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  1. #1
    allnaturalforme is offline New Member
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    Side Effects,....

    This message board is very alarming to me...

    I'm not one to bash something I know very little about... but just after a brief search on the net, it seems to me that using steroids ? How many of you follow up with medical care? How many of you have your blood work done. Are you aware that side effects may not show up until long after you are done using steroids?

    Now I only come here and say all this because my husband is a fan of this baord, and seems to find all of his support here. I was completely against this from the start, I feel with a family to support, it's not worth risking your health for.

    Honestly... can anyone please share their side effects. Depression, anger, withdrawls...
    How many people that have said "one cycle is all I'll do" and continue to use?

    Someone please explain this to me because I am having a hard time understanding why a perfectly good guy would want to risk going bald or sterile to gain some muscle?! Does anyone worry about these things?

    Now I know everyone wants to gang up on me and boo me out of here, which is fine, but I just feel like there's so much to lose, it doesn't make sense, and it can obviously ruin relationships. So what are you guys thinking??????

    Do you consider yourselves drug users?
    Have steroids improved your lives?

    just very confused about this whole business of pills and injections...

  2. #2
    allnaturalforme is offline New Member
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    just to add, does this sound like too much...

    i don't know what exactly my husband is on, but he takes a pill a day (?)
    injects himself 2x/wk
    takes xenadrine
    takes pump tech
    drinks creatine and protien

    just seems like a lot...

  3. #3
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Most of the responsible steroid users suffer from only minor side effects (acne, gyno...) and yes we do get our bloodwork checked, remember I am talking about responsible users which there a lot of on this board giving advice out. Steroids can be run SAFELY with minor sides that can be treated with drugs in PCT (post cycle therapy ) which everyone should do following a cycle. You're husband is a grown man and is going to make the best decision for himself but remember not everyone goes bald and is sterile, there are many pro bodybuilders who are actual steroid abusers who have children and still have their hair.

    Responsible adult males can successfully use steroids with minimal to no side effects!

    Watch this video which is an HBO special on steroids
    click the link saying " Are Steroids Safe for Mature Adult Males? WATCH THE HBO VIDEO HERE!"

  4. #4
    allnaturalforme is offline New Member
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    Well I guess I can classify him in the irrsponsible catagory as he hasn't made any plans to see a doctor... and simply because i don't agree with it and he does it anyways!! But good for you all following up with your internal situations there...

  5. #5
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ufa; 12-22-2006 at 03:22 PM.

  6. #6
    castertroy's Avatar
    castertroy is offline Associate Member
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    for the question about if what he's taking is too much,

    "a pill a day", this doesnt say much. when i was doing anavar , it was 8 pills a day. it depends on what it is and at what mg.

    injecting 2x a week: some aas must be injected 2x a DAY( suspention for example). this also depends on the dose and what aas he's injecting. believe it or not, testosterone for example is safer to inject more often ( as long as doses are correct), this will make sure blood levels stay stable. ex: test prop, injected each day is MUCH safer and will have less sides than if injected 2x a week.

    xenadrine and pump tech: i am not too familiar with

    drinks creatine and protien: creatine is nothing too worry about besides if the person runs it at high dose for a long period of time, there can be stress on the liver. and the protein, well protein is the builing block of muscle, this is necessary in order to grow, maybe not taking protein supplements, but many will argue that it is easier than eating 7 chicken breasts and a tub of peanut butter a day.

    on the side note, i do understand your worry and concern. aas is not to be taken lightly, especialy when it is a loved one using it. all i can say is maybe both of u can research more together. so u would both understand how to make sure the proper precautions are taken. good luck.

  7. #7
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Responsible steroid users can impove their health dramaticaly while aslo improving their apperance. Every aas user should get bloodwork often to ensure that this is the case. My cholesterol was very high, and after my first cycle, through diet exercise and improving my overall health, my cholesterol was actually MUCH lower, and I am in the best health of my life incuding a better physique. I am not saying that steroids are for everyone, or that missuse is would not hurt someone. You should get your husband to tell you all the details about his cycle, and then you can research and learn about it, and maybe even help him in using responsibly, and lead to better health for him.

