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  1. #1
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    I think I stoped gaining

    Im in week 10 of test-e 600mg and deca 300mg per week and I have gained a prety solid 15 pounds (I say solid becouse I dont think I have much water retainage and I have a scale that also reads water % and its been steady (Arimadex .25 ED))but I got there by week 8 and cant seem to gaine any more. I got 3 more weeks left but only with the test-e and I was hoping to gain 5 more. Do you think if I eat more it would happen or do think thats it for this cycle??

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    Depends on what your current diet looks it up.

    Caloric deficiency can and does hinder gains under most circumstances.

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    May 2006
    Well lets say you were 185 you added 15lbs now your 200...

    So your maintence cals/daily cals etc would need to be adjusted for a person who is 200 lbs...

    as sharp said

    post your current diet layout.

  4. #4
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    My tipical day looks like this:

    1. 10-12 eggs one yoke bole of oatmeal with water and banana (1 cup of
    orange juice with vit. c in it)
    2. Protien shake with cereal in it (wholw wheat)
    3. Footlong chiken breast sandwich from subways (wholw wheat)
    4. Chiken breast with white rice and black beans or 8 once sirloin from
    Boston market with vegies and mash potato
    5. Bowl of oatmeal with banana and protien shake (Pre workout meal)
    6. Protien shake with banana (Post workout meal)
    7. Chiken breast with white rice and black beans
    8. Protien shake with whole wheat cereal and two table spoons of penut

    This is what I try to eat and I acomlish it 80 % of the time because of my job. Forgot to mention that I dont want to gain fat I want muscle. My body fat has staid the same throut the cycle.


  5. #5
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Im 5' 9" 195lb now 14 % BF

  6. #6
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    May 2006
    1. 10-12 eggs one yoke bole of oatmeal with water and banana (1 cup of
    orange juice with vit. c in it)
    2. Protien shake with cereal in it (wholw wheat)
    3. Footlong chiken breast sandwich from subways (wholw wheat)
    4. Chiken breast with white rice and black beans or 8 once sirloin from
    Boston market with vegies and mash potato
    5. Bowl of oatmeal with banana and protien shake (Pre workout meal)
    6. Protien shake with banana (Post workout meal)
    7. Chiken breast with white rice and black beans
    8. Protien shake with whole wheat cereal and two table spoons of penut
    Well its hard to give u proper feedback with out macros= cals pro carbs fat per meal..

    but right away i can see you have way to many shakes and no healthy sources of fats.

    Also your doubling carbs in most of your meals.. rice and beans...

    boston market info...

    Boston Market®
    Mashed Potatoes

    Boston Market®
    Award Winning Roasted Sirloin

    are u doing cardio currently?

  7. #7
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    No cardio and lifting 5 days/week
    also I take fish oil but only one serving per day wich is only 15 cal. and some penut butter ones or twice/day

  8. #8
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by iggyh28
    No cardio and lifting 5 days/week
    also I take fish oil but only one serving per day wich is only 15 cal. and some penut butter ones or twice/day

    hmmm and you gained no fat with this diet.. i would beg to differ bro just my

    .2. No cardio and subway everyday i dunno man...

    try to do macros for ur meals for ur normal meals for fast food

  9. #9
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    Anyone else have any other thoughts

  10. #10
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    anywhere my son lives
    well i dont think you HAD to have gained much fat, we are all very different in that some will respond better or worse to certain carbs/fats lack of either abundance of either etc. MOST people would gain some slop w/ that diet. It can definatly be improved on a lot IMO. the calories should be getting ramped up now that you have gained the weight, my suggestion is to slowly add calories to your diet, although I would try to get them from whole food sources and EFA's such as almonds/peanut butter/salmon/olive oil/flax oil

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