My best friend, who has juiced a few times, is saying to just go for it and do a deca/test enan/winny cycle for my first cycle. Up till now I have just wanted to rip up and get the 6 showin. He says it is better to put on some size and let the winny shred me up at the end. I'll post my stats again:
21 5'8" 180-185 13-14% BF 16" bis 33" waist
I am impatient with the abs, true, but I would not mind another 15-20lbs of LBM. I want the cuts, and I feel like I have the muscle for it, but little too much bf. My boy said from experience, that it is better to just put on the size and you will see more cuts, plus the winny..... So my question, should I do the above cycle, or should I stick to my original plan and just run EQ 1-10 and winny 6-11. The sides are a concern, but my boy also says I may have just as many sides from the eq/winny as the deca/test/winny. I do want the make the most of my first cycle cuz I know you grow the most when you first come to the dark side. Sorry for the long winded post, but I want to hear what you guys think about all this. Thanks.