  8. #8
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    When someone is educated and has researched the use of AAS the side effects are minimal. It is those that are not eductated do not take the time to do research and abuse AAS, those that are abusive to begin with and then are accused of "roid rage " when in fact anyone who is educated and an adult can contain their emotions.

    Aspirin and other over the counter medications can also be abused by someone who is uneducated. They are not illegal in the USA?

    USA is much too strict with it's Steroid controls.

    But I give you much credit to come here and question, learn and be involved in what your husband interest is.

  9. #9
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by allnaturalforme

    This message board is very alarming to me...

    I'm not one to bash something I know very little about... but just after a brief search on the net, it seems to me that using steroids ? How many of you follow up with medical care? How many of you have your blood work done. Are you aware that side effects may not show up until long after you are done using steroids?

    I have my blood values taken before and after.

    Now I only come here and say all this because my husband is a fan of this baord, and seems to find all of his support here. I was completely against this from the start, I feel with a family to support, it's not worth risking your health for.

    Honestly... can anyone please share their side effects. Depression, anger, withdrawls...
    How many people that have said "one cycle is all I'll do" and continue to use?
    Just about 100% of users, continue to run aas cycle.
    Someone please explain this to me because I am having a hard time understanding why a perfectly good guy would want to risk going bald or sterile to gain some muscle?! Does anyone worry about these things?
    Nope. I research the compounds and supporting suppliments, and find a cycle that would suit my needs best, and have miminal side effects.
    Now I know everyone wants to gang up on me and boo me out of here, which is fine, but I just feel like there's so much to lose, it doesn't make sense, and it can obviously ruin relationships. So what are you guys thinking??????
    If your relationship is stable, then there is no way that this should effect it.

    If your relationship is on the rocks, then this could be the straw that breaks the camels back.

    Do you consider yourselves drug users?
    Have steroids improved your lives?

    just very confused about this whole business of pills and injections...

    If you are conserned, then you should research the compounds aswell. Fine out about injections, oral anabolic /androgenic compounds.

    You could research his proposed cycle with him, and ensure that he follows proper protocal like PCT, supporting suppliments, diet, training, ect.

    It took me 3 years of research and planning before I came up with the right compounds that would suit my goals, a proper diet, and a proper training ruitine for the cycle. AAS is not something he should be rushing into.

    Get him to join and research for himself.
    I replied to your post in Red.

    It sounds like both you and your husband need to conduct some more research on aas.

  10. #10
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    Some time ago, I had the early stage of eostoporosus, suffered cronic pain because of it. I had a pot belly and I had high blood pressure which I was being treated for and had under control. Doctors kept prescribing pain killers, and alendronate which is in the middle of a class action because there were horror storys about it's long term affects. This drug was to be taken for a min of 2 years. 2 years before seeing results. thats 2 years without working. Then I found out steroids increase bone capacity so after much research, I embarked on taking theraputic doses. While using steroids, I was encouraged to start an excersise program, eating program.

    After much work, MY body is back to a V shape. My bone density is back to normal, I do not suffer pain and My blood pressure meds are being decreased nil soon and I am working again.

    In this experience, the side affects of the drugs I was taking before steroids were much worse than steroids. Much worse. I beat my addiction to pain killers and I am looking better, feeling better and healthier than ever. And you know what? The Doctor is trying to take some of the credit. I got a lot more support on this board than anywhere. I also have a long standing relationship. After I started, we discussed it for a long time. We decided to give it a go and now we've never been happier in 13 years.

  11. #11
    allnaturalforme is offline New Member
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    Thank you for all of your answers.

    I have done some research, and I guess now my only concerns are getting my husband to have some bloodwork done at some point... and hoping that he is done after is "cutting cycle" (he's on his "bulking cycle" right now... I guess... I have no idea what I'm talking about!)

    I wish you all the best, and hope you all get the results that you're going for!

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