but how long is a cycle long enought to get results??

    The people in my current bodybuilding community cycle Dianabol (first 4 weeks)+Sust+Deca +Winstrol (Last 2 weeks) but they only do the cycle for 8 weeks total!! Is that running it too short??

    I would have opted for Test-enan or Test-C alone but the only thing available and trusted is Organon sustanon , i am thinking running it with equipoise and low-Deca and No orals at all!! I dont need the jump start i just want the more solid gains.

    All PCT stuff is available, HCG +Clomid+Nolva, also Nolva will be run all the way through i dont want to risk gyno just to gain an extra pound or two.

    What are good cycle options?? Goal is lean keepable gains, i have to do cardio so i wont be just eating and training so i dont care about fat and water gains i only want the solid even if its much less.
    Last edited by KAEW44; 12-17-2006 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #2
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    why run EQ and Deca at the same time, no good

    say goodbye to your boys and libido

  3. #3
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    do a search for EQ and Deca together.. there is tons of information explaining why it's no good.

  4. #4
    2.minutes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    why run EQ and Deca at the same time, no good

    say goodbye to your boys and libido
    do some more research bro

  5. #5
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    In that case make it EQ OR low Deca !!

    I dont want to mess with the boys, i am going to go hardcore on PCT with HCG +Clomid+Vitrix(3months) i'm not taking any chances, like i said i would rather be safe than gain that extra pound and have gyno and a non functional organ!!

    Gyno+No libido+ No erections = Wonderful career as a Tranny

  6. #6
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    I'm actually leaning towards test only but i only have sustanon like i said so i just want to know if the 12-14weeks test cycle applies to it also?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    In that case make it EQ OR low Deca !!

    I dont want to mess with the boys, i am going to go hardcore on PCT with HCG +Clomid+Vitrix(3months) i'm not taking any chances, like i said i would rather be safe than gain that extra pound and have gyno and a non functional organ!!

    Gyno+No libido+ No erections = Wonderful career as a Tranny
    why bother with both then? Just hit one real hard, the EQ or DECA. I've read mixing them together is really not a good option bro.

  8. #8
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    I'm running dbol /sus/deca right now, just started yesterday so I don't know how long before the sus kicks in so i really can't help you from my experiences. I would say 12-14 weeks is a little long and maybe pointless. After week 12 I suspect the gains will stop.

  9. #9
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    How long is it safe to run a sustanon cycle??

    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    do a search for EQ and Deca together.. there is tons of information explaining why it's no good.
    Why dont you tell us why bro...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Why dont you tell us why bro...
    This topic has been beat to death

    however here's one link:

    If you disagree then this is the forum to share your thoughts bigmax.

  11. #11
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Hey axe...that was posts of different opinions...but running deca and EQ are not a prob at I have ran it several different times and no prob.You have to remember that everyone will react differently to each compound.

  12. #12
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axemurderer187
    why run EQ and Deca at the same time, no good

    say goodbye to your boys and libido
    i think your the one needing to do some more research bro. There are many bros that i know who incorporate both Deca and Eq in their cycles, and have no problems at all.

  13. #13
    GHO5T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    Assuming thats the only test available, i know many recomend EOD injections better than once a week but how long is a cycle long enought to get results??

    The people in my current bodybuilding community cycle Dianabol (first 4 weeks)+Sust+Deca +Winstrol (Last 2 weeks) but they only do the cycle for 8 weeks total!! Is that running it too short??

    I would have opted for Test-enan or Test-C alone but the only thing available and trusted is Organon sustanon , i am thinking running it with equipoise and low-Deca and No orals at all!! I dont need the jump start i just want the more solid gains.

    All PCT stuff is available, HCG +Clomid+Nolva, also Nolva will be run all the way through i dont want to risk gyno just to gain an extra pound or two.

    What are good cycle options?? Goal is lean keepable gains, i have to do cardio so i wont be just eating and training so i dont care about fat and water gains i only want the solid even if its much less.
    getting back to your question bro. The bros in your BB community i think are a little mis informed about aas usage as 8 weeks is way to short for a cycle that includes both sust and deca, deca for example can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks just to kick in, not very smart to run it 8 weeks as you wont see the full effects of the aas compound.

    as far as your options go, if you can provide some stats (height, weight, cycle experience, age, bf%, diet) it would help us more and we will be able to help you further

  14. #14
    castertroy's Avatar
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    for the first part: yes! eod is better than 2 times a week or once a week, in fact running sust once a week is the stupidest thing u can do because the short ( and some long) esters will be usless. more sides and no gains.

    2nd: i agree with ghost, 8 weeks is a lil short unless u are running prop or suspension. the long acting esters in sust only kick in, on average, week 6-7. and if u do run eq in the future, run it for 12 weeks min.
    im at week 8 of sust and eq and it only really started working last week.

    next: if u dont need to jump start then test enth, cyp and sust are good. the kick in later than susp and prop. and if u want solid gains i would aim more towards eq than deca . on average ( but i hear different somtimes) eq gives more lbm and deca gives more water weight. all depends on you.

    good to know pct is alright, if nolva doesnt work for gyno prevention, try somthing else, some like ldex or adex, im a fan of letro

    and finally: if u want lean keepable gains, it doesnt matter what u take, it comes down to bustin' ur a$% and eating well. good luck

  15. #15
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys, i am currently overseas because of my job, all pharmacies can legally sell steroids but there isnt a big market for them so they only carry a limited selection. The ancillaries are all available and i was surprized to see tons of HCG -Pregnyl stacked in their fridges or freezers whatever it was. The problem is their only test was Organon-Sustanon and an oral Androl i think. The bodybuilding/powerlifting/Wrestling national teams are the main distributors of Dianabol /Deca /EQ which is ironic how they encourage its use.
    But being on this forum for couple of years now i see that the way many people do cycles here where i am is pre-historic!! I dont know why they dont come online and learn more from others experiences! They never heard of Test-E and they never do PCT!! I'm serious its very very strange. The problem is the bodybuilding community is a little lacking in education and common sense here, they just do as the coach sais!!
    A typical first cycle an 18-year old would do here would be Dianabol/Sust/Deca/EQ/Winstrol /Clen /T3 all for an 8 week cycle, then take one HCG shot and your done!! If you want to see examples of extreme side effects then come here! It terrible!!
    An advanced cycle would be running a large dose of Deca-only!! I honestly met a guy who was looking for the coach one time because he said he hadnt had an erection for 6 weeks!! Its very sad!
    If i was somewhere else where they had Test-E or C then i would do a purely test only cycle i wouldnt even need to go 500mg a week because i am looking for fast recovery and smaller lean gains, i knwo people on this forum who got great results doing 350mg a week! But its just not available there is only sustanon and learned on here that i need to inject EOD in order to make the best of the Prop part of it and lessen sides by keeping levels constant.

    My stats are 26years old, sport-specific weight training for about 3 years, i cover all muscles i just do it in two days a week instead of one part everyday, i alternate between cardio (aerobic) and circuit training (anaerobic) day after day. And then there is my actual fighting training which is daily oen day striking and one day grappling. My problem which i posted about before was recovery i need better recovery. I upped my meals to one clean meal every 3 hours! Tons of water, i supplement with glutamine/flax/protein, i joined one of those nitrition centeres that make the food for you and deliver it because i cannot make that many meals a day and i dont want to turn to fast food.

    I just need a low cycle for small muscle and power gains, but mainly recovery.

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