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  1. #1
    ron mexico is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006

    starting second cycle, using anadrol

    I am about to start my second cycle and I have 30 50mg tabs of anadrol . I am very light 6'2 145 and obviously i wanna put on some weight. In addition i am gonna take 50mg of liquid winny and some T3 i was just wondering if 50mgs of anadrol plus 50mg of winny would be enough or should i just up the dosage and using it for half a month (100mg of anadrol and 50 or so of winny) then because i only have 30 pills of the anadrol, any suggestions?

  2. #2
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    whats age and experience(cycles,years of lifting)?

  3. #3
    ron mexico is offline New Member
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    20 years old, this is my second cycle, and about 7 years of lifting experience. I was told on this message board to lift no more then 3 days a week if im trying to put a lot of weight on, use to lift 5 days out of the week. Should i stay with only 3?

  4. #4
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron mexico
    I am about to start my second cycle...I am very light 6'2 145 and obviously i wanna put on some weight.
    So your at 145 and about to start your second cycle? Can you give us some info about your first cycle? What was it? How long? How much did you gain? Were you happy with the result and if not what would you have done differently? I think you need to stop thinkin about your second cycle and start thinkin about your diet, which is far more important and by the sounds of things your neglecting it.

  5. #5
    notorious_mem's Avatar
    notorious_mem is offline Senior Member
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    i dont wanna flame too hard but why are you doing a cutting cycle too bulk? do you mean liquid clen and t3?which is used to help burn fat?i can promise promise promise one thing buy some good creatine and some whey protein eat like a mad man and lift mon-tue lift wed - rest thur-fri lift sat-sun rest and you will grow 15lbs in the next 2 months.theres no doubt in my mind.i hope this helps and do some research on here.good luck bro.

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    So your at 145 and about to start your second cycle? Can you give us some info about your first cycle? What was it? How long? How much did you gain? Were you happy with the result and if not what would you have done differently? I think you need to stop thinkin about your second cycle and start thinkin about your diet, which is far more important and by the sounds of things your neglecting it
    Wow, i agree....and 2 orals? comon do you care about your liver at all?

    1st i wouldnt even recommend any cycling for you, but if u do--which im sure you will---why would you only cycle for 2-4 wks? dont expect to go from 145lb to 185lb either....


  7. #7
    ron mexico is offline New Member
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    i know im not expecting to get to 185, before my first cycle i was 130 and i hit 150 after my first cycle, my first cycle was dbol 50mgs and whinny 50 mgs and some t3. I know t3 helps in cutting weight but with the right intake of clories its just gonna give me more energy and shouldnt effect weight if i eat right. Ive done my research and im tellin you but no one here every beieves me I eat like a cow and cannot gain weight, i take whey all day and eat til i am about to puke, its just my genetics i have extremely fast matablolism. dbol was the only thing that helped i gained 20lbs in 1 months, yes i was happy with these results and clearly i wanna keep gaining, and i think that anadrol will be my best bet i know two aas arnt good for the live but i only juice for one month and then take a couple off. But my main question is should i take 50mgs a day for 30 days, i only have 30, 50 mg tabs(is this a sufficient amount for my body size) or should i take more (100mgs for 2 weeks or like 75mgs for however long that will last me)?

  8. #8
    KickBoxer's Avatar
    KickBoxer is offline Junior Member
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    Get ur diet in shape man.. u r 6"2 and 145lbs? dont ruin ur life. u can easily add another 50lbs over 2 years or hardcore eating and training. Im 6"3 and 220lbs and im only just 1 week into my 1st cycle. i was like u too bro, wanted to get massive, and jump on the juice, but u gotta get bigger naturally first. 2 years ago i was 180lbs, and thought of jumping on juice, but when talking to experianced guys at the gyms and on forums such as this, i decided to work alot more on diet and my program and 40lbs later, here i am now im juicin to gain an extra 6-8kgs and look fantastic.

    I know uve already done a cycle - dont do another one till u reach at least 180 - 200lbs..

    thats my 2 cents worth.. up to u

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    STOP! Forget even looking at any AAS for a long time, you are not ready.

    You need to get you diet in check, start training properley(why 3 days?). Do some resesrch around the diet and workout forums, you have so much to gain naturally before you take anyting.

    All IMHO

    jing jai

  10. #10
    snoopy's Avatar
    snoopy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg
    STOP! Forget even looking at any AAS for a long time, you are not ready.

    You need to get you diet in check, start training properley(why 3 days?). Do some resesrch around the diet and workout forums, you have so much to gain naturally before you take anyting.

    All IMHO
    Take the advice, eat eat eat, good food high in protien, low in fat. m AAS are not a majic cure.

  11. #11
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    terrible cycle. Why would you want to cut at 145lbs? You should not cycle at all. You are too young and either your diet or training or both is seriously flawed if after 7 years in the gym you still weigh 145 at 6'2".

  12. #12
    theboss's Avatar
    theboss is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    terrible cycle. Why would you want to cut at 145lbs? You should not cycle at all. You are too young and either your diet or training or both is seriously flawed if after 7 years in the gym you still weigh 145 at 6'2".
    no doubt.....6'2" & 145 after 7 years ???

    EAT SON !!!

  13. #13
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Ive done my research and im tellin you but no one here every beieves me I eat like a cow and cannot gain weight, i take whey all day and eat til i am about to puke, its just my genetics i have extremely fast matablolism
    NO, you have Not done your research, if you had you would have realized that your cycle is terrible like others said...spend the money on WHOLE FOOD NOT SHAKES--no wonder you havent gained weight.


  14. #14
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron mexico
    i know im not expecting to get to 185, before my first cycle i was 130 and i hit 150 after my first cycle, my first cycle was dbol 50mgs and whinny 50 mgs and some t3. I know t3 helps in cutting weight but with the right intake of clories its just gonna give me more energy and shouldnt effect weight if i eat right. Ive done my research and im tellin you but no one here every beieves me I eat like a cow and cannot gain weight, i take whey all day and eat til i am about to puke, its just my genetics i have extremely fast matablolism. dbol was the only thing that helped i gained 20lbs in 1 months, yes i was happy with these results and clearly i wanna keep gaining, and i think that anadrol will be my best bet i know two aas arnt good for the live but i only juice for one month and then take a couple off. But my main question is should i take 50mgs a day for 30 days, i only have 30, 50 mg tabs(is this a sufficient amount for my body size) or should i take more (100mgs for 2 weeks or like 75mgs for however long that will last me)?
    Can you give me a sample of your diet? Break it down by each meal if you can. Just to answer your question, no you should not take 50 mgs a day of anadrol especially with winny.

  15. #15
    Selene's Avatar
    Selene is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron mexico
    I am about to start my second cycle and I have 30 50mg tabs of anadrol. I am very light 6'2 145 and obviously i wanna put on some weight. In addition i am gonna take 50mg of liquid winny and some T3 i was just wondering if 50mgs of anadrol plus 50mg of winny would be enough or should i just up the dosage and using it for half a month (100mg of anadrol and 50 or so of winny) then because i only have 30 pills of the anadrol, any suggestions?

    at 20 year old you do not need AAS, you also do not need to use very much if you are insistent and lower dose you will get results, but you 6 ft 2 in and 145 pounds? I think you need to eat and put on weight while training before doing cycles

  16. #16
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    Eat more chicken

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