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Thread: Confused

  1. #1
    cannons's Avatar
    cannons is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2004


    I have a history of Gyno, with one surgery under my belt. This is all do to ignorance on my part, not doing any pct or taking nolv. etc. Recently i got my test. levels checked because the gyno has come back worse than ever, my levels were at 195. I have not juiced in 2 yrs. besides the occasional winny only cycle. The doc prescribed me 2.5 mg of androgel , i've been taking it for one month. i am not looking for replacement test. i want mine back to normal. I asked the endocinologist about hcg or clomid, she said she could refer me to a reproduction specialist. Is it to late for hcg therapy? I don't want to rub androgel on me every day. thx for help.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Apr 2005
    so the 194 is your Test level I presume ? What is your Estradiol Level as that is the defining hormone for gyno. When you say the gyno is back, I presume you have lumps under your nipples ? What surgery did you have exactly ? Low Test and high Estrogen can be fixed very easily by somebody that knows what they are doing.

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