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Thread: sust and tren A

  1. #1
    bulkyboy's Avatar
    bulkyboy is offline Junior Member
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    sust and tren A

    ive got a load of nile sust and qv tren A for a cycle can anyone give me any ideas of a MASS gain cycle and if these two will go well together? my stats
    weight=14 1/2 stone,height=6,1. bf=10% ive done sust,d-bol,deca ,test e in the past but never touched tren yet.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    You will have to do some research and design a cycle and post it then we can give advice on it, you do have to do some work!

    Tren is a very powerfull compound and much respect is needed running it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    LA County, Ca
    For my next cycle Im running
    Omnadren 250 EOD (I've got 53 amps)
    Deca 500 (1 10mL vial)
    this is my MASS cycle, I recently decided to go with Deca instead of Tren A (I've got 3 10mL vials of this) and save my Tren A for a summer cutter that will probably be
    Test prop.
    Tren a
    and winny or masterone

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