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  1. #1
    carlosvaquez2001 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Need expert help

    Hey how are you all doing? Well I started with simple test cycle taking testoprim-D (200mg e, 50mg prop) 2x weekly at 250mg a shot I took this for about 4 weeks then had to stop becasue my car was stolen and my gear was in there. So did not not take a shot for like 14 days until i had some money, then i went down to mexico and bought some propiotest from stallion labs 100mgs started shooting every other day. for like two weeks. I'm not happy with the way my cycle has gone. first the long layoff, i'm just ****ing fustrated. I was thinking of keeping and running the test and then adding some winny 50mg ed and some tren e and running the cycle for about another 8 weeks. What do you recommend? then that would be like a 16 week cycle i have some taxomifren on hand that i bought in tj and some omifin (clomid) that I also bought over there. I could not find testoprim anymore over there but there is a ton of stallion labs out there.

    Some ****ing help!!!!!!11

  2. #2
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I dont think you had any help due
    to not listing your stats,exp..etc.
    Whats your diet like?whats some
    clomid,and nolva?

    You dont need me to tell you,but
    this all should have been worked
    ot before starting any cycle,IMO.

    Sure,the stolen car sux,but if that's
    your safest location for gear,I would
    wait until you moved out of your
    parents house before continuing
    Pulled over with gear,not too smart.

    Just my 2cc's worth

  3. #3
    carlosvaquez2001 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    i'm 5'8 weight 210 16 percent bf.

    Second cycle the one stated above
    first cycle 8 weeks eq and winny 4 weeks awsome cuts and vascularity.

    I actually don't live with my parents. I just don't want to risk my roomates running in to a syringe or anything. or me slippling and them finding out. I always shoot my juice at work (Gym).

    I have 60 tabs of stallion labs tamoxiferno (nolvadex ) 10mg
    and 30 tabs of omifin (clomiphene) 50 mg

    I know keep my juice at my gf house she knows and does not care.

  4. #4
    carlosvaquez2001 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Well Thanks alot for all the help

    Thanks alot for all your info!!!

    **** anyways I decided to just stop my test cycle at 8 weeks and 2 months to get on some Tren A and Test Prop

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